What an odd decision! Doesn't Snodgrass understand that Leeds are a huge club with a fantastic history and a wonderful future? Poor Warnock hasn't been able to tell him anything "concrete" about the take over, but surely if it is imminent, he could have been offered a confidentiality agreement to sign, and then persuaded him that remaining with a club owned by billionaire Bahrainis would be better than joining country bumkin Norwich with Delia Smith as a director!
This is madness! Snodgrass needs his head examining! Leeds are one of the biggest clubs in Europe, no, one of the biggest in the world, and Norwich are...well Norwich! How many Premiership titles have Norwich won? How many times have Norwich played in the Champions League? Marching On Together in Norwich? MOT stands for Mother On Top in Norfolk!
But Snodgrass has decided that Norwich are the better bet. Makes you wonder about this take over doesn't it? And makes you understand why Leeds were suddenly able to bid for Maynard - not that they have bid for Maynard you understand. A telephone enquiry is not a bid! Most definitely not!
So how much will Norwich pay? £2.5m? Putting Bates and Leeds in profit for the summer dealings even if £1.5m is splashed on Maynard!
So much for the Bahraini Billionaires! Snakeinthegrass clearly doesn't reckon them!
Ha Ha! - They play music when they score a goal!
Massive, family club!
Leeds is still the 4th most supported club in England, Snodgrass will be in a relegation battle next season and no doubt after the big 'sheik up' at Leeds they will be passing by each other at the end of this season so why don't you ask Snodgrass who's the biggest club in a years time MOT
So God forbid if Maynard signed for Leeds does that mean that Leeds are a bigger club than the bubbles.....of course it doesn't because Leeds are a bigger club already!!! Nice picture though!!!
parker and defoe the list is endless who jumped ship back to prem
Mate, I'm an 'ammers fan, it seems to me you keep running stories about Leeds just to get your blog hits up?
Give it a rest and concentrate on our news eh? You are coming across like a needy teenager and it's embarrassing.
Missing the point 1549, Maynard will only join Leeds if we want to offload him. Warnock was desperate to keep hold of Snodgrass but couldn't!
You claim to know about football, yet your posts on here seem to come from a 5 year old.
It's got nothing to do with size of club, it's all about wages - and being in the Prem Norwich can pay more to have him sit on the bench than Leeds can pay him to be captain.
If that's what he wants to do then fine, let him do it, we will use the £3 million it is rumoured the fee is (not £2.5 as you claim) to get in players that want to play for us.
Either that or Captain Birdseye will stick it in his back pocket, and say it's severence pay when the takeover goes through.
You should keep Maynard instead ov tha useless great ape you play up front
Hammersfan (15:55) - You are also missing the point.
Warnock clearly stated he wanted Snoddy to stay, and would only let him go if a replacement was lined up.
If that replacement is the return of Max Gradel, as strongly rumoured, then I'm more than happy for him to go.
At last a blogg that I agree with, are you sure your not a Leeds fan on the quiet.
Snod is like nearly all footballers in it for the money
I'm not 100% he's a prem player, very good in the champs must agree
I don't understand your obsessive need to attract the attention of Leeds United supporters. Deep down, do you fantasise about Yorkshire cock?
PS: Leeds are obviously, by your argument, bigger than Wet Sham.
After all Goofy left you for us, and only left us for the Scummers (after we made about £150k a game profit on him)
And I doubt there are many out there who wouldn't accept that the Scummers are currently, and have been for several decades, a bigger club than Leeds.
Surely you've got to see why Snodgrass is going to Norwich. They are in the Premier League now and they may stay up next season however I think they'll struggle. Leeds on the other hand have an outside chance in my opinion of going up, possible but if they don't this potential takeover will feel the force of financial fair play if they spend too much, the financial fair play is designed to stop these incredibly rich people take over championship clubs and ruin the championship.
Hammersfan you are missing the point - Leeds are a bigger club that West Ham are or ever will be. The fact that a West Ham blog is dedicated to writing about Leeds says it all really....
Sorry to say it snoddy jumped ship because there is no takeover he will be replaced by some 35 year old journey man well done bates conned again
I would love to bum you , you balloon on a stick.
Three blogs in less then 18 hours.. A Tad Sad even for a shammers fan with an over the top obcession with Leeds United...
Nice one Sad Act.
Wind-Up-Wednesday in full force. Keep up the good work promoting Leeds United around cyber-world.
There's only one thing worse than people talking about you. - People not talking about you. Ask any unfortunate Hammer that stumbles on your blog.
Looking forward to Thinley-Veiled-Thursday already.
Leeds have the potential to be one of the top 5 clubs in the country, but are being strangled by Bates.
Our club has had it's heart & soul ripped out of it. I honestly don't know how long it will take for us to recover once Bates has gone.
I wouldnt wish Bates on anybody, even Man U.
I just wish he would do the decent thing & drop dead!!
ps. It's pretty sad when you get a West Ham website who run pathetic stories about Leeds just to increase hits on their website. Quite pathetic really!!
By your own definition at least. So Norwich are therefore a "bigger" club WHU. Again, your definition.
I can see now why you avoid WHU stories as much as possible. Simples.
You miss the point 1652, Leeds WERE looking for a buy out (presumably), West Ham have shown no interest in Snodgrass. Big Al could have bought an team in the Championship but CHOSE to buy Forest, rejecting Leeds and every other club in the division in the process. Snodgrass has been hanging on at Leeds hoping a team like Villa or West Ham might come in for him, but has now been forced to accept his limited options - it is Norwich or Leeds. The fact that he chose Norwich should shock all true Leeds fans to the core!
Wot a cockend u r hf
Whats your point Hammersfan, we all know as a Championship club we are powerless to stop player's wanting to play in the Premier League, if Snodgrass leaves, he leaves with the best wishes of the fans, he's given us 4 good years service and i'd rather us get a couple of million to re-invest than get nothing at the end of the season. Cheers for the memories Snoddy.
P.S. I don't think he's as "irriplacable" as some people are suggesting.
What's funny is that this massive club Snods has joined can't afford 3 million quid up front. Maybe Sky haven't paid them yet. 3m is only just under their record signing. Massive team!
Help his international career?!?! As if fecking Scotland will qualify for the next world cup. Classic!
Hammersfan, get you facts straight.... Big Al bought forest because it cost him less than 10 times what it would to purchase Leeds!!!!! Big Al hasn't got billions but our new owners have and for the record we all know it's a done deal...... Leeds are enormous AGAIN!!! Snoddy can have a shot at the premiership and he deserves it....albeit a short live one. Hammers found it difficult to gain promotion by spending millions on players wages.... Yeah????? Leicester spent millions, yeah???? Well both Southampton and reading didn't, yeah???? Work it out fool, you need a TEAM not individuals in our league to go up, yeah?????? GUESS WHAT???? Neil Warnock is building a TEAM!!! Now fck off and leave us alone you tool!!!!!!
Lee M.O.T
Well done HF less subtle of late but bites a plenty. Question does not really need answering, stupid question if you look at it however most Leeds fans are pragmatic enough to know that from time to time these things happen. I stopped getting upset bout players leaving after Gordon McQueen left for them over the Pennines. Snoddy may have been the best of a bad bunch but honestly no near as good as some may think. Best of luck to the lad he did his part in helping us finish 14th last season..we shall just have to hope Leeds Utd survive without him....oh and profits at the Wetherby Whaler and the Bookies will take a hit but life goes on HF.
At the end of the day footballers have always looked after themselves first-& Snodgrass is no different. We were happy when he moved to us & thus upset the supporters of the club he came from.It happens eveywhere-even at Wet Spam! As a Leeds United fan I'm disappointed in him, but lets face it we have seen far better players leave over the years. Good riddance if his heart isn't with us Leeds United followers. Thats what sets us apart from tosh "also rans" like the Spanners-we want players to love the white shirt-not love the paypacket for playing in a shite hole of East London. As for the good old argument of "whose the bigger club"-well PL teams due to media coverage always carry that mantle. But seriously are Wigan bigger than West Ham due to the fact they are a more established PL team? I don't think so. Its History, fanbase, achievement that makes a club. I'm not saying I like being out of the top flight, but when our global fanbase is an estimated 10 million & we have been out of the PL for all this time, it kind of sums it up really. I wonder what the fanbase is in comparison at Norwich or even your own club? Whats your recent major achievements? Jeez, we get called for highlighting 1991-92 as our last major honour. Was yours 1976? LOL Wet Spam is like the guy living in the mansion house laughing at the guy in the semi detached. The differance is the guy in the semi detached can afford his mortgage & alls well. You East London Ethnics can't afford the payments, (even with the PL money-or why else were you in 100m debt when you crashed out of it last time? eh?) I truley hope you do get the Olymic bowl so the rest of the country can laugh our bollox off at how few fans fill it!
I am a Leeds fan but your comments on the size of our club are right,Big is as Big does and we have been a selling club for years now whatever the reason.
Players come and go you should know that it's a fact of life another fact is whoever comes and whoever goes Leeds will march on !!!! You on the other hand are prize w&nker and will remain a w&nker for the rest of your sad life you probably don't even know your a w&nker you really should take a look at your life bell end
We are in the process of building a colourful side that will make us look like twats and Bates and Warnock are pissing their pants. We have a Green, a White, a Brown and just added a Gray and a fcucking Paynter upfront.
LOL Damn you 2033, I was planning a thread along those lines, but Paynter is the killer, I hadn't thought of him! Very good mate!
Hate English Football!!! If you are in the Prem you are massive! Championship no where! Even if you've never won anything of merit, never spent more than £4m on a one player or ground holds less than 30000. All of a sudden Norwich City are a bigger club than Leeds United?!?! Just because they are spoon money fed by Sky.
Look at Napoli. Almost dead 7 years ago and last season pushed final winners Chelsea to the limit. They have also done this without spending billions like Chelsea or Man City. Never happen in England. Not now.
The Premiership is unfair and the teams that fall out to the championship are spoon fed millions from a league with they failed to stay in. Totally ghay!
I hope our new owners have some big bucks!!!
I'm sure I read this last year when we signed Bradley Johnson. Who will we pinch from you next year.
So he can only play for Scotland if they qualify? Do you understand football at all? Clearly not as you would know that no one pays the full transfer fee up front anymore
Bates continues to drain the £££'s from our club. Snodgrass will be replaced by a has-been journeyman or a mediocrity from Portsmouth. The life and soul has been drained from our once mighty club. And as for bringing in players 'who want to play for the white jersey' - total tosh. LUFC are rotten to the core. And the takeover is a pipedream. At least this West Ham blog throws light on Bates' disgraceful and systematic pillaging of Elland Road. MOT? Not so sure anymore.
With all due respect but I think a more sensible debate would be who is the bigger club out of Norwich and West Ham. You both have a tiny fan base and won virtually nothing between you. In fact that is a really good question?
Leeds are a feeder club to Norwich weather they like it or not. 3 of their best 4 players have gone to Norwich over the last 18 months (Gradel to France). Didn't Norwich turn around an 11 point gap 3 season ago to take the title away from leeds as well? "Snodgrass was holding out for a Villa or West Ham..." He has been a Norwich target for over a year and therefore Lambert must have been interested but having looked at the value of players Villa are buying he couldn't afford the fee that 'massive famous' leeds united were charging. Big world cup winning west ham are that massive that they couldn't even prize away little old Norwich's 30+ year old want-away striker.
Brilliant. So this child with all the writing merits of a goat goes about writing a blog comparing the intangible size of two football clubs based on the sale of one player. Do you have any more tenuous lines, perhaps QPR should have had the title because they beat Man City. If you need the hits stick up a picture of your dick, I assure you it will be far less embarrassing than whoring your wares trying to draw the attentions of your secret obsession; Leeds United. Enjoy the read, I shall not return. This tripe is ok for a 2 minute shuffle but I'm already losing the will to finish thi..........
These comments on which is the “bigger club” are so so sad. Neither Leeds nor West Ham have much to brag about in recent times.
But if you do want to play that game, I would suggest getting your facts straight. To claim West Ham have a “tiny fanbase” is massively incorrect.
Simply compare average home (and away) attendances for last season when both teams were in the Championship. Massive, huge Leeds surely doubled tiny old West Ham's? Go on, do some fucking research, you might surprise yourselves. If you have a basic grasp of arithmetic, that is.
Classic! As a Norwich fan I'm happy you all seem to think that we are poor with no prospects. Last season people thought that and we finished 12th. This season will no doubt be tougher, hence the need to strengthen the team.
To hear Leeds fans complaining and saying they are bigger and better than us is laughable, you used to be fantastic but now you are quite average. History won't win you a game of football, history won't get you promoted. Facts are facts, both Norwich and West Ham - along with Wigan, Southampton and Reading, are all currently BETTER than Leeds. Fact
Leeds United are a big club on a comeback and you are secretly... well by the tone and frequency of your blogs, 'not secretly' shitting yourself at the prospect of Leeds fans having something to be happy about for a change. Must be awful for you to not have anything exciting to blog about when it comes to your own club. Even your own fans are saying that you sound like a gilted teenager with a grudge. Never mind eh.
Simon not all Leeds fans are blinkered and as I have already stated "who is the bigger club" is a stupid question. HF does it to get bites from passionate supporters of what is for many a special club. I have respect for every true supporter who in this day and age put up with so much, high ticket prices, tv messing with kick off times and a feeling of marginalisation by owners who care little for fans. I feel for Pompey and Darlo fans and Iam gobsmacked with the situation that Glasgow Rangers find themselves. As we know only too well fans suffer most when things go wrong. However as the old saying goes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.Having followed Leeds since 75 I actually enjoyed my time in div 3 albeit one season longer than I hoped. Your club is well run and seem to look after the support I have always enjoyed my trips to Carrow Road, cracking pubs along the riverside just the results were never that great. Snoddy was one of the best of a bad bunch had heart and passion that made up for his half a yard lack of pace. Hopefully he will improve and good luck to the lad he is joining a good club and a chance to earn a wee bit more coin. Leeds will challenge next season, knocker will make sure of that. MOT
Thanks for that Minty ha ha.
I can see why you get off on this now HF - might even set up my own site!!
Just off to Turkey for a month. Gonna miss the banter with those jolly Leeds chaps, especially that nice Mick chap.
Keep up the good work, HF.
Hey, just a thought, weren't Pompey taken over by an alleged rich benefactor at one stage?
Andy Carroll to the bubble blowers...Just ask Andy Carroll !!!
i write as a Leeds fan, but I agree with the last comment. History doesn't justify Leeds. Leeds are no longer a great club, they are an average Championship club at best. Leeds have no divine right to be in the PL,and thats an impossibility anyway as long as bates is at the helm.
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