Is this an old story recycled or has Goldfinger really come out and tried to encourage offers for Upson again?
If it wasn't our club, it would be hilarious. At the beginning of the summer, the porn merchants declared a clear out and, so far, not a single plastic sausage has sold. That's the bugger of all this TV coverage I suppose - clubs can see what they are buying rather than trust to the word of an agent!
You wouldn't have thought Goldfinger was a successful business man listening to him. We would sell if somebody bid "six or seven million" apparently. Well, after hearing that, who is going to bid £7million exactly?
Remember those heady days when £20m was being talked about for Cole, £17m for Behrami, £12m for Upson and £10m for Green? Seems a long time ago now.
So Upson's contract is running down; so what? Even if he was available on a Bosman, would anybody be rushing to sign him? His best days are behind him. In fact, he's the sort of player who traditionally turns up at West Ham at this stage in his career so, we must be odds on to sign him next June anyway!
By the way, Sullivan was "confident" Parker would sign that contract on Tuesday of this week. Goldfinger is now just "hopeful". Interesting shift in the language there methinks.
how depressing must it be as a footballer to hear that your best days were behind you at Birmingham and West Ham lol. The man has achieved little in his career, better start playing like you've never played before Matty
By the way have you renewed your Mini season ticket or does your impending redundancy make you look to tighten your expanding belt!
I know Green has gotten alot of stick from you on this blog but I beleive that it isnt just Green who is causing panic in the defense i think Upson is just as much to blame.
He just idles by the matches lets everyone e;se take responsibiltes, he he really vice captain? I dont think i have seen him once, ever try and motivate a team mate or order a team mate to defend a certain way he just plays his own game as if he doesnt have to have a partnership at the back with someone.
Personally I would drop Upson and Green and play youth players, boys that wont do any worse than i current england players. It might just send a messge to these two that you cant turn up and just play, some effort is required.
Rumours are that useless prat kovac rejected stoke. Why leave the gravy train that is west ham utd. Score tomorrow.... hammers 0 bolton 2. Watch Kovac get picked with Tompkins and Noble. LOL
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