Talking after the game, Doctor Evil claimed to be delighted at closing the gap on Reading:
"You have to be pleased with that at the end of the day," he said. "We have closed up on Reading and if we draw our game in hand we will only be one point behind them. Meanwhile, Birmingham have fallen further behind us and if we keep picking up points here and there, it will be very hard for them to catch us. Third place is virtually secure now and third place is a big step up on finishing bottom last season."
"We were unlucky again tonight. When you look at the number of times we got the ball into the box you have to say that. The goal we conceded was a bit of a kick in the solar plexus to be honest because I made the changes to keep what we had got. You make these sorts of decisions and then an opposition player goes and does something like that. To be honest, he had no right to score from there."
"We were the better team on the night, no question. People will say our goal was lucky but I disagree. That's why you keep pumping the ball into the box, looking for a break like that. We work hard on that on the training ground and you know eventually it will happen for you."
"It's two good draws in a row now. Leeds is a difficult place to go to and get a point. I know people will come back at me and say Forest scored seven there tonight but what they overlook is that Leeds scored three themselves. We kept them down to one so in that sense got a better result than Forest."
"And like I said at the weekend, Reading shouldn't have wasted three goals on Saturday. We went a goal ahead tonight and that should have been enough but Reading played as if they were going to score four again which is probably why they let in three."
"The Southampton result was a little disappointing for us but Hull are out of the running now so we have to look at the positives. It's now nine games without losing and you have to be pleased with that. So lots of positives on the night. Lots of pluses. Lots to be pleased about. We move on to the next game and if we keep playing as we are, we won't be far away from a promotion place come the end of the season, providing Reading keep playing as they did tonight."
One up front at home? DISGRACE!
Bring back Avram eh Stani?
Anony-mouse says,
You have no respect for your few remaining regulars on here- some people fell for a similar post at the weekend so you're predictably doing it again. Basically, you're taking people for c*nts.
Why not try something different, Why not post something that is positive about the club? I don't mean snidey or sarcastically positive. I mean actually positive. That way people like me might actually think you care about the club, wish it well and want it to succeed. Go on- give it a go.
Proper sites like WHTID and KUMB have issued calls to arms for proper support this week- why not do the same and mean it if you truly are a Hammersfan. It would help the club- you do want to help the club don't you HF? After all who calling themselves a Hammersfan wouldn't? Go on, do it.
Genuinly LMAO. You should keep doing these after every game because it really sums up what I genuinly think is going on in that fat prick's head after every dower match we have played this season (which is all of them bar about three).
As you have probably noticed I haven't been posting a lot this season. This is because we have been winning and I felt I had no rite to complain after a win and I didn't really enjoy those wins so never had anything particularly positive to say. But now it is time to have a right good moan.
My least favourite player in the team is Mark Noble. The guy is so useless in every aspect of midfield play it is not funny anymore. People just see him make a few sliding tackles and think he is good. This is a wrong assesment. Most of these sliding tackles are needed because the guy is caught out of position. A good midfielder should rarely have to make sliding tackles unless it is to try G the crowd up or to ''put it up'' the opposition. Now given his poor tackling ability and defensive positional sense Noble could not be a holding midfielder could he? Well why then does he never go near the oppositions box? He insists on playing at most 5 yards in front of the back 4 and sometimes he will take the ball from the goal keeper deeper than the back four. The reason he does this is because he knows that if he goes any further he will not have the legs to get back. Now if he had the passing range and brain of Paul Scholes some of these things would be excusable, but he simply doesn't. He mis-controls the ball, he f!!!s up the most simple passes and he generally doesn't know how to control a game from that position. What we are left with is a complete dud midfielder who brings nothing to either the defense or attack yet people who obviously know very little about the mechanics of the central midfield position lick his arse every week. For as long as this arse licking goes on we are going to have an unbalanced, non functional midfield because he just won't be dropped. Don't get me wrong Noble isn't the only thing wrong with that midfield. There is a serious lack of pace and quality in wide positions that makes having a functional, attacking midfield 4 impossible. I will explain the point about the wide midfielders another day if people can't see the reason why pace and quality is so neccesary in those positions so that people can start to understand the reasons for these booooooring performances because, and I hate to sound patronising to anyone, people do seem confused as to why we keep producing these lame performances.
Thats the end of my moan tonight. If anyone completely disagrees with me then don't just call me a tosser, tell me why I'm wrong. I don't think many of you will genuinly disagree with these points though.
(Sorry about the length of this post but that match tonight was just the last straw for me.)
Oh some sense being spoken by Sam - not before time.
Bring in anyone other than Avram would get my vote!
It would appear that Johntan disagrees with you Anony-Mouse. So do all those who let their feelings known at the final whistle last night. And all those complaining throughout the second half. Why don't YOU submit an article outlining the positives. I will post it as a thread.
As for WHTID and KUMB, they were mouthpieces for Duxbury - that shows how much they CARE!
Anony-mouse says,
Johntan and I were writing about two different things HF. I was making my usual point about you never being remotely supportive. He was doing an analysis of a player and team. For what its worth I don't disagree with his thoughts overall. I think he's a bit harsh on Noble, but Noble has limitations. I still like him by the way, he has been OK at this level. I see him as a poor man's Scott Parker who needs to be the main man in midfield to have the best bought out of him.
I don't care what anyone else thinks HF it's posts like this one that keep bringing me back I'm loving it like I used to love going to West Ham when you used to be entertained Now the only West Ham related entertainment I get is from you keep up the good work Allardyce out and DiCanio in (time to admit I was right about the ol' facisto)
Johntan is absolutely right about Noble. I totally agree with his assessment. I have expressed similar concerns about his footballing abilities. Noble for me is part of the problem, perhaps the main one. He is the biggest reason why we do not have a competent midfield line. He is a liability in defending because he doesn't know how to tackle (and I suspect he is not match fit) and doesn't offer anything going forward or by way of creating chances for the attackers. He is not the only problem however. Nolan leaves a lot to be desired and Taylor never got back to his best after his injury and absence due to suspension.
Faye is perhaps the best player brought in by Sam. But by putting Tomkins in the midfield he is using an able defender in a role in which he can't possibly excel.
The team is totally disjointed. And there is only one guy who can be responsible for this. Please get rid of Sam now. There is still time to win automatic promotion and create a team that is able to cope in the Premier League.
And by the way HF, how the hell did you give Noble 6 last night? Did you mean -6 perhaps?
I liked Duxbury!
Cracking post Johntan,couldn't add much more to that.Travelled all the way from Teesside with two of my fellow Hammers supporting mates and felt entirely mugged off by Fat Sams footballing ethos yet again,WANKER!Still.....Enjoyed a few cheeky beers in the Boleyn before and after the game,numbed the pain somewhat!
Anony-mourse, I quote from Johntan "Genuinly LMAO. You should keep doing these after every game because it really sums up what I genuinly think is going on in that fat prick's head after every dower match we have played this season (which is all of them bar about three) and I quote from you, "You have no respect for your few remaining regulars on here- some people fell for a similar post at the weekend so you're predictably doing it again. Basically, you're taking people for c*nts."
Now reconcile those two positions please.
And I await your postive thread for me to post. We are in third, we have drawn 5 games in a row, we scrambled a draw against a Leeds team that shipped seven last night. Our goal last night was an outrageous OG. Allardyce's substitutions handed the initiative to Boro after we took the lead. So where are the positives? Set them out and I will happily post them.
Anony-mouse says,
Oh that bit of Johntan's post. Forgive me. I imagine Johntan would like what you wrote (even though is was just more of the same old same old that you'd done at the weekend) cos like you, he thinks Allardyce is, a and I quote a 'fat prick'.
I on the other hand didn't like it cos I think it's unfair to be so dismissive/ disparaging towards a manager who has only been here for a few months and inherited a shite situation. That you gave a genuinely crap and hopeless non-entity of a manager (if that's the word) like Grant more time and lee-way than you now give Allardyce speaks volumes for your judgement and knowledge.
Two points of second place with a game in hand HF. But panic on HF.
ps- thanks for the offer but there will be no article from me. As usual with your articles you'd put some c*nt headline at the top of it to slant it lyour way so I'm not falling for that one.
Night night.
Write your own headline and send a link for the picture you want too. The stage is yours!
Funnily enough, I think Grant took a team to the Champions League final, only losing on penalties and also to an FA Cup final, two feats not achieved by Allardyce.
Third place, two points behind with a game in hand it is true. But third behind READING and SOUTHAMPTON!
Nony-mouse - Allardyce may well have 'inherited a shite situation' but apart from the relatively dependable Faye, his buys haven't done much. At all. He's just not very good at reading games, or responding when his 'tactics' are found out by the opposition. In fact he's 'shite' at that. As for being positive, what is there to be positive about ? The fact that we've defended our way into 3rd place - mainly because most other teams are marginally worse. And if we do go up, do you think the two owners will buy some footballers ?
Johntan, you are right - Noble is slow and juts about Championship level. But no higher. This team lacks anything creative in midfield. It's SLOW and predictable. SLOW and very easily 'read'.
Anony-mouse says,
I'm taking your offer at face value so seriously thank you for the offer HF, but i'll say no. Besides you and Newsnow would not like the Hammersfan name-check head-line that I'd write for it :)
It's open season on Allardyce right now which sickens me. He's not done a bad job in the circumstances but I've been watching this lot for a long time and am not blind to his tactical deficiencies. However what truly annoys me most in modern football is'nt average football or even greed. It's disloyalty. And it's what an increasing percentage of our fans are displaying. I wouldn't ever boo the team, but I could slightly understand it if we were mid-table with no chance of going up. But to not back the team and manager when we have a good chance of going up, and when such disloyalty can only adversely affect those chances truly does my nut in.
We used to be proud that we were utterly unlike our North London friends fans. Now the difference is harder to tell and that saddens me. Thank f*ck we've got a couple of games away from UP coming up.
Anyway you've got an anony-mouse free weekend- staggy abroad- so make hay whilst the sun shines my old adversary. Or should I say whilst the mouse is away the mouse can play- you know what I mean.
Lets hope we win.
Have a great time. And yes, let's hope we win!
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