I accept it is a difficult job but, as I keep saying, it is the arrogance of idiots like Catchabung that infuriates me. That and the way that bias is clearly shown to the bigger clubs.
Look at the way Neville was allowed to stay on the pitch at the Britannia. He was already on a yellow when he clattered Etherington with a "tackle" that, on its own, arguably merited a red. The decision of arch clown Andre Marriner to allow Neville to stay on the pitch can only be explained by bias. Reverse the teams, and there is no way in the world that a Stoke player would have stayed on had he clattered Nani in the same way when already booked.
The situation is beyond a joke and something has to be done. These things do NOT even themselves out over a season as many people claim - the rub of the green goes, more often than not, to the big beasts in the game. We pay our money to see a fair contest, not one skewed by an incompetent or bent referee.
well said!
yea poor ol stoke the hard done by's!!!
what about huth blind siding upson and getting away with it!! yea really nothing goes there way!!
crap club crap players crap town crap supporters!!!
Crap spelling mate. Their way.
This proposal only works if you have an adequate refereeing pool, which we clearly don't as 25 year olds are getting a shout.
What SHOULD happen is we should import international quality refs from noncompetitive leagues elsewhere (Serbian refs often great). It works for the players after all and it raises the quality of the locals.
FA has to show some real leadership though so its unlikely.
Pulis should be more concerned about that stupid baseball cap he wears all the time.
Why demote them to the Championship? A run of clearly incompetent performances should see them in League 2. Stoke have a bad reputation for thuggery. The Huth incident is just one of them - but - the officials did not see that and he was punish retrospectively which did not help us on the day. However, Clattenburg gave handball, booked Piquionne and disallowed a goal from an incident he could not possibly have seen in our game against Wolves. The very least he should have done was rescind it afterwards. No surprise that he was involved in the farce goal between Man Utd and Spurs was it? Andre Mariner has always been awful and had a shocker at UP earlier on in the season. As for Oliver he simply bottled it at St Andrews on Saturday. In my opinion they are all prima donnas who seem more interested in being celebrities rather than anonymous figures who simply do their jobs
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