Oh the irony! Man City have announced that they will not do business with Tottenham, they are not prepared to sell a player to a rival for a top four place. How unfair on poor Bellyache! He left West Ham because he wanted to compete for honours. Now, it appears, he has a choice of the Fulham, Sunderland or Newcastle dressing rooms for his next hissy fit!
Would Newcastle really take him back? I know some of the gold paint has chipped off of Shearer now, but Bellamy is a real hate figure for the Toon Army and I can't see them welcoming him back with open arms. Sunderland? Well how humiliating would that be for the Welsh Whinger? Newcastle's kid brother! I suppose Fulham would have some appeal given Mark Hughes is there but in terms of prestige, they are not exactly Bellend's wet dream are they?
The solution is simple. We should broker the deal for Tottenham. Buy him for £4million and sell him to 'Arry next day for £8 million! Like that, we make £4million and destroy Tottenham's dressing room in one fell swoop!
What a childish post HF!
Bill Banksy
HF why would you want to do that for. everyone knows deep down your a spud fan.
Sounds like a good idea to me Banksy. Perhaps you could paint it up on a wall outside the Boleyn to feed the idea to Goldilocks and the Sulliedone.
HF i mite do what you have done. i mite make my own tottenham website and make out that im a spud fan and then i can big up west ham and slag of tottenham. sound familiar.
Which "slag of Tottenham" are you going to "big up" mate? I think you meant "slag off". Try to pay more attention in class next term, there's a bad boy!
How is this post bigging up Tottenham by the way. I want us to rip them off and destroy dressing room morale. Bellyache is a time bomb waiting to explode!
Genius idea, but we would have to have screw Spuds for more than that, how about £4mil and a player or two?
Lol! Just read a 'news' article via Newsnow stating that Benni McCarthy is overweight. What a scoop!
i wouldn't even sell tottenham the scum on the bottom of my trainers.
Looks like Parker's going to sign a new deal.
villa 1 west ham 2 me thinks. COME ON YOU IRONS
Brown OUT
Dont know who will want Green now, maybe the Baggies? But we need to go for Givens NOW, and also go all out for Keane who would be a superb complement to Cole. Reid needs the reserves treatment, and we thought Specs was a nightmare - we have just signed a player who most fans will want to see the back of immediately. Grant needs to take corrective action now. Out: upson, faubert, specs, green, lbm, noble, tomkins, at the very least. When I assess our new recruits, I cast my mind back to those comments from Brummie Fans warning us to become familiar with recruitment being restricted to rejects and loan signings, with very little money being spent but major PR spins about who they could not get in. It has come to pass!
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