So, according to the latest press statement, an interested party is carefully inspecting the books with a view to purchasing Leeds. Of course, a confidentiality agreement prevents Leeds from revealing who the would be purchaser might be.
Now, the bid may be 100% legitimate but it does seem amazing that nobody has had a whiff of who the prospective purchaser might be. Usually, confidentiality agreements or not, everybody knows who the buyer is - we knew about Sullivan & Gold for example - but in the case of Leeds, there doesn't seem to be an inkling.
The suspicion remains, therefore, that this is all a ruse by Master Bates. Let the summer slip past without spending any money, then bemoan the collapse of the deal as the unidentified prospective buyer drops out at the last moment. Only time will tell and the club has made clear "they will not be making any further announcements in the near future".
So when the window slams shut then?
Farnley white:- that's what I've thought all along.
But who give a fook we're still the mighty Leeds united and we'll keep bouncing back
no dude think hopefully this time it for real. too many false dawns for my liking !
no mate hopefully after so many false dawns this is the real thing !
Jesus west hams website must be shit ...do they even have one lol....so little happening at relegation bound hammers that u rely on the one of the biggest fanbases to put hits on ur site pmsl get a job and move out ur moms we are all board of your transparent jealousy of our great club MOT WE ARE SUPER LEEDS
why the f--k dont you just butt out. when leeds fans want your oppinion we will ask for it, not! go talk about west sham instead you tedious little twat.
no man hopefullt its all good after so many false dawns .
Jesus is this a west ham site or a Leeds site. I'm a hammers fan and I have nothing against Leeds so why are you always havin a Go? I've had enough of this site and am not going to read anything else you talk shit. Il have aloof in 2 weeks and if theirs any more Leeds stuff then see ya. Stop writing shit and write about the hammers or you,ll never have anybody on here!
doubt it pal . this time seems pretty legit . hes knocking on is old batesy doesnt need the stress
Do I detect a sense of envy in 'The Games Gone Crazy' mix? Now wouldn't it be nice to come out on top with this. New cash input. Old Bates output. The stuff of LU dreams
Is this a hammers or a Leeds site. I'm fed up of coming on here to read hammers snews and getting Leeds stuff. What have you got against Leeds I couldn't give a shit about them really. Stop writing about them and more about west ham. If I see more shit about Leeds then I'm not going to use this site again. Buck up or fuck off
Stop writing Leeds shit and write about the hammers!
lol how can someone have so much spare time on their hands to just spend half their life making up silly childish stories about another club??
I really feel sorry for the editor of this site. Get well soon mate.
Sounds like his days at Chelsea all over again better hope any new prospective owner isn't flying in by helicopter
Oh dear hammersfan, your small time club is lumbered with crippling debts & the mighty whites are going through a takeover!
Go suck an egg
You must be shitting your self financial heavy hitters buying leeds united ha ha ha all the way to the bank you mug. Unlike you we no our chairman and he never stays quiet, quick to dampen our hopes. Not this time cause we all no he cannot sustain leeds at least not on his own. Our glorius manger is taking us to the promise land, its what he does trust me on that or look it up. Try and pray on our fears it happening you little cum quate look that up in your dictionary you cu#t
Go suck a Donkey.
Sort your life out.
It's the news that all West Ham and similar 'small' clubs feared. Their time to crow is drawing to an end.
However dire the clubs circumstances, it was only ever a matter of time before a footballing brand of the stature of Leeds United was seen by investors for what it is-a rare opportunity to purchase football gold.
Of course the hard work needs still to be done but the return of LUFC to the top flight now seems only a matter of time.
It's highly unlikely that, given the announcement of the due diligence process, this deal will not go through in the very near future. Even the inimitable Ken Bates would likely pause before announcing a lie of such monumental proportions, although that possibility remains a thin straw, the only straw, still available to the owner of this blog site
It's perhaps wishful thinking to hope for a squillionaire to be taking the helm, but it's equally unlikely that anyone would take over the club without the funds to push forward. After all, there's no significant money to be made for an investor in the Championship, and the fans reaction to a new owner with limited ambition would make life unbearable for whoever takes control of the club.
It can only be hoped for the sake of West Ham fans that Leeds United gain promotion this season coming and that WH manage somehow to hang onto Premiership status long enough to give them at least one money boosting visit of the mighty Leeds to an ailing Upton Park.
Marching On Together.....
Its a shame your obsession with our club doesn't slam shut ffs!
I understand Master Bates was recently asked why he refuses to show his hands on the question of a possible takeover of Leeds United.
He replied "Didn't you know my favourite pastime is playing pocket billiards?"
Another story from a jealous west ham fan
lol, conspiracy theory at its best....that's why they have given an exclusive deal (which most likely runs out on transfer deadline day)
MOT mate...we all know you love us!
You wish!
ye seems ur right,bubbles my arse.
West Ham: porn owners and bubbles, bloody fairies aint ya
People on the board of the supporters trust know who it is but don't want to jeprodise the takeover with spouting their mouth off.
What a load of tosh!Living in the south too long.
I'm sure Sean Harvey would have let it slip to his friends at LUST by now - Being the Lovely Geezer that he is, Harvey could never keep secret the fact that Age Concern are about to invest people into the Leeds squad!!
Who knows who the mystery buyers may be but I put my house on them not selling dildo's for a living like your illustrious owners you winkle picking, jellied eel guzzling moron
Guys, you seem to have missed "Now, the bid may be 100% legitimate".
You must be out of work or jusst a fat B**stard and can't get ot of the house to have time to write all this about leeds. stop eating all the pies and spend time on that small club from Newham
Answer Honestly.
WHY do you always write about us?.
Because you are news. Pretty quiet at West Ham at the moment. Perhaps the Leeds giant is waking up. or perhaps Master Bates is pulling a fast one. Only time will tell. But it is interesting isn't it? Trouble is, if there is a big investor waiting in the wings, why is Warnock packing the squad with dross?
Harsh to call an international midfielder. Ex premier league full back. And a former club captain as 'dross'
Hope so, after many fake dusks and more false dawns than I care to remember heres hoping it's the real deal now.
keep talking shit about Leeds HF shit club, shit supporters, shit city,shit county, so should be easy to keep talking shit
You are just one sad and jealous wet spammer, and even your own supporters are getting pissed off with being inundated with so much crap and drivel about Leeds United!
Why don't you take a look around the Leeds web sites - you won't find any postings about wet spam on them - because we don't give a $hit about you or your team.....
Look at all the jealous hammer fans. Your site talks more about our great as we are quite considerable richer than you. We WILL wave as we pass you by next season. Thanks site owner i love reading Leeds on a west ham site says it all really. We are far bigger than west ham could ever be
"Harsh to call an international midfielder. Ex premier league full back. And a former club captain as 'dross' "
The wet spammer obviously supports a team of the highest clibre, full of superb internationals and talented players....
... oh no, I forgot, this is a wet spam blog site!
Its obvious why hammersfan always writes about Leeds. It's because you can guarantee he will draw a reaction. Leeds support is so big and widespread that he can't fail to get a bite when he writes his childish blogs.
Of course the extent of the reaction makes him feel good because he thinks hes clever enough to get all this attention from his 'brilliant writing'. Fellow Leeds fans, I call on you to take it as a compliment that this fellow writes about us. He needs us to make his blogs popular. We are Mighty Leeds because eveyone is interested in us...even this fool
2011 /2012 average championship gates.
Ailing West Ham United = 30,923
Mighty Leeds United = 23,283
Biggest gate
Jealous West Ham (against Hull) = 35,000
Mighty Leeds United (against little ol' West Ham United) = 33,366
Clearly David you and all your fellow mighty white responders have a point.
For those of you who struggle with it, that my friends is irony!
They may not be selling dildos but they will certainly be playing a few next year and will be paying the biggest one to manage them.
Good luck Leeds united Xx
Must be selling to Newco Rangers. If anyone in England would lose no sleep about selling their club to Rangers then it would be Mr Bates.
I enjoy your blogs Sir winding up Leeds fans must give you a buzz. Fair play but too many of ours bite. The reason is we are desperate to get rid of Bates. Going to Elland Rd last year the feeling of life being sucked out of the club was tangible. It hurts,like you we love our club but we pay an extortinate amount to watch what can only be described as shite. Away games were better atmosphere but the football was not much better. We filled most away ends and amazingly took over 3,000 to Cov on a freezing valentines night to watch a team that was devoid of passion and talent. Not going claim level gates as a measure of a big team, life is tough for all working class fans with less money in our pockets who can week in week out pay what we have to pay to watch a team that would stuggle in Div 3 (traditionalist)Bates will go rest assured he has no option and yes we hope we get the investment our supporters truly desrve. MOT
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