In all the talk about the pros and cons of moving to the Olympic Stadium, I've heard nothing about the effect the move would have on the businesses in Green Street, the Barking Road and the surrounding area. West Ham fans may reply, "That's not our concern" but that would be a mean spirited reply given the way we have benefited from the fantastic service from some of the pubs and eateries in the area.
I have been amazed each time I have visited the Queens Fish Bar by the speed of service, the quality of the food, the size of the portions and the great value for money. Who could blame a business for raising prices on match days, but Queens play it straight down the line and allow fans to enjoy the same great deals as the Monday lunch time punters. How easy would it be to say the meal deals don't apply on match days? But no, Queens play fair by West Ham fans and hold both the prices and honour the special deals. How many of us have had our match day experiences enhanced in this way? But if the club up sticks and buggers off, what happens to this business? And others like it?
Where do you have your pint on a match day? The Boleyn, the Duke of Edinburgh, another pub in the area? What about the pie and mash joints? The owners of these businesses have no say in what is going to happen. Shouldn't we be concerned about them? Don't they deserve a voice in this process?
even without WHUFC Green Street is a centre for the community of that area, I'm sure it will have some effect on it, but it won't be that big of a deal to be honest. The pubs may suffer, but the shops will be fine.
I'm not talking about the sari shops, the furniture stores and hair extension outlets - of course they will survive. But not many West Ham fans owe a debt to them do they? One of the great gripes I hear is how Newham is no longer the Newham of old. The businesses that serve West Ham fans in the area are a link with our past, a relic of our heritage. They will disappear if the club moves and then there will nothing left of the old East End in the area.
now that I can agree with. I have family that still live in the Green Street area, one on Tudor Road, but it is already not the same East London, fighting a lost battle really. But yes if/when we move, this part of East London will be lost to us and it is a massive shame.
It is very sad but is happening all over the country wherever some new shopping oomplex is built and to make matters worse it would appear a new shopping area is going to be developed very close to the olympic stadium.
I fear you're right, HF. The trade that places like Nathan's and Duncan's pie & mash joints do on mathdays must keep them in business I would say, looking at the multi-cultural mix of the local population.
The Ercan fish and chip shop is another gem.
Whether they deserve it or not mate, I suspect that they'll be somewhere near the back of priority queue!
My pre-match ritual usually involves a hastily scoffed chicken burger and hot wings. That's one of the reasons that I would rather move the OS over a brand new stadium. With brand new stadiums, you have to have club controlled food at best.
Emirates? Great stadium, but nothing to eat o the way there from the station!
I was born in Upton Park and have very fond memories, especially Queens Road Market and Nathans Pie and Mash shop, in fact the lady who owns Nathans still remembers my mum and every time I go to the Queens on match days they seem to remember me from years ago. If West Ham leave I think that will be the final nail in the coffin for Green Street and Nathans and the Queens will be nothing more than a fond memory which will be a shame.
some dodgy cafes and spit-and-sawdust greasy spoons. Boo hoo. Grow up and stop nursing your over-romanticised, sepia toned recollection of a time that never was.
The new site will offer far superior resources and those old businesses will die out...that's the nature of a capitalist society. So what?
It's a point of view. Not a pleasant one, but a point of view.
Who cares - let go move on - it's the future. Move with the times, don't get left behind it's survival of the fittest
Bet you read the Daily Mail!
fcuk green street is a shite pit full of foreigners the best thing thats ever happened to my beloved west ham is getting out of that dump. drop a bomb on it when we leave.
And there, in a nutshell, is the blight that haunts our club. Perhaps the BNP can build their Newham office on the site of the current ground eh 0051?
Sorry Hammerfan, This is reality. OK admirable thought about the few businesses that benefit from WHU at Green St BUT do you honestly believe the owners of Queens Fish Bar will think twice about their customers in that same way once they retire? Or if they won the Lottery, would the think 'No, not 'Buggaring off' to Costa Del Sol, because of all those nice West Ham lads who come in once a fortmight, 25 (Perhaps) a year and contribute maybe £150 Gross to my income...........
Err ...nice try....
How can you immediately associate the 00.51 12th Oct. comment with a political party??
It makes you look just as much of an Ignorant tw*t as he is. Though he's right it is a sh*t pit.
Tell you what, when we all move on, why don't you stay there HF.
"Full of foreigners"...what an absolute idiot tou are to bring race into this.
You are NOT a West Ham fan.
Unfortunately it is people like 00.51 that give the irons a bad name. If i am not correct a good number of our players are "foreigners" so i am taking it that you would have them nuked along with Green St. Mate you are a muppet of the highest order. Sorry no a numpty of the highest order please sort yourself out. Please.
don't think we should move anyway but the decission should not be based around wether a chip shop shuts down or not, usual drivel from someone who deserted the area years ago
I didn't desert the area, funnily enough, as a five year old, I didn't have any say in the matter. What did you expect me to do, say, "You move to Somerset, I'm staying here with my teddy bear!"? As it happened, I did have a tantrum and a sulk because I didn't want to leave behind my best mate in Chester Road. But my parents were not persuaded!
I think the wonderful ladies who run the Priory Road burger stand should be given the catering concession for the entire stadium when/if we get the nod for a new ground. For me, it's not a home game without a Mad Dog beforehand. And as for their Stevie Bacon burger, well, that truly is Olympic quality.
0805 talks a crock. My party of 4 spends approx £20 in Duncan's with drinks. There are around 40-50 paying customers at all times over a 2 hour period every match day. £150 gross profit my arse!
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