Russia! Septic Bladder is taking the piss! They play World Cup qualifying games on artificial turf and couldn't even qualify for the last tournament! This is Septic Bladder's revenge because we exposed the corruption and cronyism inside FIFA. He's just called FIFA the capital of football, he meant the capital of corruption and incompetence. Rugby, tennis, athletics and cricket have all introduced technology, but not FIFA; dear God, that would reduce the opportunities for fixing results!
Well stuff it! Who needs a World Cup anyway?
Kevin in Manchester writes..
I have worked with andrew jennings in the past and he was bang on with panorama.. if you doubt him then go to his website. there is a warehouse full of documents online laying bear the corruption at the heart of FIFA..- mystified why so many blamed the bbc for exposing the corruption; no one shit bagged the D.Tel for its MP expenses stories .. same thing except FIFA are more more blantantly and institutionally corrupt. reckon we should go around other big football associations and take our game back from these corrupt bastards and set up a breakaway organisation .. after all we invented the bloody game .. worse than russia.. qatar..!! I don't know where to start. personally wasn't arsed about it being here .. it essentially a TV event but the brass neck of the corruption makes my blood boil.
No wonder PUTIN never was at the presentation he was so confident they had won.Stinks of corruption.Commitee mem
bers have had good back-handers it seems.
I didn't even see the point bidding. What a waste. It's all fixed. Blatter is clearly trying to take the game to places it hasn't been. He took it to the east, he took it to Africa and now wanted to take it to Russia and the middle east.
2022's done now too so it aint coming here for a long time unfortunately. Many of us will probably be gone by then.
Coming last of the 4 was the biggest surprise.
Well done Becks and the bid team though. Showed some class.
Kevin, I defend absolutely the right of the BBC to expose the corruption but why was the Panorama programme so heavily publicised in advance and shown in the week of the vote? Would it have hurt to keep it under wraps and run it next Monday? It didn't help did it?
We were never gonna win it so should have sent Gold, Sulli and Prince Philip as the bidding team. At least we would have got some entertainment!
ha Stani, now that's a dream ticket : )
Yep! Unfortunately we sent some our best to fight for something that was already decided.
We should get Panorama onto it...find out that it was all fixed. At least we'd get a refund for all those millions wasted.
Putin didn't turn up because he knew it was in the bag - well it had to be abramovich sponsored the bid... the stadia are crap - it's a police state and the "fans" are neo nazi thugs
Russian gas and oil no doubt greased the wheels, to mix metaphors and carbon fuels!
I'm throwing my full weight behind Somalia 2034.
It make sense people, lets make it happen!
Good call but North Korea, Iran and Zimbabwe must be in with a shout!
Russia and Qatar, you couldn't make it up! Fuck FIFA
It's been evident for a while that Septic (love the name, HF) loathes the English. He apparently reminded all of the voting delegates about the British press 5minutes before they voted!
I'm absolutely gutted. Where to start - Putin's arrogance and visible complacency versus what was clearly the best and the best supported presentation, Abramovich's smug and sanctimonious visage and colossal under-writing of their bid, the fact that it now seems likely that many of us will never get to experience the high of 1966 in our lifetime, the total lack of transparency and unaccountability of FIFA, Blatter himself. I rarely swear on blogs bit 2124 has it spot on with his last two words.
I suggest the three headed beast of Ian Holloway, Eddie the eagle Edwards and Harry Hill would have nailed it for us... I like England but I also like Russia but which bid is best? Only one way to find out...
The BBC program wasn't the only
revelation - the Triesman story was a lot more 'damaging' to the perception of England - Triesman was the guy who 'ruled' on the WHU case too btw. The fact is that FIFA is basically a monopoly cartel that decides the commercial 'future' of international football globally and completely unanswerable to anyone. And the FA is not up for 'taking the game back', that's certain....
We could always follow the boxing route and have three or four different world champions, at least it would take a lot of the power away from Blatter.
My only hope now is revenge by the media really going for the FIFA committee juglar and thoroughly exposing them for the utter corrupt crap they obviously are.
I have absolutely no hope of ever seeing a world cup in England now. If we had succeeded I may have just made it. However, I was lucky enough to see the 1966 final on tv and feel sad that so many fans will miss what I enjoyed so much so many years ago.
See my article above John. The Qatar World Cup should be used to destroy the FIFA oligarchy. Blatter's legacy should be that, because of him, the FIFA fatted cow is slayed for good!
I think the problem is criteria. We should enter a bid to host games such as the World Cup only when we are sure what the assessment criteria is. If a key fact is the likley winner will not have held the world cup before, then let's not bid. That way countries such as ourselves can avoid wasting the time & money.
If they want a country with an existing infrastructure that can deliver a commercailly successful games with low cost, then we should bid.
FIFA need to learn from other organisations who have a spcific need and invite only appropriate people to tender. It's a common business practice and stops people wasting time & money.
That assumes they have a defined criteria Sussex. Some of us believe they leave it as open as possible to maximise the opportunities for inspection visits, hospitality and under the table payments.
Yep - the crux of the issue. Shame but I do feel we should not enter any more World Cup lotteries until some form of clear selection criteria/weighting is published ahead of inviting bids. As FIFA are answerable to nobody, they will always have a veil of corruption surrounding them and (I agree) will therefore look to enjoy all the sucking up they can, especially as they spend 3 years out of 4 doing SFA.
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