Look at that picture! Tell me, what exactly is Gabbidon doing standing watching as Elmander heads home? And why is Reid BEHIND both Davies and Elmander? Poor Faubert is the only player in a position to challenge for the ball but what hope does he stand of out jumping the two Bolton players? Both of our centre backs have their feet planted firmly on the ground whist the men they are supposed to be marking are airborne! It was obvious what Lee was going to do as soon as Ilunga failed to close him, so how have our two centre backs lost Davies and Elmander so comprehensively. Criminal defending!
You sound surprised! Ilunga has not stopped a cross from coming into our box for 2 years now. That, coupled with free headers in our penalty area are already our downfall
Add to that no goalscorer and we are in trouble already
I agree totally about the defending and also noticed when he ogt out muscled by davies for number 3 he just stopped playing also
I doesn't help when the main centreback (Upson) has had to go off after being kicked in the face by their striker! And he didn't get bokked for it!
Shocking defending all afternoon really, should have put the game away in the first half....
Anon 1452, if he got kicked in the face from a high-foot challenge he should have been booked, yes. But he didnt. If you committ to a diving header at boot height you are going to get kicked in the face. I think we need to put this in the 'brave but stupid' catagory.
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