Cole has been retained ahead of Piquionne and I suspect that is a mistake too. Spector plays and so, amazingly, does Dyer. I trust Barrera is fully warmed up, he is likely to be needed before twenty minutes are up.
The team is very definitely 4-4-2 but Grant seems to have forgotten who played in the victory at Sunderland earlier in the season. I think he has got it wrong. Here's hoping I look a complete cock in two hour's time!
Can't really figure the side. Cole, Dyer, Specs, Gabs? Really? Ugh.
I read your Ashes posts with interest - having no knowledge of cricket (although I do know who Ian Botham is). I proceeded to read the Sky Sports coverage and took a quiz for giggles. I got 70%. On guesses. Perhaps that is what our leading mortician Mr. Grant has done with this side at the Stadium of Light today. Alas.
There is always hope, I suppose.
Just win, baby.
carlton cole is a waste of space i cant believe after 2 goals hes in front of piquionne who has alot better chemistry with obinna
before u try balme defence for tht goal ill think u will find carlton cole gave the bal away agen to make tht attack and cole needs to be sold
What the hell is that formation about? I really HOPED that it was Green, FAUBERT, Tomkins, Upson, Ben Haim....Barrera, Parker, BEHRAMI(maybe Spector), Boa Morte, Obinna, and PIquionne...Dyer should be on the bench...he doesn't deserve to start for his inconsistency..Cole is the same...I don't understand....why is Gabbidon starting when we did better with Faubert/Jacobsen...WHY ISN'T STANISLAS EVEN ON THE BENCH?! ....1-0 Sunderland..let's hope something good comes of this.
Fragile in defence, toothless in attack and almost totally absent midfield! What the hell does Avram Grant think he is doing? Why is Piquionne and Hines on the bench? Has Spector suddenly become a super attacking midfielder? Apart from one crazy run he was not in the game. Dyer's contribution was negligible too. Cole is totally out of sunc! I can't believe how wrong this team is. The problem is that even AG realised that he made a mistake he needs a lot more than three changes to fix it! It is pathetic, really. Please get Piquinne and Hines (is Stanislas even on the bench?). God help us!
Cole out!
Terrible. Nothing. Tripe.
Get off!!!
We are beyond awful today. Cant pass a ball beyond 6 feet.
We have serious communication issues.
i would like to point out that kames tomkins was magnificent today apart from keeping them onside for the goal but that game was crying out for noble as we couldnt srting 3 passes togethe for most of the macth and i think to all the supporters of noble and all the non supporters we need noble our midfield is unbalanced without him and i dont think the problem is him unfortuantley the problem lies with dozey scotty parker who if we get 10-15 mil for him sell him as if we sell him we ccan actually buy the players we need to stay up and i belive spector proved man united was no fluke we also desperatley need collison back aswell and carlton cole should go bugger of to liverpool
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