The bloody nerve of it. There was David Gold, quietly going about his business in his Rolls Royce after the Villa game, when, without any provocation, apart from some light hearted banter, he came under attack from fans in Claret and Blue colours. A rock was thrown at the window of his Roller and the door of the car was kicked. Fortunately, the door was locked and David escaped with his life and wallet intact!
Now Goldfinger is assuming that his assailants were Villa fans but, if I was Plod, after that performance on Saturday, I would be exploring the possibility that it was Hammers fans trying to get their hands on our co-chairman!
Perhaps this is a little taster for the Davids. Maybe even now Goldfinger is saying to Sullimanga, "God help you David if we now sell Parker. I've seen the mob, I now know what they are capable of. David it was awful. These football fans are animals, absolute animals! Perhaps we should have stuck to porn. Talking of which, I hear a finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat."
Back to your worst as ever HF but cheeky as ever .. love the pub wit ... are you still on for a beer before the game on saturday ..
What a steaming pile of shite that 'article' was.
Luckily you never leave your house as I reckon you'd get far worse treatment than Mr Gold ever would.
Hope so Tom, sorting out tickets tomorrow. Although apparently, you are me according to one poster! There is no f'in way you would get me out to Afghanistan!
2310, are YOU at the Bolton game?
hf why does your blog not come up on newsnow anymore?
It does!
Follow the Newsnow link on the right - down a bit, down a bit - and it will take you to:
Look at him milk the situation. How the hell did these clowns come to own our club? Such misfortune.
Someone threw a bottle at his car and he's talking about how he could have died? Then he's got the nerve to mention the disabled Villa fan to try and milk some sympathy.
Posing for the photo, he could have at least worn this seasons top, being the chairman of the club. They encourage the fans to buy them but can't be arsed to do so themselves. Speaks volumes.
Love it, very funny!! All the other muppets coming on here winging about what has be written cracks me up aswell. Glad they do post comments on here as you almost get the image of them getting all stressed out and outraged as the type the replies. Softcocks the lot of them!!! Grow some OR do one.
keep it up HF, er you know what i mean.
Cheers 0924. I have precisely the same image!
They are pumping the deals at the moment Stani. Kids for a quid, £10 for the Oxford game, try a box before you buy it. Oh no, that was a special offer for Avram from a local massage parlour!
the fella is 73 years old! could be your dad albeit he's a bit young have some respect FFS.
Dear me. And how do you know about Avraham's offers?
Just saw the latest Legends Restaurant offer. 10 for the price of 8 HF. I would take it up but I'm too fat and I'm fasting, whereas as you....
It's only £1,200. Yep, £1,200 for some food. You're saving £300. Bargain.
10 eat for the price of eight? Benni has just bought that deal and is going for a solo session!
And it's all part of his diet because he's saving 300 pounds! How many kilos is that in South African Rand?
...so that's what they meant by "demand is always high", it's Benni. He's stupid though because he's saving nothing as Sulli's fining him on top. Great business idea though.
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