Vitout raved: "The Boff was brill. His save from Pedersen's free kick was World Class. He leapt and flew through the air like a salmon jumping into a John West tin. And I loved the way he dribbled round that Blackburn forward. Class sheer class."
Lee continued: "It may be tough on Rob Green who is clearly the best keeper in England, but after that debut showing, there's no way the Boffmeister can ever be dropped. I've not seen a debut as good as that since...since Freddie Sears scored that wonder goal to launch his prolific career!"
A campaign has been launched in Over Land & Sea to get Boffin into the Belgian national team. Vitout continued: "We all know there is a prejudice against West Ham keepers when it comes to international football. How many caps did Phil Parkes get exactly? Or Mervyn Day? Or Bobby Ferguson? Or David James when he was at West Ham? Even Ludek only got 40 caps! Dear God, McKnight only got 10 caps! And now, just watch, Boffin will be ignored even when installed as West Ham's number one and Capello will use it as an excuse to drop Green, just because he is sitting on the bench. It's a bloody conspiracy against West Ham!"
Asked about Boffin's failure to take the two crosses leading to the goal, Vitout raged: "I've heard all this crap before. Look, even the mighty Rob Green struggles with crosses. I hate the way people try to pick holes. So Green is dodgy on crosses, but so was Jesus and he is the Saviour supreme. Green is a great shot stopper. You can't have everything can ya? And Boffin is cut from the same cloth! Bring on Everton I say, and that little tosser Cahill! With Boff in goal we have nothing to fear!"
Know nothing Hammersfan has been forced to concede that including Boffin on a regular basis would be a positive move. "I'm not sure about his merits as a keeper but all these pictures of rude boffs are certainly livening up my blog!" he agreed.
HF you do talk some crap, dont ya.
here mugsy cop a load of this (again)
Stanilas got in the top three goals of the week and......
the goal against Boffin was "world class"
Boffin's save was in the Top Three premiership saves on the week.
Watch the video and you'll see SP at his best too.
Kind on all flies in the face of what you've been telling us this week, don't you think?
But I'm agreeing with you TIS. By the way, how many goals were scored this week? And how many saves were made this week?
Why the need for this patronising garbage? I don't recall anyone going over the top and saying that he's the next Buffon.
The boy had an average debut. He did ok but made a couple of errors which I think we can forgive, given that is was his debut.
I recall that Rio and Frank were pretty poor for their first 20 odd games.
We should be showing support and patience to a new player after debut not criticising at every opportunity.
And yes, I know this article is aimed at your so called 'three monkeys' but it certainly doesn't support the player in anyway either.
Why bother writing this? Seriously why???
you can't have it both ways - one answer and you claim numbers don't count and now you want to look at the number of goals scored and the number of goals saved...
The new Buffoon? That's a bit harsh mate! But I can see the nickname sticking!
So I could use that picture mate. Why didn't my teachers dress like that?
Made me smile. Cheer up you MSOB, its Christmas!
1201, see TIS's comments above yours!
Whilst I agree he deserved a higher rating for that game than HF's 4, we should not get carried away until we see more of him.
One thing I did notice, and I hope it is not a permanent flaw of Boffin's, is he seems to be slow in moving his body across (not diving, moving on his feet). I did notice it from the Pedersen free-kicks and I hope it was just me rather than an actual flaw.
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