Fortunately Robbie Savage took him apart! Isn't second place good enough for you? Isn't automatic promotion good enough for you? You just said automatic promotion wasn't good enough for you! Automatic promotion isn't good enough for West Ham fans!
That's what the trouble is! That's why we can't win! Fans like that! Fans who want us to play quality football. Fans who want players played in the right positions! Fans who want to be entertained! Fans who want to see a team good enough to survive in the Premiership if we get up! Fans who expect the manager to have a tactical plan! Idiot!
We are in second place. We were excellent at Cardiff and Nolan was the difference between the two teams. Robbie Savage said so. And Robbie Savage knows.
Why was this idiot given air time? What does he know? Just because he goes to every home game! Allardyce should refuse to talk to the BBC if they keep giving air time to idiots like this and Sullivan and Gold should track him down, cancel his season ticket and tell him he is unwelcome at Upton Park. Idiots like that are endangering our promotion!
And to cap it all, some cheeky bastard emailed Radio London and referred to Allardyce as Doctor Evil. I have a patent on that name!
Yeah totally agree, that and twats who without any sense moan about Scotty Parker. Pricks the lot of em!!!!!! :)
Don't forget fanno these fans are the very same that all earn in excess of 50k a year you know, it must be true because Eggert said so and he was a man of the people after all. How some of these morons have the audacity to criticise when they only spend a 50th of their annual salary on the club is beyond me, I mean it's not as if that lot subsidise the ludicrous wages of these players who haven't got anything between their ears or anything like that.
What've they got to moan at I mean we're still second and we've just gone and got 2 points from 2 home games and don't forget the 2 teams we've played are in the bottom half scraping for survival, it was obvious we wouldn't win either I just can't see what these cretins are moaning about. Maybe they all need to come to Basildon and see what life is really like in a struggle.
20:18 the worse one's are the one's who think Karren Brady isn't good enough for them! Mmmwwwaaahhhaaaaa!
I think the 3 comments above have failed to pick up on some iron...y!!!!
4 points out of 12 at home is not good enough, especially when the last 2 matches were against Watford and Doncaster. Automatic promotion is the goal but at the moment anyone who thinks that tripe served up on Wednesday and yesterday is good enough to justify automatic promotion is deluded. How many points have we dropped at home now, that's not the sign of a side who will get automatic promotion or deserve it. I've been behind the players and Big Sam all season but the blame starts with him and the team. (Green, Noble, Tomkins, Faye, Reid are excluded)
Am I missing something here? It is quite worrying to read these comments from hammers fans when they have clearly not even understood the thrust of the argument. Pathetic really.
we playing away 3 out of the next four away games be good but i think we will just nick 2nd place
We have been shite all year I agree with the lad on 606. Highest wages in the league and play at the level of a team struggling to make the playoffs. Without Greeno saving our skins every game we'd be mid table.
Christ help us - all of the posters above except one STILL haven't got it..... and these sort of fans want a vote on Stratford? No wonder your wind ups get the click counter going HF
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