What a shame Gerrard was on England duty otherwise he could have been a star witness in the case. "Eee I didn't head butt him like, eee I was just leaning forward to say something to him in the bar and his nose eee like came in contact with my forehead." Wrong case Stevie, wrong case! "Eeee sorry like, eeee I never had sexual relations with that 16 year old girl. Eeeee I..." What are you talking about Stevie? This is about Hicks and Gillet! "Eeee, sorry. Eeeee I didn't know the razor blades was hooky like, eeee, this guy was selling them in the pub and eeee I thought he worked for Gillette like." Next witness!
Which way will the decision go tomorrow? Who knows! It's a court case of two halves, it could go either way, but one thing is guaranteed, what ever the result, come the final whistle one side or the other will be moaning about the officials!
Can it go to an appeal? Let's hope the bank forecloses on that loan and Liverpool suffer a nine point deduction! Wouldn't it be great to be above Liverpool in the table?
HF as I'm new to blogspot can you tell me how you get some many posts to one page? thanks
Sorry 2308, I dont remember how I did it.
Come on HF, you can do better than this shite. Stereotypical or what? Liverpool is a great city and a great club with the sort of values that WHU fans ought to understand. We should be wishing them well rather than making cheap cracks about Scousers in suits (aka the defendant)
Oh you can't remember - bet you didn't do it in the first place - you are unhelpful and unfriendly - some West Ham fan (one of us) has politely asked you something and you can't be arsed to help - shame on you.
down hill I tell you, down hill hf must go - he's lost his spark, his mojo, his je ne sais quo it's gone - he's on the slippery slope down..........
It could have been a Liverpool fan, of course, or a Tottenham fan but that's not the point. I can't remember. I set this up three years ago. I checked setting, formatting and archiving and can't find out how to do it. If I could help, I would.
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