Oh the irony! Dagenham and Barking residents won't know whether to tear up their party membership cards or wish ill to the club they reputedly love. A cornerstone of BNP policy is, of course, that immigration should be halted and Mr Griffin has reportedly been getting more and more furious about Avram Grant's transfer policy.
With a Jew, a Mexican, a Maori and a black Frenchman signed so far, the Griff's early optimism that accompanied the signing of a German with Hitler in his surname, has utterly evaporated. Now, Grant has gone too far with his plan to sign an Eastern European who, even with the open door immigration policy of New Labour, still doesn't qualify for entry to our once great country without special dispensation.
A local party insider said: "We will do everything in our power to block this move for Sulejmani. Whilst we have some sympathy with Serbians given their attitude towards Muslims in the war in Yugoslavia, we do not want any more Eastern Europeans in our country, taking jobs off of Englishman."
Jason from Dagenham said: "I voted for the BNP and they are not a racist party. I support West Ham but I would rather be relegated than have any Eastern Europeans at the club, it's as simple as that. Bobby Moore wasn't foreign was he? Neither was Hurst, Brooking, Peters or Tevez. Enough said."
Who or what prompted this one then?
Is this supposed to be funny?
I predict a riot over this one HF, the anon's are gonna want blood ...
Oh dear, you really have lost the plot.
Ah the Anons, non racist card carrying members of the BNP. Darlings! One of them has even moved out to Germany to practice his golf swing! Back on the Org posting under a new name apparently.
What. A. Cock.
Di Canio.... home grown East end boy...gow up BNP
So, lets go for my hattrick.
Please share your insightful, knowledgeable, deeply interesting thoughts on the 2nd bid we've lodged for Yakubu while you break us that news too.
2026, you toss them up, I'll smash them across the boundary! I've written about the Yak before. Not sure it merits another story yet. I mean, he's not scott Parker is he?
How many times have you lost the Game today? This must be some sort of record! Do you have a life outside of reading and replying to this blog?
2022, you're back! I missed you! The Game proved too irresistable I see! You lose again! ; }
Mate, you seriously need some help. I can't believe they allow you to be alone in a room full of kids.
Seek professional psychiatric help. That's a genuine, heartfelt reply.
i vote for the BNP and i always will vote for the BNP and so does virtually everybody that i know votes for the BNP so HAMMERSFAN why have you got to keep slagging them of for. your just waisting your own time you div because no matter how many times you slag the BNP off. we will always vote for them.
LOL 2036 They don't allow members of the BNP to be in a room full of kids do they? Though what danger they would be to baby goats I don't know. Hang on, paedophile beastiality? Do these BNP supporters have no shame?
2039, I can see from the quality of your English why you and all your friends vote for the BNP. It must be agonising never to get beyond the job application form stage! The Asians get the jobs because they are intelligent and hard working mate. End of.
Look at all these anonymous BNP supporters! I've had to moderate out the obscene replies!
There's only one thing that I can't stand more than Hammersfan and that's the BNP and any tw@t that votes for them.
These so called nationalists wouldn't have the first idea about what Britain is or a single clue about its history. They're far too ignorant and still think that The Sun is a news paper.
If they had any idea about Britain they'd know that there hasn't been a true Englishman on these sures for centuries. We were washed out with Romans, Vikings, Normans, French...shit, I think even the turks have probably managed to do us over at some point.
There are no 'indigenous' Brits left. Even you, you pea-brain-washed BNP voter. Know your history.
Handshake across the divide 2053! Well said that anon!
everyones entitled to vote for who they want. so if you have a problem with that HF then thats your problem. so deal with it. you have the word racists on the brain.
Sorry mate, you can't use that language. Try posting again, without the foul language.
I agree mate. Shame the BNP don't! They wouldn't let non Aryan Brits stay in the country, never mind vote!
why dont you ever slag labour. their the scum thats ruined our great country. ps i thought this shite site was suppose to be about west ham/football
nick griffin must clearly be into a2m as he dribbles so much shite. Stay away from football, and stay away from our great club you moron. COYI Craig the Hammer
HF you really are a nob and i really really pity people like you. you are the scum on the bottom of my boot.
On the bottom of your jackboot no doubt!
Slag labour? That would be Glenda Jackson in her prime perhaps?
By the wayu 2026, have you noticed that this blog takes a slightly different take on the stories you highlight. This is not a newspaper, I am not a journalist; this is a blog.
HF u cock. why do u have 2 keep talking about racism 4 this is suppose 2 be a football site. just let it go ffs. no 1 cares.
why do u have 2 use text speak it makes u sound such a cock so no 1 cares what u rite!
By leaving that juvenile comment, (which I had to moderate because of its obscene sexual nature) Anon, you lost. Think you are confusing me with Iain Dale by the way!
You're getting all of your anons twisted Hammers. You're starting to sound like the mad one out of the Pink Panther. Is your eye twitching yet?
By the way, re the long running argument regarding your hit counter? You do realise that probably about 85% of those 'hits' are generated by the Newsnow site scanning your pages every minute, every hour, every day? You should read up on how the web really works before bragging. And take the hit counter off, it makes you look silly.
You profile views is a much truer reflection of actual views of your sit.
Half a million hits = paltry amount of replies to your posts just doesn't add up. Even you must realise that.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
HF why dont you just come out the closet. we all know your a bandit tottenham fan. be honest with yourself and your sexuality. ps i wont tell no one. i promise.
Oh dear, deleting the comments that burst your bubble eh? Poor show Hammers, poor show.
Interesting thought 22.50 but not the case. News Now do not trigger the hit counter at all. I know that because I have another site on News Now that gets nowhere near as many hits. As I confirm elsewhere, the figures are independently verified, so sorry, you don't know what you are talking about my friend. As I keep saying, I visit lots of blogs and NEVER leave a comment. Most people are like me. We look in, read, move on. Life is too precious, if you have a life.
2309, still confusing me with Dale, although I didn't know he supported Tottenham!
By the way Anons, you've lost the Game again!
And with that comment you prove what an ignoramus you really are.
In black and white too. Or, rather, white on black, which is a very poor choice for a website. But who am I to tell you the workings of the web eh?
I see there's another thegamesgonecrazy website on it's way. Can't wait to see how that does.
2311, which comments were those? Enlighten me. Watching Saving Private Ryan, so there is a time lag you know. Perhaps the 2500 hits a day are all down to you eh?
Is there?
Oh, whatever game it is you think people are playing, I think you are about to lose in glorious style.
Here comes my 19th nervous breakdown...
I'm not surprised! You keep entering the Game and losing. Why not go away and get a life? Or stay if you like, it really is no skin off my nose either way.
I'll see you on the new site!!
I doubt that!
Oh....I don't. I think you'll be looking in!
lmao you are a crazy fuker. keep em coming hf
:) Great last paragraph HF.
Credit Jason from Dagenham mate, not me!
I would but he probably wouldn't accept my kind of credit...although he doesn't mind a good curry from his local Indian or medical care from his asian Dr so who knows!
the BNP should all be wiped out along with the KKK and any other bonehead group, I find it utterly disgusting that still in this day and age you can hate someone because of there skin colour, race or religion. They need to either grow up or climb back into there little hovel and commit mass suicide
Shit blog
Shitter comment!
even shitter comment!
Liked this one, keep it going!
You knew this one would attract the idiots!
BNP and idiots, bit like bar magnets and iron filings!
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