Oh dear. Signing number two arrives and it is none other than Adam Drury. Adam who? Exactly!
The good people of Norwich know him, but the good people of Norwich know their own sisters! Adam has been a loyal servant at Norwich for many years now. In fact for many, many, many years now if we are honest.
The guy has spent a long, long, long career achieving very, very, very little. At 33 years of age he is in the twilight of a career spent very much in the shadows anyway. And this is the man Warnock has recruited to fill the boots of the great Terry Cooper and Ian Harte! Perhaps the club should retire the number 3 shirt now to avoid humiliating comparisons!
Still, he is on a free and his wage demands were no doubt modest. So this is a clear pointer to an imminent take over then! So much for the multi millionaire Frenchman about to buy Master Bates out of the club!
Still, beggars can't be choosers. Sound the fanfares, roll out the red carpet, dedicate the front and back pages of the Yorkshire Post to the news. Leeds United have signed Adam Drury!
Of course, what do I know, I'm only a cockerknee wanker, so for the opinion of a true flat cap wearing, whippet owning miser, follow this link:
yet again your a knob jockey ..
Yeah the neck
You really are an odious little twat arent you?
Your a one sad little twat, go wank over west ham you bubble blowing Cockney bastard
So very, very funny - not.
Do you know why there are NO west ham articles on any Leeds United Blog sites?
Because we really don't give a s**t about your team.
Not so much a cockerknee wanker- a window licking gaylord more fits the bill. Is it true you had some anal molestation at school ?
Come on big NORTHERN SAM the leader of this spunk blowers team cant wait to play you next year in the championship..we no were not good enough for prem yet but this cockney geezer must hate living in the shaddows of the big teams in capital.
I really think the time is fast approaching for Master Bates to hand the club free of charge over to Messrs Charlton,Gray,Hunter and Lorimer. They will then be in a position to re-name the club "Don Revie's International Players Football Club". ( DRIPS for short).They won't be any more successful on the football pitch,but think of all those sentimental evenings they could arrange with their brainless fans mulling over all those trophies they just failed to win,and the brutal tactics they employed just for the sheer hell of it. OH HAPPY THUGGISH DAYS !!
Leeds fans happy he quick solid at the back better than your left back the one we discarded george mcartney you will be ok tho you got winston reid who good at knocking long balls up top the way fat sam plays all the time only problem will be wet spam fans unrealstic expectations for sexy football something you aint got players for and sam couldnt get them playing anyway 1 defeat yous be on his back good times ahead tho... for me watching west ham go down and leeds go up
I usually stick up for your posts pal, i usually like them. but you seem to be more and more attacking, why?
Not all of us call you these things.
Why dont you blog about your teams issues such as having 9 strikers on prem wages or trying to get the Olympic stadium when you cant even sell out little upton park.
You are a cock mate.
Being a Leeds fan who now lives in Norwich but working regularly in London, I find it hard to believe you taking the pi$$ out of people from Norwich or Leeds you cockney muppet.
You support a club that has been bailed out from debt more times than soft mick and spout off about a club that has won more than you cockney f*ckers ever will.
The thing is f*ckwit we don't care about West Ham and never have since the 80's so whats your issue, you get chinned on Green Street or on Beeston Hill in years past??
Get a life you boring southern twat
Meet the superstars of west ham
george mcartney - leeds reject
ravel morrison - Man U reject
Brian Montenegro - had a good game against dagenham and redbridge last season apparently !
callum driver - played for Burton albion!
daniel potts...did well against gillingham last year
"Barcelona and Man city in tug of war over West Ham starlets"
Oh dear you watch all the leeds supporters get irate over this one, not actually realising whats happening on there own doorstep! Of course it will be having a go at you you cock-er-nee so and so.
If only they actually looked at what was going on
So because you have nothing to write about you focus on regional stereotypes? Instead of writing such nonsence,how about including your name and address in the article?
I know you'll be reading this even if you don't have the stones to post it, focus on your own team instead of posting complete and utter nonsence to boost your hits. If not,post your address!
Maybe Leeds are about to be taken over by age concern.
No doubt Drury is a Lovely Geezer, but does having 6 fingers on each hand make him a better defender?
The blog at 09:01 is one of the most illiterate I have read on this site. Time for Master Bates to arrange some part-time English and punctuation lessons for the unwashed Leeds' fans.
Even Don Revie could manage the odd coherent phrase.
Perhaps they don't want to abandon their whippets for the sake of out of hours adult education.
Clearly Leeds signing an over the hill never-was-been is still huge news on LUFC's biggest blog site. Wet Spam United - The Lame, Wrong 'n'Lazy
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Not looking so clever now, are you, Leeds have THREE new players and counting......
Can't wait for you're next article on paul green, What you going to slag him for having ginger hair? you muppet. Jack charlton hater i posted at 9.01am, didn't have time to check spelling and grammer it not that important to me. were in a rush posted of my phone on my way to work, you might try it some day instead looking for bad grammer on the web you fu*king bum
Mohamed Diame............. A Wigan reject. Jussi Jaaskelainen of Bolton hmmmmmmm. Stephen Henderson Pompy. I see a pattern here they all are relegation experts. Where do your board think your going to be at the end of the season?
you odious sarcastic little shit. your bubble blowers will never be nowhere near as big a club as leeds united. when the take over happens warnock will be able to wake a sleeping giant from its slumber.when it happens your gonna have the biggest egg all over your ugly face, you little turd.
1811, I've posted on Green. Great signing mate. Presumably you posted this comment from your mobile too. Hard with those little buttons and that small screen isn't it? I understand the problem.
Typical West Ham. Get promoted back to the top flight and suddenly they are a superpower of football again. You are a horrible, odious club.
Unlike the writer of this blog. I have actually watched Adam play for 11 seasons. This is a solid signing by Leeds. They are getting one of the best "pure defenders" in the division. His only weaknesses are his forward play at times and that at 33 he will probably only manage about 30 games a season.
The comment about what he has actually achieved is bang out of order as well. Very few clubs outside the big 4 actually win a major trophy. So by that reckoning all of West Ham's players are also a bunch of non achieving nobodies as well.
He has got 2 automatic promotions from this level (West Ham have had to burgle it both times through the playoffs) so he knows exactly what its all about. It isnt a box office signing that will get fans off their seats. But Warnock is laying the foundations of a very solid back four for the season ahead.
I think your a bellend mate, slaggin off us leeds when you just wanna suck of Big sam . Bet you made that nick name didnt you homo dicked
You inbred mono. Go read shakespeare
I hope you get rapped in Ethiopia by some Rastas, LFC 4 LIFE <3
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