Linked with Liverpool and Tottenham, Scott Parker has spoken out to quash the rumours and pledge his future to West Ham.
Parker said: "There's been no contact, it's all paper talk. Nothing can turn my head and I'm fully focused, I'm fully fit and raring to go and I just want to put a good shift in".
"I'm happy where I am. It's going to take a lot for me to move and as long as I'm wanted here I can see my future here."
"I have got nowhere I'd rather be than West Ham at the moment because West Ham gave me my chance and I want to correct last season".
Now that's what we want to hear isn't it? Trouble is, that was Carlton Cole speaking. I wonder why Scotty hasn't said something similar? That contract is still unsigned you know!
It appears that the title is deliberately designed to attract then mislead viewers from NewsNow HF?
It's lame because it's totally inaccurate and you're deliberately misquoting Scott Parker for the sake of a few 'hits'!
Not your best work I'm afraid!
Misquote Parker? Do you mean he isn't commited to West Ham Shaun? Dear God, does that mean that contract is unsigned because he is hoping to move to Liverpool or Tottenham?
I think Sullivan may have been misleading us when he said he expected Parker to sign that contract two days ago. Either that or Parker was misleading him!
The article, of course, is intended to contrast what Cole has said and what Parker...well what Parker hasn't said. A silence can speak a thousand words apparently.
Your last para in reply is the ONLY thing that's accurate from you in this whole post...Parker hasn't said it! He will show allegiance when it's appropriate post-signing.
I haven't a problem with your sensationalism or confrontational nature...you thrive on the controversy it creates!
But please don't go down the line of deliberately misleading or set out to misconstrue simply to give legs to a story that has had the back well and truly kicked out of it in multi repetitive posts of one nature or another!
It ain't big and it ain't clever HF!
Brilliant from Carlton. As far as I am concerned, he could quite rightly still hold some sort of grudge for the way in which many of our fans treated him early on. He continues to prove them wrong. Top class.
Now let's hope the club doesn't sell him.
Shaun, the post is ironic. I'm not claiming to be Chaucer but you would have the whole of the Canterbury Tales binned on that basis. The quotations are direct fromCarlton Cole. Why has he said this whilst Parker hasn't? You may be right, Parker may stay, but not through choice. He wants out. Why wouldn't he want to join Tottenham?
My bet is on Parker leaving on the last day of the transfer window, anyone fancy taking a bet?
Good news about Cole.
If i was Cole i'd fuck off to Liverpool after Gollivan had flaunted me to anyone who'd pay his price they could bring in Remy or Neymar ... now both of them are dead in the water i'd slam in a transfer request and leave the club high and dry especially after the comments last season when he said everyone is for sale except Parker ... as for Parker ... Shaun can you elaborate on your point being ? I'm sure the article is there to invoke debate ? has parker come out at all this summer ? has he mentioned the contract extension ? ... i'm one for thinking Sullivan is playing games and knows that along with berahmi he wants out ... my biggest amazement is Upson .... how is he still the club captain having not committed to the club and openly told Sullivan he intends to leave for free next summer ...
The main reason for Carlton’s so called commitment is that no one decent wants him which is the exact opposite situation to Scott Parker.
HF - You have no idea whether 'Parker wants out'. You just think he does. There's a big difference.
Maybe he does maybe he doesn't but your opinion is based purely on his failure to sign a new contract but there could be several reasons why he hasn't signed yet.
Yes he might want to leave but he might just not be happy with the terms offered yet and negotiations are taking longer than expected. It is his last big contract after all. Delays like this happen all the time in negotiations, certainly in my business (property).
Personally I'd like to keep him in the team but on the flip side I'd bite someone's arm off for anything above £10M for a 30 year old. I think it's unlikely that anyone will offer that much though.
Apparently Spurs are getting Diarra on loan for a year from Real Madrid so I think Liverpool will be the only other genuine option should he leave.
You may be right.
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