One fool on the half time report thread seeks to accredit Zola for our performance up until taking the two goal lead, and to blame Grant for what followed. According to this blinkered idiot, the improved football this season is all down to Zola, and the poor results are the fault of Grant. Never mind that we couldn't string three passes together under Zola, never mind that the team lacked any sense of shape, and never mind that the results were just as dire, Zola is still seen by these blind monkeys as a coaching and managerial genius who was cruelly cut off in his prime by the Jewish Gold. Of course, this same clown blames Curbishley for our defeat last season at Birmingham because Zola lost with Curbishley's team!
The critics were sharpening their knives again yesterday because Grant FAILED to change things around when we went two goals ahead. I can see the logic. We had the advantage, why not change the tactics to keep what we had, changing to 4-4-2? I advocated the same thing. However, there is a counter argument. We went two goals ahead because we were playing 4-3-3. Imagine the ire if Grant had gone 4-4-2 and Birmingham had still saved the game! What an idiot the manager would have looked then!
And Grant had reason to be wary. The previous week, we were doing well UNTIL Grant made the change, bringing on Faubert to see us through to a point; and Arsenal promptly scored, courtesy of a Faubert error. Look how quick the critics were to jump on Grant then. One even blamed him for using Faubert to mark Walcott, even though Theo was playing on the opposite flank! It was Cliche who crossed for the Song goal, not Walcott, but why let details get in the way of an argument?
The results were poor at the start of the season - but predictable. The shocker was the defeat at home to Newcastle but, that apart, we have achieved par in terms of results, given the quality of the opposition. We played well for most of yesterday's game. We played well at Arsenal. We played well away to Stoke, at home to Tottenham and away to Sunderland in the Cup. Once the first team players were on the pitch, we did well against Stoke in the Cup too. We were robbed by a very bad refereeing error at Wolves and, arguably, the referee cost us the game yesterday too. We are playing better than we played at any point last season under Zola and I remain convinced that results will come.
Grant has inherited a squad of players traumatised by last season. That's not his fault, it's Zola's. He has got them playing as a team - something that was beyond the Italian - and we do not look like a team that is heading for relegation when we have the ball. Defensively, we are still frail but a large part of the problem there is Green - and the Zola fans are supporters of England's number 666 too! If, however, they got their heads out of their backsides and smelt the coffee, they would see that Foster saved the game for Birmingham yesterday and Green, not Grant, gave a helping hand to the Blues.
I was a critic of Curbishley from the start because of his boring, crude tactics - he did not belong at West Ham. I became a critic of Zola when it became obvious that he could not organise a piss up in a brewery. I retain faith in Grant because we are playing in the West Ham way and looking good for great chunks of games. I have a hunch that one good win will bring another and another. We are not easy to beat now - even Arsenal struggled; the next step is to get us winning. But for some of our so called fans, that would be a nightmare. They have forgotten who they support, they think the club is called Gianfranco Zola Disunited!
very gd post HF
Dont use the race card hammersfan, thats just crass. Watching Grant and his dithering, it is obvious he hasnt got a clue about football management. Its got nothing to do with anything else. If that was Zola, you would call it how it is instead of finding excuses.
I think all they want to prove that once again your were wrong!
Right first time and I don't often agree with you. It's definitely racism. Can't think why I never thought of that one.
I don't use the race card, I ask the question. It remains a fact that one poster on here insisted on using the term Zionist when referring to Grant and some of our fans, based on the racist abuse of Tottenham supporters, are antiSemitic.
1412, you may be right but what kind of fans does that make them. Proving me wrong is more important to them than West Ham winning! How pathetic is that?
Saying someone is a zionist is not anti-semitic hammersfan. Or have you fallen for that one too?
It is if you are using Zionist in a pejorative way with no justification for its use in the context of what is being discussed. Calling somebody black is not racist, but in a discussion about unemployment, the introduction of the word black to describe work shy people might be deemed racist, might it not? That is an example by the way, I am not implying a link between unemployment and black skin.
HF what is it with you and the word racism ? why dont you just fcuk off you knob. you should get a job at that pile of shite they call the labour party.
Thats funny, there are so many other ways to project what you are trying to say but you have to use black and unemploymeng, who's the racist. Bet this gets blocked, how about i do a sreen print first and post it eslewhere in case it does.....
I don't think the manager is the main problem. I do think the pack does want shuffling a bit, certainly we need another in form striker who can score goals on a fairly regular basis. If the German comes back fairly soon midfield should be ok, a quality full back preferably one that can play on either side is a must, and I think a tall agile centre back is also essential. Is Stetch good enough to replace Green? I don't know not having seen him play yet. With those additions replacing the dead wood I think confidence would return to the side and we would get out of trouble. Obina to me doesn't look that far off being a very good player, trouble is we need a finished article now.
So predictable from both 1829 & 1843! Morons both.
John, I agree with you. Signing Given in January would be a priority for me! I don't think the German is coming back anytime soon so midfield will remain a concern until after January. I think we are ok up front actually, it is the supply that's the issue IMO, and the absence of goals from midfield - which is where we need Hitlersburger. I'm happy enough with Jacobsen at right back but Ilunga is on another planet most of the time sadly; his focus is non existent! I'm also happy with our centre backs. Da Costa and either Gabbidon or Upson would be my chosen pair. Presumably Da Costa was injured yesterday?
The result against Newcastle isn't looking so terrible now is it?
I agree with hammersfan, no one referred to Zola solely as a papist/roman catholic so why is it different with Grant? It wasn't surprising when Chelsea supporters did it but I always thought we were better than that. I also can't recall anyone at Pompey ever viewing him as more than just a football manager.
Yes Grant has made tactical mistakes however I have faith in his ability to turn it around, I also realise that any manager short of Jose Mourinho would have struggled with this West Ham team, we are a side devoid of any self-belief, we do not have enough playing quality and a major shortage of depth in particular positions and our financial situation has made us effectively a non-player in the transfer market. Honestly, which other manager with any high quality credentials would want to come in and manage West Ham right now?
I would also add that West Ham have a large Jewish supporter base, although perhaps these cretins don't want them at Upton park either?
Like it or not we are now a multi racial country. Most people from other countries that I come in contact with are very polite,civil and are doing a good job and I have no problem with them.Grant is trying hard obviously doing his best and deserves a proper chance to build a decent team. It would be helpful though if manager's did explain why they made their decisions to the supporters after the match
HF are you a white man or a black man ? because you sound like a black man to me because all you do is slag us white people off but if your a white man then my heart goes out to you because it must feel terrible being a black man stuck in a white mans body. your the racist you knob.
A classic 0245, you were busy on this blog when you should have been doing your rounds with your torch! Please remember when you help educate your child that we teach them the ABC, not the BNP!
Iain Dale has been to games this season whilst HF has not.... what gives you an authority to comment on the team and games god only knows.
By the way I believe you are racsit and a homophobe and no doubt a misogynist as well. I also suspect you are a member of the BNP or at the very lease obsessed by them as you prefer to mention them at every opportunity.
Shame Hitzlsperger isn't playing because you could do your extremely funny and whitty Hitler jokes, mug.
HF if thats your poor excuse of a reply then i think your the dumb one. what is it with people like you because you make me sick ive seen your kind plenty of times before hiding behind a keyboard given it large and slagging off the BNP ( your what they call a coward ) hopefully one day when the BNP take over this country you and the rest of your kind will be the first ones to be kicked out of the country. dont you know that its scum like you that have helped ruin this once great country but just remember those who laugh last laugh the longest :-)
Anon 0245 nice one hahaha you lose again HF
I do wonder in what sense I lost. This idiot was on my blog at 2.45 am in the morning. I was tucked up in bed asleep. Hmmmmm. Now who is the loser?
0833, some big words there, well done. According to many, I am homesexual but you claim I am a homophobe. Guess that makes me a self hater then!
1511, you say it all and condemn yourself and your kind in the process. What a moron you are! Why am I a coward for slagging off the BNP without revealing my identity? What would happen if they knew who I was? That's the problem! I don't need anonymity to slag off any other party, so why do I apparently need anonymity to slag off the BNP? Your desire to see people kicked out of our country also says so much. Morons like you should be sent to live in a dictatorship. Try moving to Zimbabwe; you might start to understand why thuggery and politics do not make a happy combination.
Racist racist racist is that all you think about you knob. grow up you sound like a big kid. and i agree with the other Anon on here. you are a coward.
And big girls like you HF should be made to go to afghanistan to grow some balls.
Two highly intelligent contributions!
HF why do you keep talking and slagging off the BNP because i reckon about 80 percent of the people who come on this site vote BNP so you aint gonna win. your just getting yourself into arguments all the time. this site is suppose to be about west ham united football club. lets keep it that way and stop talking about politics.
1805, do 80% of visitors to this site really only come here to look at the pictures?
HF do you have kids ? because if you do i feel sorry for them to have a coward of a father like you. your not really someone they can look up to are ya.
My children have been raised to understand that brain is better than brawn. One is already at university, the other is studying for A Levels. Both would shudder at a father who could not spell you're! Follow the Yellow Brick Road mate, you might find a brain!
so what do you say if you see a kid getting picked on in school. dont worry just scream out the alphabet hahaha.
Hilarious. Sad man.
i may be sad but at least im not a coward. hahahaha
Not a coward? Then why do you hide behind anonymity? How about dropping me an email letting me know your name and employer?
HF how does it make you feel when you go to watch west ham that 60,70 or even 80 percent of them people who your setting next to probably come from in and around dagenham and vote BNP how do you feel ?
Rather like Einstein would feel in a stadium of chimps. Superior.
By the way, it is "those" people, not "them" people. And Dagenham needs a capital letter. So, name and employer? Or are you too cowardly to let me have them?
why would i give my name to a gayboy like you for. next you'll want my bum. ps or maybe because your a dirty sneaky cnut who will probably try to get me kicked off the internet. i wouldn't put it passed someone like you to do such a thing because your the lowest of the low.
I will not try to get you kicked off the Internet. You have my word. So, are you BRAVE enough to give me your name and the name of your employer or are you a coward? You're quick to use the word! Is it because you are a coward yourself?
i tell you what HF if you want to play that game then tell me your address and phone number or are you still a coward. two can play at this game you know.
But it was your game to start with. So now you are accepting you are the same as me. So, if I am a coward, you are a coward too. The difference is, I have a brain!
do you honestly think i would trust you. you really are a thick cnut if you do.
whats the point of having a brain if your an ugly cnut who cant fight to save your life.
Only cowards worry whether they can trust people. Our soldiers know they can't trust the Taliban but that doesn't stop them does it? So, name and employer?
LOL What a ludicrous response. Sorry, name and primary school you attend?
give me your home address and phone number then coward.
chris baker your turn now home address please
Employer Chris Baker?
i think you will find its your turn.
My details are on the panel on the right.
w.g plumber in east ham
I read that exchange and all he/she really said was that Grant was given a job as a favour and not on merit. The evidence suggests that that is absolutely correct.
It's very serious accusing someone of racism hammersfan. If I was that person, I wouldn't come back here
dont see your home address on their coward.
Which exchange 1909?
So, 1908, you unblock other people's shit. Good one.
It is "on there" by the way!
oh someone else who thinks your a racist HF it must be true. yes i do clear up other people's shit but 2000 pound for a weekend job i would say is very much worth it dont you think.
Oh, you said someone was being racist to Grant
my turn now HF meet me for a drink on wednesday before the game and prove to me your not a coward. and no excuses.
one more thing you can even bring your keyboard if you want just in case you want to hide behind it hahaha
I would be happy to meet you but I have work commitments so can't make it. Doubt I will even get to see the game on the net sadly.
No amount of money would persuade me to go anywhere near anybody else's shit.
what did i say HF no excuses. oh well looks like i was right. you are a coward.
Which pub, what time? If I can make it, I will meet you. If not, we can make it another time.
i will be down the duke of edinburgh ar 6 but dont be scared HF because theirs gonna be a lot of me mates going as well but they wont hurt you i promise. bet you dont come.
Will there be room for spectators? I like to see a good hiding and in HF's case I'd pay good money to see it
HF......I do think you generally post a load of crap on here, but each to their own.
However, I gotta say that this and some other blogs do seem to be attracting the embarassing element of our fanbase of late. Especially the idiot that suggests 60-80% of the matchday crowd are avid BNP supporters. I do worry about the reality some of these guys seem to think exists in the world these days. No time for these plebs.
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