So, concerned for the fate of WesthamtillIdie and all the fans of the Claret and Blue Tory boy's ramblings, I ran a post yesterday based on information left on this site, offering to act as an intermediary between Dale and a rogue who claimed to have acquired the domain address. Before doing so, I tried to access Dale's site and found myself referred to a site selling domain names, which seemed to verify the claim of the anonymous poster.
Now, according to Iain the claim was untrue. Fair enough, all that was needed was an email to that effect, or a posted comment. Instead, the Sky Talking Head, or somebody using Iain's ID which links to his blogs, became utterly abusive. I carry the comment below:
"You really are a sad little fcuk*, aren't you? As well as a liar.
Seeing as my domain doesn't expire till 2014 it would be a bit difficult for someone else to get it. A cursory check would have told you that.
So continue w*nking* yourself crazy whilst imagining something you'd like to happen.
Truth is that for the second time Fasthosts took the site down without warning because of the traffic levels. Traffic levels you could only dream of.
A new site will be up on a dedicated server very shortly.
But then you've never been interested in facts, have you?"
* "Dale" spelt the words in the conventional way but I would not carry that on here because children might access the site, as indeed they may see the posted comment.
Now it might come as a surprise to Iain Dale but the thought of engaging in self pleasure over him has never once entered my head. That's really not MY fantasy sir! You do wonder how the editors of Sky News might react if they knew that their Tory Talking Head was leaving this sort of personal abuse on a public blog, don't you?
Of course, this may not be the real Iain Dale, in which case I apologise and use this post to serve warning that somebody has stolen his identity in the most appalling way. I will gladly carry Iain's response if that is the case, as I have now carried his apparent correction to my post yesterday. We West Ham fans and bloggers do need to stick together in these difficult times of Allardyce leadership and Condemn government after all. Unless we earn in excess of £150,000 a year of course!
If it is the real Iain Dale who left this comment, however, I really am concerned that he may be suffering from stress and might explode in this way when live on television. This is a man who has sought to win nomination for public office remember. This is a man who pontificates on moral issues on the television remember. This is a man who bans contributors from his site for cyber abuse remember. So if this WAS the real Iain Dale, this is a hypocrite of epic proportions. And who would believe that of a "We are all in this together" Tory?
Anyway, this may not have been the real Dale so the ball is now in Iain's court. Please make contact with this "sad little fcuk" and let me know if this is the case. If it wasn't you Iain, I apologise but you need to know that somebody has stolen your online ID. If it was, and the rant was alcohol induced, I will accept an apology. Otherwise, who knows who might get to hear about this and how they might respond to the vitriolic and abusive comment. The Sky might be the limit!
It certainly is a most curious affair! I continue to check the site (having ceased posting on there) a couple of times a week and was surprised to be greeted by the 123 domain names registration page.
I know that Mr Dale is prone to the odd hissy-fit but would be astounded if the response you received last night is indeed his own work.
Have to say, he is right about his domain name. A 5 year old could have checked that the domain hadn't expired and was still registered to him. Also you did wind him up by egging on someone to rip him off by demanding more money. I read both Iain Dales and your own blogs frequently and like the contrasting styles. My opinion is you probably deserved a response from Iain like that and your counter response is just a bit childish. Stick to the QPR, Liverpool and West Ham bashing, that I enjoy.
1243, I would have no idea how to check who owns a domain name to be honest. The claim was that somebody else had purchased it. Can you really obtain ownership details so easily?
Of course there was a degree of wind up. There was a time when whtid hosted a campaign to close this blog down! And, in light of the change to the top rate tax band, I think Tories should expect to be shafted financially by anybody who has the opportunity to do so. As soon as Iain used a football blog to press his claims for nomination as MP for Bracknell and Crowthorne, he became fair game for anybody with a political axe to grind I'm afraid. I was hoping the purchaser was a hard grafting public servant working for the NHS!
But I was only reporting what I had been told, and people were asking questions on here and on the net. The abuse was extreme. Actually the "liar" bit annoyed me the most; I wasn't lying, I believed what I had been told after trying first to access the site.
If it wasn't the real Iain Dale, the possibility remains that the original article was correct of course. Maybe Iain could clarify either way?
Dale is still a laughable Tory nasty boy though. I read his site - apart from the long-winded, claret& blue specs wearing bore SJ Chandos that is. I read this one, and KUMB, the Org and even the cliquey Hammersmad. That's the thing about the internet, you can see what everybody says without 'contributing' yourself. I just find it amusing that a West Ham 'supporter' lives on Tunbridge Wells, slums it in caffs, etc etc......hilarious.
"Hissy-fit" Headmaster!?! How dare you!?!! I was banned from his blog for using that very phrase against him! I was being homophobic, apparently!
That comment has all the hallmarks of a Dale rant HF!
Whats all the fuss about? I love his new site. You can get tax help, textbooks, career advice, even medication!
Ha ha, Stani. I dare, my friend, i dare. Banned eh? Blimey, even I didn't manage that!
Hahaa Dave!
It's ok Headers, I'm back there and you wouldn't believe what my handle is AND that he allowed it! Hahaaa
I shall not disclose here for obvious reasons :)
You turncoat Stani!
Oh dear God HF! Noooo! I'm not there to contribute to the discussions, if you know what I mean!
I reckon Fasthosts don't like him. hahahahaha
I think you've been more than fair HF - personally I wouldn't have been so kind, how dare he come on your page and talk to you like that.
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