So now it is the referee's fault. Tiredness, bad luck, poor officials, Dalglish has trotted out all the old excuses. Perhaps it is time to admit that either his players are crap, or he is failing as a manager.
Dear God, Villa rocked up at Anfield today, and under McLeish, Villa are shit. But not shit enough for Liverpool to beat them. Let's face it, nobody is THAT shit these days! Even Wigan and QPR can triumph over the once mighty Reds, so why should Villa feel intimidated?
The bitter truth is that Liverpool are now a poor team, poorer indeed than they were under Woy Hodgson. The gap between Dalgish's £135m outfit and FOURTEENTH placed Swansea is now a pathetic FOUR points, but still Dalglish is blaming everybody and everything other than his players, himself and his tactics. What a bloody joke!
And who do Liverpool fans want to replace him? Only Rafa who destroyed a great club in his first term as manager! Is it any wonder Liverpool schools achieve amongst the lowest pass rates at GCSE in the whole country? Two plus two? "Eeeeeeee. Three. It is so. No, I'm telling you two plus two is three. It is. Ask me Mam. Ask me Dad if you can find 'im! It is, two plus two is three, always has been in Liverpool. Kenny? He's the King. Rafa? He's God. Kenny Rafa? I've just cum in my boxers!!"
1 comment:
You're starting to get a bit too obvious with these shameless attempts to get more comments. But I guess if the fish are still biting why should you stop casting eh?
Just Going to take this opportunity to take a look at English football because I think Liverpool kind of perfectly sum it up (Player wise). They have bought ,what many experts believed, were the two hottest prospects in English football for a combined total of about £50 million. Everybody can see that Henderson and Carroll are just plain useless. I think Henderson never had any talent in the first place and Carroll seemed to have something but even then he was a £10 million player tops.
I think it just goes to show how much trouble English football is in if these two are two of the best young players in the country but if they were in Spain they probably wouldn't of even made it through the youth acadamy of most teams in Liga BBVA.
Who else does this country have coming through though? Wilshere, Sturridge, Walker, Jones, Smalling and I can't think of any more genuine prospects.
I saw today that some idiot posted on the org that the reason English footballers aren't that good is because they don't get a chance at an early enough age. He said that Noble and Tomkins should be in the National team. What a complete fool. The reason young English players don't get a chance is because THEY AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH. And to say that Noble and Tomkins should be in the National side just confirms his idiocy. As we all probably know by now there is too much emphasis put on athleticism and not enough on technique and education of how to play the game when developing young English players. This isn't the case in Spain and just look at the players they produce. It's frightening.
But what some people don't know is that in Spain coaches are allowed to spend twice the amount of time that we can with there very young players. This obviously allows a lot more time to work on technique etc. Why don't the F.A. over here change the rule to make it possible for us to compete? Because they need to go to school. That is fair enough but have you ever heard an English footballer speak? I reall don't think they spent much time in school. I can just imagine what would happen if the rule was changed though, we would create the biggest, tallest, strongest athletes this world has ever seen!!!!
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