Barton in the East End of London? Really? How many morons will see him as a challenge in bars and clubs across town, a gobby Manc with a history of brawling? They will be queuing around the block for an opportunity to wind him up and have a pop.
Barton and Dyer in the same dressing room? Really? Never mind West Ham Olympic, Brady will be able to rename us Olympic Fight Club!
I rate him as a player but as a person? Do me a favour!
And does this sound familiar? Do you remember who we signed mid season the last time we went down? That would be Bowyer and that worked out brilliantly didn't it? The rest of the squad didn't want him at the club and the fans were at best luke warm.
Hopefully this is just a silly internet rumour. I know we want the team to punch their weight in the Prem, but not literally!
I truely hope this isn't true. If we are going to go down i would rather see us drop with a bit of dignity intact rather than playing 'the Barton way' for the next 6 months.
Nothing wrong with a player who gets stuck in and intimidates the opposition but this guy is just a thug pure and simple.
kevin in manchester writes..
a man with demons in his closet for sure but I have always fancied him as a player and wished we'd copped him when he left City .. we do desparately need someone who can place a pass or pick out a friendly head in the penalty box and he does that ..
Wouldnt mind Barton frankley. Lad can run around a fair bit and has some semblence of awareness on a pitch (unlike our lot).
I dont feel like we should further discriminate him for his past endeavors. After all, for all the people Joey's beaten up, he hasnt done 1/100 of the damage to this country that the speculative bankers have.
bit of perspective
Barton the player is fine but Barton the man? Hammalot, it's hardly in the past! This season he has done a Nazi salute on the pitch and punched Pederson. He is an animal!
Skysports say 5million bid turned down so it was true.
Only interested in what a player can do on the pitch. Going by your argument we'd have never had DiCanio, Rio Ferdinand, Bobby Moore et al if we bothered about their antics off the pitch. As for Bowyer. Good player. Rather him than Kovak, Boa Morte, Barrera, Spector, Dyer or Behrami. And as for Bowyers off field antics, if my memory serves me correctly, he was found not guilty.
Absurd and disrespectful. Bobby Moore would never have pushed a lit cigarette stub into the eye of a YTS player. Bobby Moore would never have done a Nazi salute on the pitch. Bobby Moore would never have punched an opponent in the gut on the blind side of the referee. Bobby Moore would never have assaulted a team mate on the training pitch, headbutting him in the face. And apart from the Nazi salute (and I wouldn't have wanted him at the club subsequently) neither would Di Canio. Nor any of the others, apart from Bowyer and I was opposed to his signing, as was David James and the other black players at the club. Yes we have had some plonkers but I can't think of an out and out animal. Barton should be inside and I wouldn't want him at the club I love.
i thought it was west ham that wantd joey barton but since HF said he doesn't want him at the club he loves then i guess that tottenham have now come in for him. anyway i would love joey barton at west ham and i would even get his name on the back of my top.
That top is presumably bright orange with Wandsworth Prison also written across the back! Or rather wandsworth prison for you!
Wrong again HF the top is claret and blue with a big west ham badge on the front and barton written across the back.
Is Barton spelt C u n ....?
HF why dont you ask joey barton if thats how you spell his name. that would be fun :-)
Spell? Barton? He used an X when he signed the Newcastle contract!
i admire joey barton. he is someone i look up to.
HF you seem to think joey barton is a thick cnut but how much does he earn a week compared to yourself. i think that answers that question dont you think.
No I don't. How much somebody earns has no necessary correlation to intelligence. You would have to be a complete moron to believe that! Wayne Rooney is not an Einstein is he?
Barton was blessed with the ability to play footbball to a very good standard. He would have 30 plus caps by now if he wasn't a complete cnut. He would also be inside by now, like his brother, had football not saved him. He is a leach living off the game. He should have been banned for life after that punch to Pedersen's gut. If the FA had any guts themselves, that would have been the final straw.
Well i wouldn't rather be a thick cnut and earn 80 thousand a week then be a brainy cnut and earn what you get. not that i think your brainy or anything.
By the way, he is NOT joining us, so why are you defending a rival player? What sort of fan are you? Go ahead and get Barton across the back of your shirt, because your loyalties seem to be divided between West Ham and Newcastle, between West Ham and racist thuggery, between West Ham and the BNP. And if Barton scores the winner when we play at St James' Park, or breaks Collison's leg, be sure to wear that Barton shirt in the West Ham end so you can enjoy a taste of the Barton medicine personally!
And how do you know that his not joining west ham. is your last name gold or sullivan. or maybe grant or brady.
And yes i do vote BNP but what thats got to do with you i dont know.
1248 hahahahahaha BNP hahahaha what a waste of a vote - you might as well not bother mate. Shame that my grandfather fought the Nazi's in WWII only for a prick like you to try and vote them in. Anyway no worries it'll never happen.
Bet you s earn under 40k a year and that's why you're so bitter and twisted. Reckon if you'd tried harder at school you'd be a bit happier with your lot.
Is it just me or has anyone else noted that racist bigots tend to on the very bottom of the list in the earning stakes?
your the nob mate. i dont really vote for BNP and the only reason i said i did was because i was trying to piss off HF for a laugh but guess what ? you've gone and ruined it. and for the record i hate joey barton but i was trying to have a laugh.
Tell you what mate, don't try to become a stand up comic!
But you must admit HF i did have you going lol. just a bit of banter. what else has a west ham fan got to do on a saturday apart from being depressed.
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