Well as insults go, they don't get much bigger than this! Rather than swallow his inflated pride and turn to Rob Green, Capello has picked Fielding and Loach instead! It sounds like a double act on the comedy circuit, or a firm of solicitors!
Have you ever heard of them? Neither have actually played in the Premiership! I can see the logic of developing youngsters if your first two choices are thirty plus, but Hart and Foster aren't exactly old men are they? Wouldn't they benefit from experience in the squad rather than two total rookies?
Fielding glories under the first name of Frank or Frankie! No prizes for guessing what will be playing in the dressing room before the Hungary game! "Two Tribes" anybody?
I suspect Capello is losing his marbles. News of Robinson's retirement has pushed him over the edge! "Call up Green? After he lost ME the World Cup? After he destroyed MY reputation? After he robbed ME of glory? You are mad! Mad! My poor fool is hanged!"
Rob Green was a much better goalkeeper before he went on England duty I hope Capello doesn't ever pick him I wouldn't trust Clemence to coach my goldfish
I don't think Green's an international keeper, many others don't think he's an international keeper, maybe Capello has decided he feels the same way too now. Late maybe, but better late than never.
Either that, or he's told Green his place is safe and he jus wants to try out the youngsters. I hope it's the former.
As it's a one off friendly, we shouldn't look too much into the peculiarity of the squad selected. It's going to be a more experimental and adventurous squad than for a qualifier or a tournament, that should be expected.
That only thing that I can think of in Capello's defence is that, in his mind, he is protecting Green from the boo boys by not calling him up. Green should wait until he is recalled then announce his retirement. Nuts to England.
kevibn in Manchester writes..
Do not know if true but 5 Live were reporting - or at least a pundit opined - that Green had been told he would be in the next competitive squad but Fabio wants him to get over being booed and heckled away from home for west ham rather than having to face national opprobrium a few days before the first PL game of the season. Not sure even this is the right decision but perhaps made for the right reasons.
That's it! I'll come no more, never, never, never, never, never.
Now the chances of the Anons understanding that Cordelia are one in a million!
Grant looks down at a prone Dyer and says, "Lend me a looking glass. If that his breath should mist or stain this stone, why then he lives! Why should a horse, a rat, a dog have life, and thou no breath at all?"
I think it is interesting the extent of alienation that Capello is achieving. Either he is cultivating a siege mentality or he is on a slippery slope. The press are after him, players are retiring rather than play for him, and the fans are against him. That is a terrible combination. Gerrard's confession that he would boo England is not going to help is it? That has green lighted the booing tonight, endorsed by the England captain.
If that is true Kev, why hasn't Capello come out and said it? How about this as a statement:
"I have decided, after conversations with Robert, to give him a break. We saw how fans turned on a great player like David Beckham after a high profile error in a World Cup. The fans look for a scapegoat and I would rather that was me than Robert. He will come again, just as David Beckham did. Rob is a great keeper with qualities I admire."
How much would that cost him? Of course, by the Fabio got his tongue around it, it would come out as,
"I'er no want er Roberto. He er is broken er like er David Beckham. He is a goat of er scape. He will er come er. I er like er 'im a lotta."
The wheel is come full circle: I am here
Who am I? And where is here? And what circle are we talking about?
I was continuing the theme of 0804 & your response at 0955 but I should have guessed that you wouldn't understand
Really, sorry Den, went completely over my head! Does she say that? I haven't read it since my A Levels and certain quotes stick with me. That isn't one of them!
Ah it is Edmund! I should have remembered! I read the part of Edmund! Full marks mate and apologies for not giving credit first time around!
No problem.
btw - my posts sometimes ignore the name that I have provided ie Dirty Den, and posts as an anon
I guess us Anons are just far too ignorant to spot quotes from entry level Shakespeare 'your highness'.
We're all just uneducated ignorant racists imbeciles that are out to get you.
You and your 'game' are far superior. Do grow up.
Whoops, I lose again...
1830, in a list of adjectives, you need commas. Your sentence should have read: "We're all just uneducated, ignorant, racist imbeciles who are out to get you." I have made two additional corrections. You didn't need the s on racist as you were using it as an adjective, not as a plularised noun, and "who" should be used instead of "that".
Still, not bad for an imbecile!
Thanks HF, much appreciated. I save my Queen's english for real writing. I'm a little more relaxed about blog posts.
I guess we're not all perfect like you and I'm always willing to learn, I think it's an important character trait. Still, glad you understood the message either way.
New game, every time you respond to a wind up Anon - you lose!
Bugger, I guess we both lose now...
If you like mate. Keep visiting either way! ; ]
By the way, English needs a capital E! ; ]
Very disappointing - you lose already!
But your game is so small mate. There's only you and me playing. You're part of my much bigger Game, with lots and lots and lots of anonymous losers. You have a house on the Old Kent Road, I have a hotel on Mayfair! You lose again. Better luck next time mate!
Of course it is, silly me.
Well done champ!
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