What a contemptible arrogant you know what! Read his article in The Standard and gasp!
Listen to the arrogance of the man! Why did Leeds ship seven against Nottingham Forest after we struggled to a 1-1 draw against them? Easy! "Leeds played so hard against us that, in their next game against Nottingham Forest, the tank was empty." So Forest didn't beat them WE did! Fcuk me, no wonder we only drew against Miserableboro, we were still up in Yorkshire smashing seven goals past Warnock's charges!
Not that we played badly against Boro! Oh no! Allardyce tells us, "the perception on Tuesday night was that we didn’t play well — in reality, we did. We did everything other than finish with a scoreline better than Middlesbrough’s." Well bugger me! We were all wrong then! Sam knows best! We scored the luckiest goal you will ever see - apart perhaps from the Piquionne goal against Coventry - and only came away with a 1-1 draw because of a goal line clearance in the final minute, but it was a good performance apparently! In fact, all of us idiots who THOUGHT we saw the ball being lumped forward just imagined it apparently. Sam tells us, "Against Middlesbrough the other night, we were accused of lumping the ball up. We didn’t, we comfortably out-passed them but once again, the long ball thing was brought up. It annoys me but I can’t let it get me down." No Sam, don't let it get you down mate, you are Sam Pot! You are our beloved leader! You have the stats!
And, just like in Animal Farm when Squealer reveals to the hungry animals that their food rations have in fact increased, Sam Pot knows the truth! Twenty goals scored from the last 17 games? Cobblers! Look at the number of times we have got the ball into the opposition box, that's what matters! Don't believe me? Then listen to our Most Beloved Leader! "None of the teams who we’ve played recently have played better than us. Not Crystal Palace, not Watford, not Doncaster, not Leeds and not Middlesbrough. What we have failed to do is deliver the final product." Now if that read "Not Arsenal, not Spurs, not Man City, not Liverpool and not Man Utd" I might swallow it. But to BOAST that we have not been outplayed by Palace, Donny and Watford...God give me bloody strength!
What an arrogant tosser he is. When he was first appointed I anointed him Sam Pot and warned he would take West Ham back to Year Zero, and reading his rant in The Evening Standard today there's all the self glorification, pomposity and infantile paranoia of a mad dictator. Just listen to him!
"As I’m often saying, I don’t live in the world of perception, I inhabit the world of reality...No one has more knowledge and data at this football club than me. That’s fact. It’s not arrogance but it is self-confidence and there is an important difference...I’m always learning, I never stop learning and that’s why I am confident. If I was arrogant I would be out of work now because I would have stopped listening in the misapprehension that I was already great.This approach can be misconstrued as self-praise yet when a foreign coach comes here and says he is the ‘Special One’, the reaction is very different."
Would you play for this arrogant, self congratulatory dolt? Would you respect him? How dare he compare himself to Mourinho? Jose has a win percentage of 70% over his career, Allardyce's record stands at 40%! Mourinho has six titles to his name, two Champions League titles, and a clutch of domestic cups; Allardyce has won a League of Ireland title! To be honest, he sounds like Gadaffi and Saddam in their final days. Before you know it, he will be telling everybody how much the people of Newham and Essex love him and setting West Ham up for the Mother of All Battles! What an arse!
But it gets worse! He goes on to explain: "We had a young chap in recently to talk to the players. He was a soldier in Afghanistan and lost the use of his arm after being shot. He emphasised that, if they don’t get their basics right out there, they could be dead." You what? Presumably the war hero in question was referring to his comrades, but Allardyce, in his twisted way, makes it sound like he is talking about the players, as if there are snipers up in the stands about to pick off Captain Nolan, Corporal Noble and Private Matty Taylor. The contemptible bastard doesn't even remember the name of the "young chap". Why should he? He was only there to do a job for Allardyce, not to be remembered by name! What a disrespectful arse.
I haven't called for Allardyce to be sacked before but the Standard article is the final straw for me. The guy has his head jammed up his own arse and thinks the smell of his own shit is divine. I have taken to writing Allardyce spoof interviews after games but I haven't even come close to touching on this buffoon's blind arrogance! There are suggestions of insanity here - a persecution complex mixed with a sense of self grandeur which is out of all proportion to his actual ability and achievements. If I was David Gold, I would read the article with deep concern. Allardyce isn't going to change. He even claims he hasn't been playing with a lone striker because, "The reality is that I usually play three up, not one." I bet Cole and Maynard were scratching their heads as they read that!
Incredible. Amazing. Frightening. Go get Di Canio:at least he just admires dictators, he doesn't think he is one!
Anonymous said...
Shit article shit manager shit team shit fans it all makes perfect sense hf go and have a kip mate u might feel better
23 March 2012 21:57
Anonymous said...
"Allardyce has a win percentage of 70% over his career, Allardyce's record stands at 40%!"
Something wrong here?
Anyway, don't like the way how he puts things.
We are not stupid because if thousands of people say the same thing then there must be a word of truth in it.
He talks about West Ham as if they are Barcelona!!!!!
23 March 2012 21:58
Hammersfan said...
LOL Thanks 2158, I reckon Allardyce hacked into the site and changed it. Now corrected.
2157, I think you are missing the point. Imagine this guy is your manager!
"[Before we played Leeds] our lads were listening to [Captain Martin Hewitt, one of the former servicemen featured on the BBC's Walking with the Wounded documentary] who was deployed with the troops in Afghanistan. He told us, 'If you don't get the basics right [there], you don't lose a football match, you're dead.'
wrong again hf
He's been insulting us for a while now with his snide remarks. Guy's lost all sense of reality.
Asked a few weeks back about Steve Kean and Blackburn's plight and he basically said that if he was there they wouldn't be in that position because he's too confident in his ability. Well look where Kean and Blackburn are now and look where Allardyce has taken us!
Guy's delusional
Nice little dig at Allardyce
allardyce is not a football manager but more like a merchant banker sack the cnut now
The guy has his head jammed up his own arse and thinks the smell of his own shit is divine.
Lol who is this referring to? I think there are many Hammers and fans of other clubs that would describe you in the same way!!
Allardyce earned his reputation keeping Bolton in the Prem. His instincts are to set his team out in away that makes team hard to beat in that context. Which he can do, ably. But if you're seeking to win matches and gain promotion, then a more offensive mind seems to be required. I don't think Allardyce has that in him.
Defensively we usually look really solid. I doubt that there are many who fancy their chances against Tomkins and Faye. But going forward we offer nothing and Allardyce's decisions in this area strike me as perverse and often inconsistent.
I'm no tactical genius but playing Maynard up front on his own and then playing long, high balls forward? What is that all about?
Or taking strikers and forcing them to play wide positions?
Or take the case of Collision (who I like) what role does Allardyce foresee him playing.
Allardyce knows how to defend and that is reflected in a fairly settle defense. But going forward... he doesn't seem to be able to work out who to play where.
Ah but mine does Pete!
Spot on Rab
Spot on article. I am sick to death of allardyce claiming we dominated opposition every match producing some ridiculous statistics to 'prove' his case. We may put more balls into the box but that's just because we simply lump it in there as our only game plan. Other teams actually try to pass the ball around and build a good position before the final ball. What about the quality of the ball? We only ever have one man up there ie cole who can seldom header it anyway and play a natural striker inmaynard on the wing who wouldn't be able to get any knockdowns anyway. Big Sam That is not creating chances!
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