Just in case youngsters Hall, Spence and Potts missed his post match rant, Allardyce has put his criticism into print and warned them that they are in danger of being shipped out of the club - and this is on the back of one bad TEAM performance. As man management goes, this really is scraping the bottom of the barrel and pretty cowardly.
There were some senior pros out on the pitch, and they must carry more responsibility than the kids, but strangely Allardyce doesn't mention them in his Standard article. Why isn't McCartney cited? I didn't see the game but I was amazed to read that young Potts was pushed out of position to accommodate the Irish carthorse rather than vice versa. Play a kid in a makeshift defence, play him out of position, then name and shame him in a high circulation newspaper three days later under a headline reading "Players put their careers in jeopardy" - brilliant, the young lad's confidence and motivation must be surging!
Of course, when Allardyce is the target, he thinks it is so unfair, and like Enfield's Kevin he complains it is all so personal. I wasn't one of those who criticised our performance against Sunderland and I agree with Doctor Evil that we dominated the game, but his complaint that the criticism of our style of play "is a personal thing" because "they don’t particularly like me for whatever reason" is pathetic. Allardyce is happy to name and shame young kids after a team he selected are taken apart by Wigan but when anybody dares to criticise him, he comes over all precious.
For the record, whilst I was happy with our performance against Sunderland, the free flowing football of Southampton in the second half against Villa put our tactics to shame. The Southampton players are certainly no better than ours, and the Sunderland players are no better than Villa's, but the Saints looked like a top notch team because they passed the ball at pace and showed great movement. If Sam wants to be loved, I suggest he watches a tape of that game and thinks, "If Lambert, Puncheon and Lallana can do that in the Prem, what might Jarvis, Vaz Te and Benayoun do if used correctly?" He might also note the affection shown towards Adkins despite Southampton's miserable start to the season.
The Standard article is a fascinating read beacause the arrogance of the man sweats through virtually every sentence. He even turns a tribute to John Bond into an Allardycefest, writing,
"John even tried to sign me when he was manager at Norwich. It didn’t quite come off which was a pity because, two months after that, he moved on to Manchester City and had I been at Carrow Road and doing well, he might have taken me with him."
How insulting to Norwich City! And how brashly, crassly arrogant to squeeze this into a eulogy! Mind you, Allardyce then adds that Muffin "always gave you his full attention when you talked to him". Slight typo there, Allardyce meant, "always gave you his full attention when you talked AT him"!
Is the criticism of Allardyce personal? How could it be otherwise when he comes across as such an insensitive arse?
From all the Leeds fans you have been slagging all summer with your blogs
The take over is going a head
You look a real tit now
Fed up with Muslims I see your racism now extends to the Irish. What a complete and utter piece of garbage you are.
Kevin in Manchester writes.....
I think our 'kids' have been knocking around for quite a while now and ought be able to step up against the likes of Wigan. The goals we conceded were nothing to do with the defence never having played together but rather basic errors, like not stepping off folk when the have the ball 20 yards from goal. I think the public berating is just what they needed; if they can't deal with the pressure of something like that then they can't deal with the pressure of top class football. Yes, Sam is arrogant and self regarding but that's what you want in a football manager, the alternative of being riddled with self doubt-Zola and Grant - we have had quite enough of thank you very much. BTW hope you are enjoying Bucharest and whatever the Romanian for 'Cheers' is, well consider it said!
hes always been a self absorbed arrogant man.winds me up just watching him spout shit
Enjoyed your blog last season during the promotion race, and thanks for your usual kind comments about Saints style of play. However, would pick you up on one point, about Saints players being no better than West Ham's. The difference last week was Gaston Ramirez, who in fairness you probably haven't seen yet...but trust me, he IS better than anyone West Have!! All the best...
Erm, is it racist to identify somebody's nationality now? What a strange PC world you live in 0858.
Not sure what cheers is in Romanian to be honest Kevin. I've picked up a handful of sayings to be polite and that's it. English is widely spoken, the beer is cheap and the women are beautiful. And in a month, the temperature has dipped below 30 degree just once. Mind you, when the winter comes, it comes with a vengeance!
West Spam...4 comments.....
Everyone back to bed.........YAWNNNNNNN
Bobby Moore,billy Bonds beard zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Apples and pears, plates of meat zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
What to talk about next?
So much...........
Oh yes the Romanian winter will sort the men out from the cry babies.
Thought u wer a 31 year old woman and married to a spuds fan ? Your so full of shit ......wanker .
Allardyce is an insensitive arse? self absorbed? Turns each subject into an Allardycefest? If he was a racist aswell you'd be two peas from the same pod. Infact i'd wager that the reason you hate him so much is because the first two syllables of his surname are Allar.
Thank you Leeds Mick. Not being racist, are you being serious Tracy (or whatever you call yourself these days)? Why don't you just refer to us with the "P" word and let's be done with it? I suppose all you think we're good for is ferrying idiots like you round in our taxi's or cooking your curries on a Saturday night? I presume any response will be well I didn't ask you to come on this site but i've spent nearly 20 years (successfully) integrating into this country so give me one reason why I shouldn't?
How dare you mock something you know absolutely nothing about. You disgust me.
I'm not sure what you are referring to 1040, but the accusation about racism was in relation to an article on Arabs. I watched a very interesting programme on the building of the Palm complex in Dubai this morning. The treatment of the Asian labour force was appalling. And no chance of integration of course, because they are used as a low paid, virtual slave labour, migrant work force by their Muslim brothers.
I am proud of the UK's record in recent years on racism - it might be an idea if the "Muslim" world sorted itself out on this issue don't you think? When that happens, you can get up on your high horse and preach. Or a camel if you prefer. Or the roof of your taxi or porsche or whatever means of transport takes your fancy.
So it's just the Arabs you clearly have a problem with then HF? Reckon some people are gonna take offence to that mate. You need to be careful with all this racist stuff could be a really dangerous game you're playing there. It's all fun havin a bit of banter but when you start insulting people cause of their skin colour etc it gets a bit personal.
So what about the many Arabs and "Muslims" that follow West Ham. Does this degree of contempt you hold extend to them too? Perhaps this is just another pathetic attempt at getting a reaction. 'I've had enough insulting the supporters of Watford and Leeds United so think I'll take cheap shots at the entire Muslim faith'.
So you watch a tv programme where you perceive Saudis to be exploiting Asian workers and you then put all Muslims in that bracket? You claim not to be a racist? You've got it bad hf. What an ignorant racist bigot you are. I hope you get closed down for this.
Can't stand HF as he writes more about absolute s**t that WHU, but this racism row is funny.
Is it racist to disagree with how workers are being treated? If there was a factory somewhere in the UK where white British people were being mis-treated, would it be racism if an immigrant disagreed with that?
I'm no racist but we really do walk on egg shells these days, in some places you're not allowed to hang an England flag out your window during the World Cup/Euros because non-English people find it offensive. Pathetic. Funny how people (not pointing fingers) get away with burning poppies every November.
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