So the SFA have suddenly decided that Craig Whyte is not a "fit and proper person to own a football club". Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted! Maybe, just maybe, somebody should have come up with this idea before the entire Glasgow sewage system hit the fan!
Mind you, if Whyte is not a fit and proper owner, what does that make the guy who owns Hearts?
How ironic. West Ham are run by porn merchants but that is fine. And before that we were owned by an Icelandic merchant banker who had served time - and that was alright too. And look at the guys who have used Portsmouth for money laundering! OK again apparently. And then there's the Birmingham owner! It's surely time for the governing bodies to apply the fit and proper criteria with more vigour.
Meanwhile, Rangers might not be able to complete their fixtures this season apparently. Surely this is scare mongering though, surely they are simply trying to frighten some well heeled Protestant Scot to part with his cash? Hang on, I've just seen where the problem lies!
Despite the ireful replies to my last Rangers blog, I wish the club no ill. In the 70s, when my passion for football blossomed, Celtic ruled the roost in Scotland and so I favoured Rangers as the underdog. I switched allegiance when I understood the sectarian issues but I certainly don't want a great club like Rangers to go to the wall. Surely, surely, they will find a Scot with arms as long as his pockets are deep before it is too late!
Won't they?
Mind you, the Royal Bank of Scotland went tits up, and now Scotland's biggest football club is in administration, and yet our Tartan Cousins think they can run a bloody country! It's beginning to look as if they couldn't organise a piss up in a distillery!
Wee Question which country doesn't have an arena owned by AEG ?
Which club spent more on its PA system and catering than on its playing staff??
Where did the Spurs director believed to be seen in talks with AEG officials previously ply his trade??
Why pay out £100 mill when you don't have to ??
Rangers 2012 LTD will be here long after we have left is my guess
Let me see if I have this straight.
You were once for Rangers and now you've switched allegiance to Celtic?
Talk about an "unfit" person.
You do realize that anything else you say could not possibly be taken seriously.
It can and will be. I was young and didn't understand the Sectarian issues. Once I realised that the Rangers wouldn't pick a player because he was a Catholic, my conscience directed me to favour Celtic. How could anybody with a sense of morality not switch allegiance once the circumstances were fully understood?
But you'll support a club of child molesters and Terrorists.
There may be child molestors and terrorists amongst Celtic fans, I wouldn't know. But the club played Protestant players when Rangers wouldn't play Catholic players.
A club with a history of not picking players because of their religion do not deserve to survive.
Their supporters still visibly show allegiance to Loyalist paramilitary groups who were not innocent during the troubles. While every team has it shady support, their shadow is much darker than any other.
At least Europe and England's cities will be spared their presence for the foreseeable future.
Football and society will benefit from the removal of this "institution".
22:56 well at least we know that you would have supported the opposition i.e. the Germans in WWII.
Traitor. The Catholics in Scotland and Ireland - supplied the UBoats!
The paedophile were not just in the crowd m8 the knowingly employed 2 that went on to abuse there young boys. They are currently owned by a director who makes some of his ££ by opening nursing homes with untrained staff 3 of which have been closed down because of ABUSE of mentaly ill patients One of their players was up on an abuse charge for neglect left his newborn in car for 40mins in subzero tempratures while he went to get sumthing to eat(made him captain) Were heard singing songs in praise of Gaddafi desicrated the memory of all soldiers on remembrance day aday for soldiers in all wars regardless of race colour or creed hope that paints you a better picture of Celtic as you say you were sick of abuse abuse is wrong but will always be there if people keep supporting it
two conglomerates and a Russian billionaire richer than Abramovich and Sheik Mansur added together looks like we will be here for a while world most succesfull club just became the richest well not untill april and celtic have cancelled press confrence on friday all meant to be sick as dogs
2358, you confirm I was right to make the decision! Celtic FC didn't do that. The sectarian divide is clearly still huge. How sad, arguing over a god that doesn't even exist!
Man utd, man city, chelsea, Blackburn all spending more than their clubs earn in a year, all of which wouldnt last 3 months if their respective 'sugar daddies' left them. Leeds officially a different company after chasing the dream, Portsmouth yo yo-ing in and out of administration. Uk debt spiralling out of control for decades due to poor Westminster leadership… but no no, your right to question if the scots can run their own country, typical English thinking the have the right to have their two cents in matters that don't concern them. It's people like you that make the Internet an all round bad idea
HF Factoid #3:
HF once unsuccessfully tried to chat up identical twins. Eskimo women they were, and one of them once had a trial for Barnet!
07:09 don't care about what god, all I know is what they did in WWII and what they do now... including their priests. I am sure they'd welcome a slime ball like you with open arms.
Anony-mouse says,
Paedophiles? Para-militaries? Best steer well clear of this lot in future HF- I know you and I have our differences, but this isn't about football for them. The responses you've had to your wind-up post are ample evidence that neither club should be allowed within a million miles of any English league. You don't willingly let rabid dogs into your house.
F**k the gers
up the Inverness Clachnacuddin FC
The quicker we make them fend for themselves and get that bloody Adrian's wall back up the better.
I would genuinely be up for building another Adrian's wall of anyone else is interested…
I'm a Newcastle fan and feel sorry for all Rangers fans, the club may have been run poorly but that isnt the fault of the average rangers fan. As for celtic, well I lived in Wales for 10 years and my next door neighbour was a Glaswegian Celtic fan and a realy good guy, I moved back to the north east and am no longer in touch but I think he would secretly not really relish ranger's plight. A lot of English clubs are a disaster waiting to happen, Im just glad we've got Mike Ashley at the helm - and that is a genuine remark from a genuine Nexcastle fan - we ar nearly back in the black on our finances - the poor bloke gets shafted by some mindless toon fans he cant stop and think about what he is trying to acheive, anyway best of luck to Rangers.
Erm, it's Hadrian's Wall. Built by the Romans to control Celts on both sides of the border. The English were still pillaging around their German homeland back then.
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