Watching MOTD last night, I think we need to see a rule change for corners. The PUgiLISt and Allardyce merchants are turning the game into a variant of rugby by deliberately crowding the keeper and turning the six yard box into a scrum. I think the disallowed Stoke goal against Spurs should have stood but only under the current rules, which allow Blackburn and Stoke to bring the game down to the level of a thugs' lottery.
The rule change is simple. No player other than the keeper should be allowed in the six yard box for any set piece - including long throws! To prevent a cavalry charge into the "keeper's zone" following the launching of the ball into the area, the rule should state that if any player plays the ball inside the six yard box (other than the keeper) prior to contact outside the protected area, then it should result in a free kick to the opposing side.
Suddenly hand balls on the line, as in the Uruguay v Ghana game, would become a thing of the past, as would the "scrambled goal" such as the Stoke disallowed effort yesterday. Attacking sides would actually gain as much as defending teams, because of the removal of defenders stationed on the line. The option to bend it in direct from a corner would still be there, but the keeper would not he hampered as he attempted to take the ball.
Football is meant to be a game of skill, not of brute force and thuggery. I am sick to death of seeing players utilised to block the keeper and think the game would be hugely improved by this simple change.
I don't think we should take away the defending teams right to put defenders on the goal line HF. That's too much. We can still have this rule but allow the defending team to have one or two players in the six yard box for the purpose of defending on the line.
Although there is the argument that keepers get too much protection as it is. We must remember, they are the ones that have the advantage in the first place because they can use their hands.
get over yourself.
get over yourself. defenders have to be strong and ref's need to call fouls if necessary.
not much of an advantage when you're trying to play the ball and the opposition are intent on playing you
Thats funny, the mighty Villa get thumped 6 nil by Newcastle. According to the org and most hammer fans Villa are an awesome team and we should never expect to beat them. Tell that to newcastle you plonkers. Gosh how low have we gone!!
It will be a different story when Newcastle play at Villa Park of course and could well have been had Carew scored that penalty. A penalty that Milner WOULD have taken had he not been sold. Missing penalties is a costly business!
And 1812, I think the use of "we" is inappropriate, don't you? Funny that West Ham are second from bottom in the table? What sort of fan are you? The sort who was pleased when Cole was injured against Villa last season perhaps?
What a load of old codswallop. Football was a much better game when we had the thugs like David Webb, Tommy Smith, Chopper Harris, Dave Mackay and indeed our own Billy Bonds. Football is already a tarts game full of rolling and diving namby pambies and if the goalkeeper is crowded then he should learn to give a subtle punch in the kidneys. Attackers (certainly ones like Drogba) would soon learn not to have their backs on a keeper.
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