How easy must it be to pass a medical at Upton Park? Dyer, Upson, Ljungberg and McCarthy have all passed in recent years and apparently Stephen Hawking only failed because the MOT on his wheelchair had expired!
As I said before, Obinna looks on the fat side to me. Maybe it is the Nigeria kit - Yakubu looks like a Sumo wrestler too - or maybe Obinna is on the same diet as McCarthy. Either way, I hope we are not buying him to have a balanced attack with Victor playing alongside McCarthy, very much "up front"!
Maybe Avram's interest is explained by Obinna's first name. It's beginning to look as if that's the only way we will see a Victor in a West Ham kit this season!
Apparently he was the fastest player in the world cup!
Against Argentina he ran an incredible 31,10 kilometers (around 20 miles) per hour which is quite impressive
Maybe he will define your odds and be a good striker for WHU!
Oh HF - dunce hat for you my friend - you really really must do your home work first, otherwise you end up looking more of a dunce than usual!
Obinna will be a good signing
I hope you are right! Looks tubby in that pic though don't he?
average 4.5 replies to your last 10 posts.... think you can do better
Yes he does - I thought that myself.... looks ok on youtube - but don't they all?
Over 3000 hits in last 24 hours Statto. Still growing as the bishop said to the impatient actress.
Hit counters are ridiculous
I know, because they show how well this site is doing and how it is growing. When the hit counter was introduced, the site was getting approx 400 hits a day; now it is somewhere between 2500 and 3000. Not bad growth in a year. That growth must be genuine because the same counting measures are being used. So even if the original 400 were all artificial, the new 2100+ must be genuine eh?
HF all sounds good but does it translate in to money, are you earning anything from it? because if you're not it's a pretty pointless exercise.
29955 people who are indifferent then, 29955 people who couldn't give a monkey either way... not a lot to me proud of methinks.
120 hits over night? suspect if you ask me...
0807, it is night here, but not in Australia! What a fool you are!
Statto, as I keep saying when this point is made, I never feel the need to leave comments on other blogs. It's not that I am indifferent, some articles are crap, some are interesting, it's just that, like most people, I visit as a reader, not as a contributor.
0015, pointless? I enjoy it. I don't need the money that's been offered so far.
I for one read this everyday and never feel the need to comment.
Obviously this time being the exception, but thought I would throw my weight behind HammersFan - and that is coming from a Spurs fan - but this is one of the only blogs I like to read that is not Spurs related.
Keep up the good work :)
Cheers ThePath. Mind you, it aint going to help my case having a Tottenham fan endorsing the blog! But thanks anyway!!!!!
13:35 Why FFS why? I can't imagine there is anything remotely interesting on here...
Why are you here then?
Erm your hit "counters" are currently out by 1572 - calibration is needed - any morsel of credibility your "counters" might have had alas has now gone out of the window!
Surely it must now be time for their retirement as they have now been proved to be worthless?
Erm, the web page for the counter at the bottom of the page went down for the best part of a day. I used the opportunity to introduce a seven figure counter for when we pass the million. I set the above counter at the last figure the bottom counter had reached. The gap is explained by the time the host for the original counter was down. Does that explanation meet with sir's approval?
You can set counters?????????? that my friend speaks volumes - your counters are now void for I am the official adjudicator and you have been judged fraudulent
You can set a start value yes. You cannot alter once that value has been set. Why would you set a value higher than zero? If you are replacing one counter with another. Why would you want to do that? Well, I expected it t take years to reach 1,000,000 so selected a counter that only went up to 1,000,000. In 10 months, there have been overs 610,000 hits and traffic is accelerating, so I need one that will record beyond 1,000,000. Especially when people like yourself keep returning Statto!
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