A clearly irritated Allardyce hit back after the game, going into yet another round of cringing self justification. Instead of trumpeting a vital win and talking about carrying the confidence gained from this victory into the crucial Reading game, Allardyce was on the defensive - there's a surprise! - and dared to criticise the fans who, yet again, had offered such fantastic support. It seems the chant, "We are West Ham, we play on the ground" was a little too pointed for Mr Long Ball.
Just listen to the obnoxious oaf!
Allardyce said: "The perception of some people is deluded as the facts about my teams clearly speak for themselves. It is a tag that has followed me around for a long time and one I'm never going to be able to shift. I can't do anything about that but I can win football matches."
"We have had to overcome home teams playing with a lot of energy in front of full houses throughout this season. We did it again here and once we got the goals, we out-passed and outplayed Peterborough. It was a good performance, although not as good as at Burnley on Saturday. We only drew that game though so everyone was miserable whereas they will be happy tonight."
Let's just address a few of those points. Yes you can win games Sam - 40% of them across your career. Not a brilliant record is it? Yes the opposition play with energy but that's not the same as skill is it? They play with the same energy against Southampton but Southampton outplay them don't they? And if we played better at Burnley, what does that say about tonight's performance exactly?
And one last point, these "deluded" people are fans of the club, fans raised on the traditions of the club, fans proud of the club and proud of the club's heritage, fans who PAY to follow the club rather than get paid to work for the club, fans who will be supporting the club long after you have gone Mr Allardyce. And if you don't like those fans and don't respect their opinion and hold their football knowledge in contempt, there's a very simple solution - Fcuk off back to Bolton!
Agreed , he needed telling we wont put up with his shit northern hoofball any longer
This guy's p*ssing me off. Not a week goes by without him aiming a snide dig at our fans. This is what vexes me the most. Sanctimonious pompous pr*ck.
Good read. You must finally be taking some medication for that illness of yours.
Sam hasn't even been at the club for a whole season yet. I think he will go after this season to be honest. Somebody like Di Canio who understands the passion of the club and it's history.
you are a deluded fool Allardyce is getting us out of the league you lot think is beneath us, it isn't we are a championship club, we are average with decent players but not great. Why would someone sing "we want Dicanio" a league 2 manager with no experience. I would rather watch us permanently in the championship winning games than finishing in the mix with wigam wolves fulham etc, who by the way are better than us
What a great night. Loved the stadium (maybe we should swap with Orient?).
The chant seemed to have an effect, as the players could hear it as well as Big Sam, and the ball stayed down much more.
I felt sorry for Carlton Cole, who cut a forlorn and isolated figure up front. The pattern of play was tedious. Posh pressing us deep in our own half, Carlton up front on his own, apart from the two defenders who were marking him. The ball sails forward under the lights, the defender jumps and heads and back it came. On the occasions that Carlton got his head to the ball, there was no-one near him, and it came back.
The energy of home teams is very important - this was the Peterborough team that beat Reading. We have been playing pumped up teams all season home and away and its been very tough for us because we're not very good.
0641, do Reading and Southampton have better squads? Allardyce put this squad together and S&G have backed his judgement by going after the players he wanted. OK, we didn't land Rhodes but we could have had Sharp. We let him go to Southampton instead.
The truth is, player for player, we are stronger than Reading, but McDermott plays his cards better than Allardyce plays his. His team has shape and is progressive!
kevin in manchester writes ..
He only wins 40% of his games !!!! not many managers can boast such a stat after 15 years or so in management. Look, I haven't seen any games live this season so I can't tell people who have that they don't know what they are on about but really the point of this season is to get out of the division and then stay up.. Alladyce will never win the PL but then neither will we. He will keep us up though.All of which is not to say that I don't feel frustration at our lack of ambition on the park; having said that, we live in this world not the 'if' one- who's to say had we gone hammer and tongs all season that it would have worked and we would have garnered as many points as we have. The proper accounting will come in May.
We are West Ham we play on the ground We are Allardyce we play with ourself
We are DiCanio we play with passion
Anony-mouse says,
Nice one Kevin in Manchester. Spot on.
6.41- Don't agree with your last sentence but absolutely right with the rest.
Where the f*ck did some (by no means all) West Ham fans get this idea that we should be walking this league? I don't remember our fans ever being so arrogant and yes, deluded, as to think that. I've seen us in this league loads of times and have never seen this billy big time attitude before. It used to be a trait of the Spuds, etc and how we hated them for it.
Cracks me up that the same fans who c*nt him off now seem to want teacher to hold their hand when he gives them a little back. Give it if you must, but then don't act all shocked and virginal when a man retaliates.
Anyway HF and fellow travellers- don't worry- you'll win. Allardyce is a dead man walking cos you lot will never, ever, ever let him rest or give him any credit at all. In these situations there can be only one winner- the mob. So you'll get him out and then you can have your un-predictable, untested, unstable Italian- and you'll deserve him.
We won last night, but anyone looking on here would never know. COYI!
Not so. Acknowldege victory on "Back in the groove" thread. The trouble is, whoever takes over from Allardyce will inherit an Allardyce squad, unless there is a clear out in the summer!!!!!
Anony-mouse says,
I meant on this thread HF as you probably realised. But your use of the word 'acknowledged' is interesting. Have you ever considered celebrating West Ham wins rather than just acknowledging them. Sorry forgot, course you haven't- you have a set agenda and us winning does not help you achieve your goal. That's why you are so bah-humbug and fizzing with grumpiness when the lads get a result.
Interesting also that that minor point was all you could address- if it was the other way round, and I'd left your views unchallenged you'd claim that was because they were unarguably correct.
I'll leave you in peace for now- so please- carry on knicker wetting.
Unfair as I am sure you realise. Go back through the history, lots of celebration following victories. What did I say after the Blackpool game and what did you say in reply? I said how hard it would be not to get promoted; you argued that I was being insincere and was setting Allardyce up for a fall. I really didn't expect him to fail at that point and I hope that, as I argued with you at the time, Reading will now suffer more reverses than we do, enabling us to sneak home in second place. But if we don't win on Saturday...
Anony-mouse says,
Why oh why did you have to raise that again- OK- you were being insincere after the Blackpool game just like you were with your 'Back in the Groove' strap-line last night. Or are you honestly saying that just an hour after slating Allardyce's team at half time you thought all was rosy and tickety-boo with the West Ham world. So you're either being sarcastically insincere or you're a half-wit. I don't think you're a half-wit.
The point I was making at the time was that to trot out this stat and that stat (when at the time there was still a third of the season to go) to show that our promotion was inevitable was ridiculous. You knew that then and you know it now. If not you truly are a half-wit and have been proved wrong. You were building Allardyce and the lads up for a fall. It was the classic tactic of a cheap tabloid journalist- build them up- knock them down and kick their teeth in. It's your 'style' and you think it's very clever.
Anyway time has moved on- I've been proved right- and the promotion race has no shoe-ins- though I think Saints will make it. You've been proved wrong- the race is wide open and you now have Saints and Reading for automatic promotion, rather than the 'inevitable' West Ham promotion you claimed. I'm sticking with Saints and us cos I don't change my mind every time the wind blows.
Bye bye- I've had enough of shelling peas- I'll be back at the weekend win, lose or draw.
Cul de sac says,
I agree that Saturday's match will be the turning point of the season. I also agree that Allardyce needs to be aknowledged for stabilizing a club and team in shreds after relegation and the loss of key players. If we do get promoted, the target will be met, and everyone will forget the ultradefensive tactics and horrendous play we have at times seen.
Promotion will be the time to reasess the whole philosophy, mainly according to the available means. If we do not get the necessary cash to build a solid team, we won't be able to play the way we want West Ham to. I know Swansea are a great team to watch and a refreshing example that all can happen (small budget, small stadium etc), but that is an exception. And the truth is that in the prem, any team from the second half of the table can potentially drop...
But we are not there yet, so let's keep our fingers crossed.
Sam's statement and outrage against the fans just confirms that he is the wrong manager for West Ham. Credit to the fans for letting him know loud and clear how we all feel about his tactics.
West Ham will not change Sam, only managers do. Sooner or later.
I think the key statement in Sams's post match comment has to be "once we got the goals, we out-passed and outplayed peterborough" why don't we try and do this from the start of the game? It seems the last few games we have had to concede before we try anything except the longball!
Just had email from Sam saying how fantastic last nights suport was. Are these the same delusional bunch from last night?
It wouldn't be so bad if his long ball tactics - which he DOES use - actually worked. But it hasn't and won't. But as for chanting 'we play on the ground', that's not strictly true either is it - at least not for a long long time. So plenty of the fans are deluded, and so is Sam, and so are S&G. If we do get promoted, how will we stayt up and play 'good' football in the so-called "West Ham way". We haven't played that way for a long long time.......
There are some deluded fans out there ... what BFS is serving is everything I dislike about football. I support West Ham United because of our identity, we play the game the right way, i woould rather be mid table winning some losing others with our own homegrown talent and a few senior pro's than watch BFS turn us into route 1 hooballers.
For those that want success at any price you need to go and support another team because that is not what supporting west Ham has ever been about. Reading had to sell there best players pre season and Saints a no more than a league 1 team having a go, both teams playing with passion, flair and pace. We are the total opposite, we have the most expensive and talented squad are are still stuck in second gear trying to bully our way out of this league. Sometimes in life it is not where you are, but who you are ...
Well put 17:29. That is why we support West Ham.
Tough on your boys last night Sav, but well done for getting as far as they did!
It's funny but the more I read the anti-Sam stuff, the more I think a lot of WH 'fans' are deluded. Face it, WH haven't been remotely near 'good' for years. As for paying to watch it, it's not worth it with or without Sam. Fact is, with his vintage guys he has got a better defence than what we've had with such as Upson or Neill. Let alone that liability Repka. Or that great footballer Razor Ruddock. Or Anton Ferdinand.
And yet, I still support them, because I still live in the borough and they will always be my team.
When HF talks about the 'great' Pardew, that chump couldn't even play Mascherano because of his little Englander prejudice. And if we hadn't got Ba, he never would have found him. PaRds sadly was just another chancer, an opportunist. Over him, I'll take Fat Sam anyday......
Thanks for your congrats about APOEL HF. Unfortunately, we showed too much respect to Real in our home game. The absence of Manduca our top scorer because he celebrated after scoring against Lyon and received a yellow card for it has not helped us to perhaps knick a goal. It would have been different if we had scored first.
But still it was a great run, the club has collected a lot of praise and more than €25 million, so its not too bad.
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