Two reactions to this. One is great glee and mirth. How wonderfully ironic that the guy who thought himself too good for West Ham could be plying his trade in the Fizzy Pop for Cardiff City! Serves the obnoxious little runt right! I hope he rots down there! How many clubs will that be exactly?
On the other hand, boy could we do with him now! Are we really going to let him slip down a division? Make a move Avram, bring the Bellyache back!
LOL still trying? How big is ther club mate? Half a dozen if you are lucky I bet. Give up. You lose!
stop being a stupid anon prick or get lost everybody else have lives unlike u
I'd take Bellamy back without a 2nd thought. He is class.......when fit.
Who is the idiot who keeps posting that blog? Get a life dude!
I heard somewhere that he wants to end his career there...it's his hometown club or something.
Personally, I'd love to have him back. A lot of our on-field problems started when he left. Watched him for Wales the other night, he was top class. Mancini could have done with his pace at Spurs. Silly to let him go.
Let him be Fred. He looks stupid every time he posts which is why I am happy to carry the advert for his very sad blog. And he makes the other Anons who chivvy at this site look stupid too. From what I can make out from some replies, he has broken ranks or isn't part of their "gang". Very amusing to watch! But thanks for your support!
22:03 it's HF's blog.....
LOL of course it is! You guys crack me up. What's wrong? Not getting the responses you hoped for? Or is the guy who set it up not following the orders? Or hang on, are you me 2226, trying to stop people reading the stupid bloody blog? Maybe I am you and maybe you are me. 2226 is me everybody! LOL Losing the game still I see! Idiot.
Stani.... you're spot on mate, Craig hails from Trowbridge in Cardiff East...and, as with all of us Welsh boys, blood is definitely thicker than water, to coin a phrase!
Let's face it, Craig Bellamy is one of THE outstanding players in the Premiership! He has that natural quality that can't be coached ....raw pace! Not only that, but he has more than a modicum of natural talent to go with it!
Sure, he is fiery and has a history of reluctance to conform?! So what I say...if you've got it, flaunt it! It's astounding that he hasn't been named in Citeh's 25!
Craig is now 31, but still has the strength, speed and desire that he's always had. If I was Sullivan, I'd be telling Grant that the funds are available for Mr B tomorrow!!
Shaun you are Welsh! You must have been over the bloody moon when Ardman Animations named the bleedin' sheep Shaun!
Just to let you know that I have set up a blog dedicated to bringing this place down. Look in on
and join the game!
Cobblers racist! The film is called Shaun the Sheep and I shouldn't think that was needed by any Welshman called Shaun. I'm not endorsing the bloody joke, but the bloody joke exists! Idiot. But in case you took offence Shaun, apologies!
Offended? Me? As if! On the contrary HF...I was actually very flattered, almost emotional even when it came out! The royalties come in very handy too!
Cheers mate.
Yep, and that's the most amazing thing about him. Normally, pace is the first thing to go but he is still frighteningly quick. I still remember end of last season in the Manchester derby when he did Rio.
Bellamy didn't make it into the 25 but Shaun Wright-Phillips got to start against Spurs!? The game has gone crazy!
I didn't know you were Welsh either. You still retain the accent? A lot of people I know don't like it but I think it's awesome!
Now now Stani, you know you shouldn't hit on other posters! Dale will get jealous!
...Welsh women HF, women!
HF your other site doesn't appear to working... (http://wehatethegamesgonecrazy.blogspot.com) could you sort it out as I wanted to post something in your favorite. best wishes Ameet
I have posted your comment Ameet in the hope that the site owner will address the problem. But he seems to have gone quiet all of a sudden. A failed venture perhaps? Have you got onto the site at all? If so, tell us what you think of it. I know Stani isn't impressed. Not very professional apparently. Are you perhaps the author? Would explain why you are trying to pass it off on me if the silly little ploy has fallen flat on its face. Still losing "Ameet"!
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