Well that was a narrow escape! Hard to imagine, a Frenchman without the heart for a battle! Perhaps the whole French national team should undergo tests!
I well remember the Asa Hartford hole in the heart business, with Leeds pulling out of a transfer when the heart defect showed up on the medical. Hartford went on to have an illustrious career regardless, and was of course involved in that deliciously offside goal that robbed Revie's Leeds of the the League title.
Hartford lasted just three games with Clough at Forest. Apparently, after a disastrous Forest performance, Clough laid into the Scotsman verbally, telling him he was "A useless cnut". Hartford allegedly responded by spitting full in the face of Clough. He was dispatched to Everton the following week!
Maybe missing out on Remy is an indication that our luck has changed. Or maybe the heart problem can be put down to a day in Stoke. That's enough to give anybody a heart attack!
Hello there fareham (or Hammers fan as you are known on this sight). Just seen on the org people are getting a bit bored of the old dooms day predictions. So you think we'll sign anyone decent by the end of the transfer window?
I think people have quite taken to Fareham actually. Lots of sensible posts - a realist. My sort of guy.
Bit cheeky of Ashes to steal my Tale of Two Cities adaptation mind you! Good to see how well it went down with the Org however. If only they had known who the original author was! No, I don't mean Charlie Dickens!
Has he got a hole or does he have an enlarged heart? The latter is the one that caused Marc-Vivien Foe's passing. Can cause sudden death. It's known as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
God you are so far up your own arse - incredible! you have zero sense of self - it really is quite amazing
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