With Chelsea reject Avram Grant failing at Upton Park, the return of Zola to the Bridge will be particularly galling for West Ham fans, not least because it is being suggested that he will be groomed to replace the ageing Ancelloti. Club owner Abramovich is known to be a huge fan of Zola and is grateful for the managerial experience given to the Italian by West Ham.
A club insider believed to be speaking on behalf of the Russian billionaire said: "It was important for Zola to cut his teeth at a smaller club where failure did not really matter. Yes he made mistakes but he is a bright guy and will have learnt from the experience. Having suffered at West Ham, we are confident that he will return to Chelsea hardened by what happened. After a couple of seasons learning the trade under Ancelloti, it is anticipated that he will lead Chelsea to glory for decades to come."
David Sullivan was available for comment but unfortunately, in order to protect children, we are unable to report what he said!
Sad thing is HF he's probably going to do well...... as much as it hurts me to say it.
that quote from a 'source' is absolute dogshit.
you either made it up yourself or it came from Tribalfootball.com
either way it deserves no credibility what-so-ever.
Don't worry turds, it's going to hurt hammersfan even more
I would love to see Zola succeed. He is a very nice guy. I wish him well. He was just out of his depth at West Ham. If he has learned from the experience, good on him!
If he has learned from his experience then shame on us. Our loss.
Nonsense. Sometimes you have to be sacked before you accept that you were wrong. Had we stood by him, Zola would not have learned. We were too patient, that is why we are in a mess now. Anyway, looks like Chelsea don't want him either, even in an assistant role!
What a sh*t site. How on earth did this appear on newsnow??
Same way as a Daily Mail article appears on Newsnow!
So how do we sack you hammersfan, so you can learn?
We're in a mess now because of grants win ratio. What is it hammersfan?
He is doing worse with a better squad
Too early to talk win ratios as one win would change it too dramatically. One win from 12 is 8%, 2 from 13 is 15%, 3 from 15 is 20%, 4 from 18 is 22%. You need 25 to 30 games played before a win ration becomes informative. That's why I have the Grantazola Index, and Zola is ahead!
0052 You can't sack me because you don't pay me. Nobody makes you visit the site do they? Personally sack me by not reading what I write. Easy. But obviously beyond YOUR wit and gumption. But then, you are trapped in The Game! ; }
And there's me still thinking that you were losing the game.... because you still have to moderate all your posts, which I might add doesn't happen at the .org WHTID or indeed KUMB - why is it only you that has to do this? I think you'll find the answer is rather telling and perhaps something you can yourself learn from.
Rubbish. Accept the fact that you supported a guy as manager who had no credentials, no significant achievements in the game that could be attributed to him.
Even if we win the next 4, which is highly unlikely, his win ratio would still be a disgrace.
You had the GrantaZola index because you thought Zola would lose and you could rub it in everyone's faces. That's why you had that index. Ah well.
14:57 of course he did, he wanted to rub a noses in it and make himself feel superior - that's all he ever wants to do..... feel superior - which means something is dearly lacking in his make-up
But I am superior. You are having to use MY blog to have this little spat. That kind of makes me superior by definition. So, you're still losing The Game.
No hammersfan, we are superior. power is always with the people. without us, this blog would be nothing. you are trapped by the game too.
you are the virus, and we are the body. you need us to survive. that's why a perfect virus, never kills it's host because that would be suicide. hammersfan will never commit suicide. hence you are trapped too.
Try as you might, you cannot argue your way around the fact that you are trapped by The Game. I enjoy The Game. I enjoy your contributions to The Game. I enjoy the fact that you hate The Game. Every time you post on The Game I smile. The Game has ensnared you, you are drawn to it like a fly to shit. And a fly, I can brush you away at will.
Why do you think I post your comments? You feed the success of The Game you fool!
But you are losing - you have to moderate - the other hammer sites don't - you will always be a loser for that very reason alone. You censor this site because you cannot handle the truth..... that more hate you than like you, which I fully suspect was exactly how you were treated at school and which has lead to a life time of trying unsuccessfully to find ways of feeling superior.
But the fact that your comments appear show that I do not moderate. To post a comment on the Org, you have to register first. Some people are banned from contributing as a result. That does not happen here. WHTID has taken down entire threads when Mr Dale has taken issue with what was written. That has never happened here. And, I believe, you also have to register or await moderation to participate (although I am not sure). Have no idea about the rules at KUMB.
You still fail to understand that this is a blog, not a forum. I keep saying, I only moderate out posts containing obscenities or pornography. You are allowed your say, even when it is mindless criticism. I moderate on advice, because of problems with the SPAM filter.
In view of recent cases, I look forward to some of the hate posts as I think I may well invite police investigate and prosecution. Want to be the test case?
But, at all points I win. If I WANT to, I can silence you; but you cannot silence me. If I want to, I can edit and change what you write; but you cannot do that to my words. If I want to, I can post your comments and revel in your impotence. I choose the third option every time because I love the way you return time and time again, and lose every time!
I created The Game, you are trapped by it. I make the rules and you fall foul of them according to my whim. Loser yet again!
Must say you are looking pretty dumb mate. He clearly isnt moderating when he lets you say these things. Why dont you get a life. The author of this blog may be an arogant tosser but you are coming across as childish and stupid. And he is right cos he cant lose can he if he can moderate you out if he wants to.
Too sophisticated an argument for our anonymous friend I'm afraid Greg.
From the Arrogant (Two t's mate!) Tosser!
2 r's you mean.
anonymous's always anonymous's - there's more than one hater here you prick
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