So it was a moral victory for San Marino because they only lost 5-0 at Wembley. I ask you, you ask me, I ask the next man, the whole nation asks the guy next to him, what is the bloody point? Rooney has just said it isn't easy. Who cares? What the fcuk are San Marino doing in the competition in the first place? It is absurd. Somebody should be cited under the Trades Descriptions Act for terming this an international.
By the way, Romania won a proper international in Turkey 1-0!
Like you say - the same question:
You only mentioned Leeds to get your shite site on News now....
You are one sad person and the sooner you get a proper job instead of walking the streets, the better.......
If this is a dig at 2 lost lives fella you are fuckin sick and in desperate need of the furry side of my hand !
Corwall....? If you want to be a journalist improve your spelling dumbo.
Where's corwall?
Yeah turkey got stuffed....boom boom
I'm intrigued. How the f**k does this entry onto your blog have anything remotely to do with Leeds United other than the fact that Lennon was a substitute and he once played for Leeds.
You'd have been better looking at "absurd" in relation to your man-on-loan Carroll (who looks remarkably like The Kurgan from Highlander). To be honest, Kurgan would have been a better signing on the evidence of what Christmas showed against San Marino who were so weak that my son's U13 side could probably knack them at 5-a-side.
That is all!!!
And ? More drivel from a retard
assmunch, where's Corwall?
They are in it to make england look bad
bit short??
Ever heard that being affiliated to FIFA enters you into their competitions. San Marino are in the World Cup by right.
To be honest, I was thinking of irrelevant outposts! ; }
Desperate wierdo, I bet you live in a bedroom at your mums house aged 35.
0844, do the Prem teams enter the FA Cup at the same time as village sides? Of course not. A pre qualification competition is all that is needed to sort out this nonsense.
Funny how you've ended up in Romania with the association that all West Ham supporters are pikey's I guess that makes you a king.
was thinking the same last night
Need to put San Marino,Luxemburg into a separate league
1124, typically racist. It might intetest you to know that Oxbridge recently cited Romanian students as the strongest international candidates applying to the university. You might also like to know that Romania is increasingly become an ICT hub for Europe based on the skills of the workforce, the relatively low salaries for Romanian nationals and the multi lingual abilities of the Romanians. Yes there are gypsies in Romania, but they are regarded with contempt by the non gypsy population - indeed the racism is quite shocking when you encounter it. For example, when about to queue at a deli counter in a hypermarket, I was told by a Romanian colleague, "Don't queue now, they are gypsies and are dirty, wait until they have gone."
thanks HF , that is shocking on 2012
He was most likely talking to the gypsies about you and your lass. Is it true that whilst at the deli counter you ask for some chorizo and when you were asked if you wanted it sliced you said "what do you think my arse is? A slot machine?
Leeds fans calling West Ham fans pikeys?
Why it only seems like yesterday that the people of Leeds were weeping and wailing in the streets after the sad demise of one of their own, the late lamented Cur Jimmy Savile.
Turds the lot of them.
he had to put the name Leeds in the headline so he got any response to his stupid blog
Hammer post his own anon replies sad! Vagabond feck off wanker!
He got turned down by a Leeds supporter soliciting his hairy harris thats why
So what !!!! We don't live there
What's that got to do with pikeys ??? Bit of a turd yourself by the sound of it cheap shot by somebody with little intelligence
Come on HF, we all know you're itching to do a Jimmy Savile article. I know you will be able to lower the bar even further.
hee hee hee.
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