Allardyce must be relieved with all the stick coming his way at the moment. Iain can be relied upon to sing from the right hymn sheet because he knows which side his prawn sandwiches are buttered on, doesn't he?
Meanwhile, I still await an apology for the abusive message left last week.
It will be a sad sad day the that slimy Tory twat gets his pathetic site back up! Mind you he's been saying 'it'll be up in 24 hours' for 5 days now! Hahaha
It makes me quite ashamed that a Tory creep like Dale supports the same great football team as me! Makes me feel dirty! Hahaha
Trouble is the 24 hours message has been up for 3 days - looks like he can't count either! I'd go to the press if I was you... gotta be worth a few quid to the Daily Mail.
What do you think BFS would say?
That message has been up for days now. He may have forgotten the zero at the end.
240 hours, maybe?
you expect a apology from somebody who obviously didn't leave you that message, constantly insult and even now abuse with that picture. you should really concentrate in west ham, instead of constant hate towards others.
brilliant h f lol i still think you should sort it out over a punch uplol
forgot to say hf great picture
Emlyn 06:07 it WAS him that left the message you nob! Before you start shooting your 5 year old mouth off, make sure you know your facts!
His name, google ID and IP address were verified!
Want more proof? I have his address and Mob number! Want that? Wanna pop round and 'say hello'??
fcuk you little tw@
"Of course, this may not be the real Iain Dale, in which case I apologise and use this post to serve warning that somebody has stolen his identity in the most appalling way."
"If it is the real Iain Dale who left this comment..."
"Anyway, this may not have been the real Dale..."
"1243, I would have no idea how to check who owns a domain name to be honest. The claim was that somebody else had purchased it. Can you really obtain ownership details so easily?"
you really are an idiot, fair play. I almost enjoy your blog, did,
Why all the animosity?
And a nice homophobic picture to go along with your abuse. I'm embarrassed that someone like you supports the same team as me. Just as well he isn't black, eh? You'd have a field you, you muppet.
Homophobic? Why is it homophobic? Would Frankenstein only make straight monsters in your world? The point of the article is that a dead site is being reanimated, thus the picture of Frankenstein's monster. Of those offered on a google search, this was the most amusing. So why is that homophobic exactly? I bet Julian Clarey would see the funny side of a camp monster! Is JC homophobic?
Emlyn, I left those comments, so why are you using them back against 1021? He seems to believe it was definitely Dale and given the way the Google ID links through to Dale's sites, the evidence appears to suggest it is. He hasn't contacted me to say it isn't, nor has he apologised.
so do people has to apologise for comments they haven't made. maybe he doesn't even know you exist or even the alleged comments ..... grow up
You're being a bit flambo yourself HF. Man up and take your Dale bashing.
1538 No he doesn't have to apologise. But I think that would be the decent thing to do in the circumstances. I was called a liar and the email was abusive.
LOL 1538, Flambo? That's a new word for me! I really don't care that much but I do think an apology is in order personally. If he chooses not to apologise, c'est la vie as Del might say.
I really dislike Tory boy Dale, and most of the posters on there - with a couple of exceptions - are 'deluded' fans who still think that WHU are capable of playing quick pass & move football. Truth is, WHU are a team of mediocre journeymen, most att the wrong end of not very distinguished careera. Only Green could still cut it in the PL, and maybe Tomkins. The rest would struggle - as some have already shown under previous 'managers'
if you need to find out who owns a domain - got to put in the domain without the www. and you'll find out all you need to know. When you check it does indeed look like he still owns the domain, contrary to what others say and think.
Emlyn you can see how 10:21 got his address and mobile number.
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