David Beckham has signed? No. Santa Cruz? No. Ronaldhino? No. Has Scott Parker autographed that new contract? Don't be silly, that was meant to happen on Tuesday! What then? What then?
Take your pick. £10 tickets for the game against the Oxford Undergraduates or "Reid up for kids for a quid" (He will be arrested if he's not careful!) or Herita back at the back!
Quiet news day on the OS obviously. Tell me, why hasn't Parker signed that contract yet?
Is there anything you will not moan about?
Please do us all a favour and f*ck off and support another club.
We do not need your constant childish pessimistic bullcrap.
Read your last two sentences Jerry and tell me who is the childish one! Be careful though Jerry mate, Tom posts regularly on here!
But you NEVER have anything positive to say and you NEVER answer a criticism or question directly.
All you EVER do is moan and moan and moan about West Ham United and it's sickening that you call yourself a fan!!
Try reading this one Jerry:
I am honest, that's all. Supporting does not mean shoving your head up your backside and talking out of yoour anus. I hear an awful lot of criticism at the Boleyn on match days!
"Supporting does not mean shoving your head up your backside and talking out of yoour anus"
So anyone who thinks any differently from you is talking out of their anuses? anyone who forms an opposing opinion is burying their head up their backside?
It seems you think West Ham fans are split into 2 categories.
1 - the pessmisit, the critic, the moaner, who can't let an hour pass without writing a blog about something that is wrong with West Ham
and 2 - bascially everyone else and they all talk rubbish and have their head buried in their backsides.
"I hear an awful lot of criticism at the Boleyn on match days!"
Really? were they chanting about the official site? Singing songs about the news not being particularly interesting?
No Jerry, you are entitled to your opinion, that is why I post your criticism on here. You are suggesting I cannot be a supporter and express criticism. Indeed you told me to fcuk off and support another club. Have I invited you to do that? I am saying that honesty and supporting are not mutually exclusive. You support in your way, I support in mine. It was you who threw the insult.
My apologies for the language and the insult - it wasn't necessary.
However, I stand by my point. All I ever read on your blog are negative comments about the club, the players, the website, the fans, the pitch. It seems you hate everything about the club you claim to support.
If an internationl football fan stumbled across your blog looking to adopt an English team, he would think that we are meaningless league 1 club judging by your doomsday perception of events at the club.
It's depressing to read how low someone values the club I love, and it's even more depressing that it's a West Ham fan!
Apology accepted Jerry. I have never, to my knowledge, criticised the pitch by the way! Did you read the perspective post?
I think Jerry speaks for a lot of people that visit this page = and I suspect that's the majority.
Nobody makes you visit do they? When was Jerry elected to speak for these people exactly?
This flashes up on my Newsnow feed daily and its always some bollocks that wasn't worth reading in the first place. Also when he puts Tottenham in the title or whatever it then flags on their Newsnow and they flood here thinking he's some jealous 'Wet Spam' fan.
I have to say, I do agree with poster on here that generally the articles are quite negative. Anthony Edgar for example is really coming on strong in the reserves and probably warrants a mention but I wont know I wont find it here. I have to admit HF you do write some truthful stuff, West Ham were dire against Villa and the signings haven't been forthcoming that were mooted about, but its not really 'news' to write about that sort of stuff, everyone knows this. How about a little challenge, research some stuff people don't know about, that is positive, and write a really informing article?
What would you like an article on Col. I could offer a choice. How about the development of Christianity between 50 ad and the third century? Or the legitimacy of representative art in Christianity? Not sure how relevant they would be on a football blog but they are extensively researched.
This is a blog. It doesn't pretend to be anything else. It isn't about news, it's about views. That's what blogs are.
..and that's the kind of response everyone who wanders here via NewsNow would expect. Thats also the reason everyone who uses NewsNow knows that your posts are devoid of any point. I don't see many people who post here actually agreeing with you, or supporting you, or actually taking you seriously. I could have written an equally childishly sarcastic response but I am better than that.
It's not sarcastic, I have those articles if you would like to read them. They are very extensively reseached because they had to be. This is a blog site. It responds to events on a day by day basis. That doesn't require a lot of research. As I say, the blog is about opinions.
2,500 people wander here every day. Many are repeat users. Approximately 35% come from News Now, many now have TGGC on their favourites bar and actually springboard from here to News Now. There are 5 other news platforms that now carry TGGC and, increasingly due to the growth of the site, it is "throwing up" (appropriate term you might think) on Google searches.
The blog is read in Malaysia, Australia, Canada, the USA and China, although it is officially banned there. Not bad for a pointless blog Col. Since October of last year there has been over 600,000 hits.
You keep coming back yourself. Why? Nobody MAKES you follow the News Now link; I NEVER follow a link to WHTID, the Org or Tribalfootball. You see, I am discerning and have a brain. If you don't like what I serve up here, don't come to the site. That's easy enough isn't it? You repeated visits suggest you do enjoy coming here or that you are so stupid you cannot read the name of the site which is clearly shown on News Now. I assume the former as I am sure you are not stupid.
I come back on occasion, reading probably one in ten of the blogs in the vain hope that the title represents the content, which I am coming to learn it doesn't. So if you have so many followers, how come I am not seeing a long list of comments from your loyal fans? I only see people taking your comments to pieces and you only seeing your point of view and to hell with anyone elses.
To make the point valid, I will not be returning to this drivel. I have started my own blog, which responds to day to day football issues but in an objective and well thought out way, not as an emotionally disturbed wrecking ball with no substance to the rantings.
Maybe, someone will put a supportive comment on here for you, I mean all those readers, surely someone agrees with you...
You would have to ask them that Col. I have been to half a dozen sites today and not left a comment. Most people don't leave comments on blogs and if you are going to, there's not much point in saying "I agree 100%" is there?
Col, let me know the address of the blog and I will set up a link from here.
I agree HF, it's a blog !, it's opinion based. For what it's worth I find a lot of it entertaining, it amuses me that people get so annoyed by an opinion that is clearly meant to be fun that they need to vent.
Whenever I (admittedly accidentally) visit this site because I find it puzzling. I really can't understand what motivates HF to blog. The comments are normally largely negative but HF still posts them, for which he deserves some credit.
Cheers Norwood and anon.
Norwood and Anon - haven't seen those two guys before are they your loyal followers HF?
Jerry and Col I salute you both - the most sense I've read on here in a long long time.
Hello Turds Out! Still losing the Game I see. Welcome back. The comments section has missed you!
Quote HF:
"What would you like an article on Col. I could offer a choice. How about the development of Christianity between 50 ad and the third century? Or the legitimacy of representative art in Christianity?"
Col does not appear to be paying attention. So i'll take "Representative art in Christianity" for 50 points please Bamber.
LOL Would you like it emailed to you mate, it is 3000 words long!
10:24 still losing the games? Erm, no I don't think I am..... I heard that the only reason you moderate this blog is because you're running scared which in my book makes you the loser - sorry
You heard it wrong. Spam block has failed. Advice to use moderator for a while until all clear given. Not just me, across the blogspot empire apparently. Have moderated out lots of viagra adverts. Still, with your handle, your partners don't need viagra, they steal your turds every time!
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