Well, we all know what happens to the team bottom of the pile at Christmas don't we? So what's the point of sacking Grant, retaining Parker, keeping Behrami, retaining Upson...Let's just accept the inevitable; the players have!
Once again, we didn't really show up for the first 45 minutes. Once again, there was no fight, no heart, no passion, no commitment, no leadership, no shape, no desire. It was cold. Bloody cold. So bloody cold that Behrami decided a warm up was more than enough thank you very much. Ouch the hip! The hip boss. It's the hip. Can't play boss. It's the hip hip hooray, Spector's in the team instead! Does anybody know if there are any flights out of Manchester Airport to Roma this evening?
Barrera isn't as cute as Behrami - the idiot actually found himself in the starting line up! Never mind, he played to get himself withdrawn and must have felt thoroughly cheated to be sent out for the second half. "What do you have to do to be substituted?" he asked Dyer as they came out for the second 45, "I have passed to the opposition every time I have touched the ball!" Not to be frustrated, he escaped from the terrible cold by trying to dribble the ball from his own corner flag, losing possession in the process and so playing a vital part in Blackburn's pantomime goal. Ball crossed in, Tomkins outjumped (Look out, he's behind you!), ball falls to ground via a Blackburn head and Tomkins body, a shot, a save by Boffin, all flailing legs and arms, a where's the ball, where's the ball, where's the ball panic, and a Nelson bundled follow up as Boffin lay on his back!
Mind you, Dyer did his best to come off at the interval too. "Offside? What is offside? There's no such thing as offside in the treatment room!" He perked up in the second half and combined brilliantly with Parker in one rare moment of quality but, that apart, he was average. Like the rest, he only woke up after we went behind.
Parker was busy and was involved in the goal with a typical driving run into a cul de sac.The ball made its way to Stanislas via a Blackburn player (the aptly named Givet) so, like the Blackburn goal, it was a slapstick creation, despite the brilliant Stanislas finish.
The goal apart, and a shot from Upson against the post, we offered virtually nothing going forward. Mind you, apart from free kicks happily conceded by Gabbidon and Boa, Blackburn offered no attacking threat either. Quite why Gabbidon and Boa did their best to assist Pedersen by giving away these free kicks is anybody's guess. Maybe they fancied the warmth of the dressing room too!
Spector shouldn't have started anyway and was justifiably withdrawn, although Barrera and Gabbidon had made much stronger personal cases to be substituted than the American. But then Cole and McCarthy came on and put them all to shame! If you want to look utterly crap, this is how you do it!
Upson did ok. Tomkins played well but was involved in the mess of the Blackburn goal. Ben Haim played well but was booked for a crude challenge and did his best to concede a penalty for pushing every time Blackburn were awarded a corner. How ironic that a Blackburn goal was struck off because Gabbidon was bundled to the ground by Nelson! Piquionne linked well a few times but was awful in front of goal, heading over from a corner and blazing two shots wide when it would have been better to check back and look for support.
That apart we were crap. Had Allardyce been in charge (of Blackburn!!!!), we would have been stuffed like a Christmas turkey. Luckily, the Blackburn board gave us a present by changing manager in the week of the game.
So, we sit bottom of the table for Christmas with unlucky 13 points. Anybody who thinks we can escape relegation must still believe in Father Christmas.
By the way, does anybody know what happened to Obinna? Was it too cold for him to even get on the coach?
Player Ratings:
Boffin 4; Ben Haim 6, Tomkins 6, Upson 6, Gabbidon 3; Barrera 2, Spector 4, Parker 6, Boa 5, Dyer 5, Piquionne 5 Subs Cole 2, McCarthy 1, Stanislas 6
See, the benefits of playing Stan on the left! Another thing you were wrong on HF.
So predictable! What else did he do Stani? It was a lovely finish but that apart? And it wasn't a worked move was it?
How many crosses did he get in for Piquionne and Cole? How many times did he get to the byline? How many corners did he win? Did you see that delicious moment when he received the ball on the left flank, came infield, did a Parker pirouette, found himself facing the left touchline again, took a pace, thought better of it and came back inside again? Blackburn had retreated back into position by then of course! Had he been on the right, he might just have burst forward and crossed the ball. Just a thought!
And did you notice what happened when Dyer, a right footer, switched to the right flank? Suddenly we worked an opening in the box!
Mind you Stani, it was a brilliant tactical substitution by Avram wasn't it? ; }
Playing Spector for the third time in a row as a starter! Dyer was, as usual a push over and of course we were lucky not to concede more goals. Grant doesn't know his left from his right! Without Parker and Boa we would have been nowhere in the middle of the field. Sometimes you give me the impression that you will be happy to see us go down just to say I told you so! Giving more time to Grant will only make your prediction come true. Are you sure you are not a Spuds fan HF?
So Sav, who would you have played? Spector and the back 4 played as a defensive unit to deal with Blackburn's set piece threat. Faubert was ineffective as a right back against City so was dropped. Spector wasn't picked to start but Behrami cried off when he felt how cold it was. Barrera was given his chance but was truly crap and was to blame for the goal. Had he cleared the ball there would have been no cross for the defence to deal with.
Would you have started Cole? Or McCarthy? Did you see how poor they were when they came on? I did!
Grant could have started Stanislas but as I asked Stani, what did he do apart from score? Had that ball not fallen to him, he would have been invisible after coming on!
Where was Obinna? I have no idea. I assume he was injured as he wasn't even on the bench. If so, Grant was without Green, Stech, Jacobsen, Da Costa, Ilunga, Hitzlespurger, Noble, Collison and Obinna. And why wasn't Hines on the bench? Another injury perhaps? That would be 10!
I forgot Behrami! 11 out!
Stani, no comment about HF using a picture of a woman scantily dressed depicting a time of year linked to the birth the prophet Isa? At least she's not playing chess!!
LOL Funny, when I looked at that picture, I muttered Jesus! Bet Stani's right about one thing though. She aint a virgin!
HF, sorry just got it, "bottom for christmas", LOL very good!
Don't be so sure that Obinna, Behrami and Hines were not on the bench because they were injured. I think it is quite probable that your super guru of a manager decided that they weren't as good as his new found superstars of Spector, Barrera and McCarthy. Yes I saw how bad they were (especially McCarthy - it is unbelievable that this guy is still playing football in the Premiership!). Bottom line is Grant messed up and we are doomed only if he stays!
The Prophet Jesus' date of birth is not known.
In general, Christmas has become far too commercialised anyway. The capitalists have taken it over. Truly sad.
Not that Satan Claus and all the rest of the garbage they associate with it has any significance to the celebration anyway. I didn't expect you to know that though.
So all in all, that picture doesn't have anything to do with the real Christmas, or the Prophet himself.
18@30 of course he will be happy to see us go down so he can say "told you so" no one was more gutted than HF last season when we stayed up. That's why he doesn't call for Grants head... because he so wants to be right this time around.
Of course I will be delighted if we get relegated. I have supported West Ham all my life but all that matters to me is being proved right over Zola!
The obsession is on the other boot guys. I was proved right about Zola. I said there were three worse teams in the division and predicted survival all season, although I may have had a wobble or two after the Wolves game! But I was calling for Zola to be dismissed from about November onwards of his second season when it was obvious that he was not up to the job!
The best way for me to be proved right now, of course, is for us to STAY UP. I'm the one saying stick with Grant. If we do, and we survive, how clever will I look? I accept that if we sack him and we go down, I will also be proved right. And if we retain hiim and go down, I will also be proved right. So, the only scenario where I can be proved wrong is if we sack him and survive. I don't think that will happen but if it does, I will gladly hold my hands up and say, "I was wrong"!
I have two priorities now. First is that we survive as aclub with the ability to play in or return to the Prem.
The second is that we don't go down.
I don't want the club destroyed by chasing something once it is impossible. And if you know your football history, our present position guarantees relegation!
Ben Haim, Gabidon, Dyer and McCarthy are four players that are not fit or fast enough for the premiersip. Barerra and Stanislave are too light weight. No team can survive under that kind of handicap.
Wish fucking Blackpool could start losing a few games like everyone predicted them to, they're pissing me off.
We know the date of birth of Jesus is unknown Stani but why does a date matter? It is a festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus, so what if it is on the right day? My children were raised as Christians because I was not going to force my atheism upon them, and Sunday school, assemblies and our "Christian society" fostered a belief in the Christian God and saviour. My daughter now studies Religion and Ethics at university and my son is pretty firmly agnostic. The key is, they have arrived at their OWN decisions, nothing has been forced upon them. They both love Christmas because of what it represents, a time to come together, have fun, give and receive presents and have a good time. And I enjoy it for the same reason!
So what if the date is wrong? To accommodate a Muslim World Cup, the whole shindig is being moved. Will that stop it being a World Cup?
I was giving your nameless friend a lesson. Nothing I said was incorrect. Jesus is revered just as much in Islam as he is in Christianity, ask your daughter, she'll tell you. He's certainly more revered in Islam than atheism so I'm not sure why you're pretending to be offended.
More Islamophobia. It's not a Muslim World Cup just like England's wasn't a Christian bid.
I hope your daughter has more sense than you. InshaAllah
I don't need to ask my daughter Stani, I have read the Qu'ran! And some of the Hadith. I know Muhammed met Jesus on his journey to the Lote tree remember?
Where do I say I am offended? My point is that the date Jesus was born on is irrelevant - it is the festival that counts, and that festival can be enjoyed by everybody, whatever their religion. It can even be enjoyed by Western sluts who are the perfect stocking fillers!
Everything is so serious for you isn't it Stani? Everything is Islamophobia. Ever occured to you that you are just a little bit "AnythingthatisntIslamphobic"? You certainly seem to have a persecution complex mate. Chill, it's Christmas. Look at the arse in the picture above, have impure thoughts and blame it all on Christian sluts, capitalist bastards and Satan. Who knows, if you let yourself go, you might pull a Christmas cracker and understand how Islam is stopping you from enjoying the tiny, little window of eternity that Nature and chance afford us!
nameless friend writes:
Stani, so typical you see yourself as providing a lesson, as ever your creed only see themselves as correct and blinkered to the view of others despite the fact that you chose to live in a society that welcomes the diversity of other opinions. HF missed your "Satan claus" dig above, you so let yourself down, how can you possibly take the moral high ground when through such comments as this you prove you are far more bigoted than others.
Stani, you also questioned my previous statement in HF's blog on Qatar human rights regarding Muslim slave labour, please return to that string as I have tried to enlighten you with a lesson! Not that I expect you to take it on board.
19@15 you've asked the same bloody question twice now - what is it with you? once is enough - surely? "does anybody know why Obinna wasn't there?"
There's no shame in asking your daughter something. You can learn from her too you know.
I didn't say you were offended, I said you pretended to be.
If the date was irrelevant, why is so much made of the 25th? And of course the festival counts. My point is that that is what people are forgetting as capitalism takes it over. I think the first Christmas ad I saw on tv was in mid October, a Tesco one. Now, they are not concerned about the festival, they're concerned about using Christmas to sell things. It's sad.
Serious things are serious HF. I can have a joke and a laugh with the best of them (And I dont need to get drunk to do it! :)), but there are certain things you cannot joke about. Me have a persecution complex? Wake up! Do you know the reasons why I would be sensitive to these things? Still not watched Pilger's documentary? Learn what is really happening in the world HF, and you may empathise with me. That's if you're not afraid of the truth. You are not a Muslim yet you think you have the right to say when or not a Muslim is offended? There's that high horse again.
...."Christian sluts" is an oxymoron HF, just like Islamic terrorist. You should be more respectful to faiths. And you should also apologise for suggesting that is what I was thinking. I know some people on here are easy to fool, and they are the ones you write for, but this kind of behaviour is evil and quite immature for a guy of your age. I have felt embarrassed, for someone of my age, to have to give you lessons in how to conduct yourself in the past, yet your immaturity continues. It is like you have no shame. It is why you change your mind on things willy-nilly and then put up this show that you do so because you are not afraid to say when you're wrong. But to the contrary, the truth is that you are principle-less, and follow whatever your 'self' desires. A bit like what animals do.
"Who knows, if you let yourself go, you might pull a Christmas cracker and understand how Islam is stopping you from enjoying the tiny, little window of eternity that Nature and chance afford us!"
No, I have respect for women HF, remember?! You really do let yourself down sometimes. You have a daughter but you speak about women like that? Men like you disgust me. Do you think just because I keep myself to myself and don't mess around with peoples daughters before marriage I will appreciate women less? You could not be further from the truth. It is the opposite. I know what God has made for men, and believe me I will appreciate it and the joy I will get is something you could never feel because that is how I set myself up, whereas you did the opposite. Do you see?
Why have you taken my idea? You could have thought of another name....with your quite obvious free thinking capabilities.
My creed? so in your view all Muslims are bad then? I know you don't allow racism HF, but what he has just said is worse. It's cool though, I understand.
And this is my society too moron, or am I not allowed to be English because I'm an asian Muslim?
You say I am blinkered and my views are typical but just look at your own ones! Astonishing ignorance and hypocrisy. Yeh, you clearly welcome the diversity of other opinions.
Satan Claus dig? Santa has nothing to do with Christianity. You clearly have comprehension issues.
I know it riles you that Muslims are so loyal to their faith, so strong in belief. And that is the issue. But no one is stopping you from doing likewise with your faith. Try it, you might see the churches filled more than once a year. Don't hate just because of that.
"Qatar human rights regarding Muslim slave labour, please return to that string as I have tried to enlighten you with a lesson! Not that I expect you to take it on board."
You talk about Qatar but you know nothing about what this country has done? What about the millions of INNOCENT men women and children killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? Wars waged on lies. Are they just 'collateral'? Are their lives worth less? Watch the documentary I have told HF to watch and you will die with shame at the realisation of your ignorance. It will give you some unique insights like the British armed forces have been in service in some part of the world EVERY year since 1948. Maybe that's where some of HF's taxes are going.
You are such a zombie that if it was not so serious how someone's opinions can so easily be manipulated, how someone could so easily be indoctrinated, I would laugh. But I cannot laugh because it is scary how people can be so sure when they are so wrong.
Here you go lads:
or here
Are you deliberately giving Ben Haim higher marks because I said he's rubbish? He did as many cumbersome fouls as anyone. He set up Blackburn's goal because he had chip-rolls in his legs and was too slow in reading and reacting. Hansen mentioned this on motd. Hansen also mentioned Ben Haim's acting when he went down and wasnt even touched. Blackburn were attacking and he still didnt get up even though there was nothing wrong with him. The sly little look up when he was on the floor would tell you that.
As for Stanislas; you say 'that apart' but him and Cole coming on changed the game. Cole deserves mote than a 2. Why Stan doesnt start is something you would have to ask Grant. He brings dynamism. And he did make an impact and do more than just the goal. When Upson hit the post, who pout the cross in from the left with his right foot? Yep, Stan. He was also generally affective too. His corner made Piqs chance, a free header which he put over the bar and should have scored from. That is two CLEAR goal scoring chances. Had Upson and Piq scored, Stan would have had two assists. It's not his fault they didnt.
Boffin also did well. He made a very good save just before Blackburn's goal, after Ben Haim had laid it off to Nelson. You marked him too low too.
I have far more respect for women than you Stani, I respect their right to sexual choices and to not being condemned for doing what Nature tells a woman to do. You think of women as possessions and condemn them if they CHOOSE to enjoy themselves sexually outside of marriage. I don't. That is their right, and the more they exercise that right, the better!
No such thing as a Christian slut? Of course there is! What about Mary Magdalene? I know there is a revisionist approach to her now, but for centuries she was revered BECAUSE of her prostitution!
And as an atheist, I have certain issues with a virgin birth! Had I been Joseph, I would not have swallowed that load of tosh! Mind you, given Jesus had an older brother, James, I'm not quite sure how that notion stacks up anyway.
You keep going on about this documentary but that kind of assumes I support what the British armed forces do. I don't. I respect our soldiers but I don't agree with the way our governments use them. That said, we went to war in Kosovo and the old Yugoslavia to save Muslims from genocide - not that the Muslim world seem to give us any credit for that.
You still see the World in terms of Muslim and non Muslim. Because I am not a Muslim, I must, according to you, approve of everything done by non Muslim soldiers and non Muslim governments. I don't. I recognise that there is a lot of "wrong" done by Western governments but then I am not paranoid and I don't want to divide the world up in the simplistic way that you do! Why should I apologise to you for what has happened in Iraq? You don't live in Iraq and I didn't do it to you or to any of the Iraqis. That is a classic example of your two camp philosophy, a classic example of your Islam against the rest mentality, a classic example of the dangers of Islam because it encourages this sort of paranoia and division. And that breeds mistrust and hatred.
I am beginning to wonder why you live in Britain too. You seem to hate our "values" so much. If you want Sharia, why not move to a country that bases its laws on Sharia? Why not give up your comfortable life in this democracy and throw in your lot with your Muslim cousins? Where would you fancy? Qatar? Saudi Arabia? Afghanistan? Iraq? Iran? Kuwait? Pakistan? Indonesia? The Muslim world is your oyster mate. Why not give it a go and then tell us all how brilliant it is to live under Muslim rulers?
You are right about the Stanislas cross, I forgot that one. And, like Noble, he did take a corner that Piquionne got his head on. But you give Noble no credit for those corners so why do you credit Stanislas? Last season, Zola only started Stanislas in 11 games. Why do you think your favourite manager repeatedly preferred others to "Stan"?
Did I not mention Ben Haim's play acting? I meant to. I was furious that he lay down and tried to get the game stopped. Full marks to the ref for ignoring him! I did mention his pushing in the box. Ben Haim was not at fault for the goal. Barrera tried to dribble the ball away from the bloody corner flag and lost possession! In came the cross and the rest is history.
As for Boffin, he came for the original cross and didn't get there and panic ensued from there. He also flapped at two other crosses, took up a very poor position for a Pedersen free kick which fortunately flashed wide (there was a yard's gap between the post and Boffin's hand) and kicked dreadfully. He made two saves, one comfortable and the other incomplete because Blackburn scored from the rebound. Had it been Green, you would have been chuntering. But being Green's replacement, you want to defend him to be proved right about Green. You are transparent mate!
I think of women as possessions? Hahaha! That is the very thing you do HF! You cant then go accuse me of it. Nature tells women to go have intercourse with whoever they want? You must have some low opinion of women and man in general. That is what animals do HF!!! We are more complex than that. We have greater intelligence and morality.
"That is their right, and the more they exercise that right, the better!" Better for who? Those rapists from the statistic I quoted you from the Fawcett society? I have touched upon the subject of your wisdom HF, and it surprises me how you lack in it even though sometimes you can be a intelligent guy. How you fail to see how something can lead to something else sometimes really surprises me.
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Amongst many other things, marriage protects women's rights against husbands. So don't devalue it. Did you read the article in the Evening Standard the other day? It was titled "Two women a week killed by partners". Yep, whilst you were busy concentrating on Qatar. Deaths from violence in the home rise by 40%. More than one in four women will experience violence at some point in their lives. I'm talking about the UK HF, not Qatar, in case you're confused. It also highlights the failing of local organisations and government to help women and the failing of the police to deal with complaints. It tells of Maria Stubbings who was killed by her ex-boyfriend who get this, had previously been in prison serving 15 years for killing his former partner. Ms Stubbings complained to the police that she feared for her safety a number of times but she was ignored.
I'm allowed to criticise my country HF, it's a good and positive thing. I'm allowed to criticise a government that I did not vote for, that waged an illegal war and has killed thousand of innocent men women and children in my name. Try it. The fact that you use this and in effect tell me to go live somewhere else is just poor and something the bnp would do. And Islam has many of the same values as real Britain. But Britain is fast losing hers. And I am good for this country. I on tribute to this society in only positive ways. You should be encouraging me to stay rather than the opposite.
How do you know I have a comfortable life? Do you think being good is easy? I struggle everyday HF, and you should appreciate whenever you see a struggling person, because they are generally trying to do the right thing.
"And as an atheist, I have certain issues with a virgin birth! Had I been Joseph, I would not have swallowed that load of tosh!"
Are you calling Mary a prostitute/slag HF? She is the greatest of all women of all the worlds and you disrespect her like that? I thought you said you have more respect than me for women? Read about her, you will find more on her in the Quran than the New Testament as she is mentioned more there. She has her own chapter titled Maryam (Mary).
That documentary's not just about war HF. It will give you an insight into the double standards of the West and show up it's sanctimoniousness. It will also expose the fear the media have of anything which criticises Israel. You seriously need to watch it. It is compelling viewing. Set aside a bit of time and watch it, I mean it. I know you didnt bother watching that hadith youtube clip I sent you but you need to watch this. You will be able to relate to it more anyway. When someone says they disagree with you on something and then provide evidence, you should have a look at the evidence rather than ignoring it and carrying on believing what you always believed. I know it is easy to do, but do you not feel at unease thinking you could be wrong about something? Dont you want to find out?
No, I see the world as good and bad, and everything in between. There is no absolutistic dichotomous thinking here. I didnt say you should apologise to me for what happened in Iraq...even if you did vote for the labour government back then. I meant you should apologse for accusing Muslims and 'Islamic countries' of treating people bad when others, including this one, are just as bad but hide it.
Stanislas had plenty of games under Zola HF and you criticised Zola for playing him many times. Now you are saying why didnt Zola play him? You cant have it both ways HF. Also, I'm sure there is a difference in the Stan now and the Stan then. He is older, maturer and more improved even if it is just one year. You would expect this. We need to play him an encourage him to carry the ball. Someone who runs with the ball is a rare quality, and we need to encourage him to do this.
Whatever Barrera did for the goal, Ben Haim has to still defend. He just stood there flat footed in the 6 yard box and the ball bounced of him onto Nelson's column.
You agreed with me that Noble's corner was a floater and that Piqs header was mostly down to good work (big leap) from Piq!!! You agreed! Stan whips it in. Noble doesnt do this, that was my point. His corners are rubbish HF.
I am saying that Boffin did not deserve as low as a 4 but you're bringing Green into this? Why do you always make assumptions from my points. I am simply too innocent to think like that. I didnt even mention Green did I? The save you called incomplete wasnt incomplete. He saved it from off the floor. What did you expect him to do with a point blank shot?
I'm transparent, honest transparent. You can see through me because I have nothing to hide.
But we are not AS bad Stani. We have our faults but we live in a relatively free society and have the power to vote our government out of power. Does this exist anywhere in the Islamic world, without intimidation? Look what happens to democracy even in this country when Islam becomes involved. Fraudulant postal votes on a massive scale, wives instructed how to vote by their husbands, bribary and intimidation to secure the desired result.
I know the Qu'ran has a chapter on Mary, I have read it! I keep telling you I have read the Qu'ran! And I have read the Bible too! You believe what you read about Mary but where is your evidence? Oh, of course, it was dictated to Muhammad by Gibreel! Brilliant! So it must be true then because it is on the say so of an Angel that none of us have ever seen! The fact is, it is IMPOSSIBLE to conceive a child without fertilisation so Mary was not a virgin. It's a good yarn to tell your partner if you've been knocked up by somebody else though isn't it? And maybe Mary was an innocent, maybe the "Angel" duped her. "Don't worry, I am a messenger from God!" I am not calling Mary a prostitute or a slag. I am saying that she could not have conceived without impregnation however. As soon as you can find SCIENTIFIC evidence that this is possible, I will buy into the yarn; until then, I will understand it for what it is, a fairy story!
You are also absurdly inconsistent. Ben Haim and Tomkins could and would have cleared IF they had known where the ball was! Boffin could have come for the cross of course, all this happened in his six yard box. He came for two crosses further out and made a hash on both occasions. I KNOW you would have applied completely different standards had it been Green. I know how you operate now Stani. You are transparent, transparently obsessional, transparently inflexible, transparently bigoted!
Christian sluts, muslim sluts, atheist sluts, they're all sluts at the end of the day!
boffin 4? hahahaha everywhere else on the net and in the papers they are saying what a good performance - even yahoo says his performance was outstanding - with his save in the top 3 of the week. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/football/premier-league/video/allvideos-22327918/saves-of-the-week-flash-gordon-23562235#video=23562128
A pint in hand, a roaring fire in a nice hotel in beautiful Norwich.
Seems a shame to talk about football, but here goes;
Sack the useless baron greenback, and bring in IAN HOLLOWAY!!!!!!!! the only manager we are going to get that plays the way we want to play and shows some god damm passion. Plus the post match interviews will be a lot more interesting.
Now back to the pint and the fire with Mrs Bob.
Every country has it's faults but you imply that all other countries have are just faults and we are the great democracy of the world. That's wrong. Even I have opened your eyes to a few things going on in our country which you did not know and have wanted to ignore just by your reaction to some of the statistics I quoted. They came as a surprise to you because you didnt want to believe it, you didnt want to know it happened here. We cant be telling the world how to be civil if we're not that great ourselves.
Wives instructed by their husbands how to vote? That only happens with Muslims HF? Most wives generally dont get involved in knowing about politics anyway so it is only natural they would ask their husband who to vote for. They are not instructed. Still, there is a tradition in this country where whole families vote a certain party REGARDLESS of the policies just because Dad or Granddad had always been Tory or Labour or whatever. That point is weak HF.
I agree that voting is not as organised in many countries but that is because of development issues. Also, dont put it past the West to stick it's nose in and cause trouble where they see a democratic election in another country about to be won by a party they do not support (e.g Iran). This cloak and dagger stuff is going on all the time. You can call it conspiracies but you'd be stopping yourself from actually finding out if it is true. It is spoken about by experts in that documentary.
And does this government listen? Really? The public were against the war but they still went in. Look at whats happening with the students. Did you see the pigs knock that wheel chair bound students out of his wheel chair and drag him across the floor? Then you have the expenses scandals. The house of Lords, which is not democratically elected but they make law. This country, the people that run it, have forgotten what it means to be British. Once a nation looked up to, now everyone hates us. there are still many great things about this country of course, and we should be fighting to keep them not fighting to hide the mistakes made in our name because that will just allow the problems to fester.
But why do you then criticise when these countries are about to be given the chance to improve? The world cup going to Qatar will force that country to sort things out it may otherwise never have had. the world's focus will be on it. The people there will benefit ...women children. But youre against the world cup going there? why are you against them being ....helped, in effect? You should see this as a good thing.
And another point I'd like to make is every time a 3rd world country wants to rise, Britain and its chums are there doing something to keep it down. You may think this is all conspiracy but you will be surprised at the number of coups Britain has been behind and it's involvement in sponsoring and supporting certain corrupt regimes in certain countries. I hate to mention that documentary again, but watch it HF. There is an English author in it and he has written books about it. Also have a listen to the admissions of the foreign office guy at the UN. I rate him for coming clean though. The documentary may also show you why Muslims are angry.
"The fact is, it is IMPOSSIBLE to conceive a child without fertilisation". Its impossible to you HF because you do not believe in God. Had someone come to you before the creation of the universe telling what will happen, under the same logic you would have said to them it is impossible. But here we are. The Big Bang and Standard Model have lots of holes in them mate.
"Ben Haim and Tomkins could and would have cleared IF they had known where the ball was!" That is my point! He was asleep. He should have expected it as a professional defender (Hansen)said on motd.
I would have applied different standards had it been Green because I am fair. The situation would have required applying different standards because it would not have been Green's 6th top flight game, and Green also has a history of errors despite his recent good form. This is also just the 1st time we have seen Boffin and cannot say if he is prone to error. Hence, It is only right to apply different standards HF. I dont paint everyone with the same brush. But despite that, all I said is that he deserves more than 4. I didnt mention Green and I didnt say Boffin was faultless.
"You are transparent, transparently obsessional, transparently inflexible, transparently bigoted!"
I think I'm beginning to matter to you too much! I can only be good for you though HF, look at it that way.
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