Now Goldilocks' "disgusting" comments have resulted in him being banned from the St Andrews ground. It is all silly froth as far as I'm concerned, but I'm less than amused at Gold's apparent ambivalence about the result. I thought he was supposed to be a West Ham fan. If so, why was he unsure whether he would celebrate a West Ham goal if we scored? That brings back memories of the year we went down. We needed to win at Birmingham on the last day of the season to stand any chance of staying up, and Sullivan & Gold told us to expect no favours. The points meant next to nothing to Birmingham, but they wanted the extra £100,000 for finishing a place higher in the table. Some love for the Hammers, two multi-millionaires happy to see us go down for the sake of a hundred grand!
Of far more interest to me is how Gold's father, wife and best friend all cheated on him on the same day! Was it a threesome that Gold walked in on, or did his wife shag the father first then drive over to the house of his best mate to offer sloppy seconds afterwards?
Must admit the comments reported that he has made today do not fill one with any confidence whatsoever of him being a good chairman for West Ham to have. Sounds a bit like a 74 year old suffering from early senility. He appears to talk himself into a lot of contradictory trouble.
But then so do I John!
congratulations to FC United of Manchester Just rewards to fans with real bollocks
Classless yob, taught a lesson. You carry on supporting these two HF!
4-3-3 agen same line up apart from noble and da costa looks like a loss sack rant now
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