It's all very well bringing in all these strikers, but have Goldfinger and Basher never heard the saying, "You build from the back"? It's almost as we have changed sport and think the game works like basketball. So what we've conceded, let's charge up the other end and put one in the opposition net.
Happily football doesn't work like that! Our greatest ever player was, of course, a defender and, for me, the single best bit of skill in last night's game between Bern's Toddlers and Tottenham was a brilliant tackle on Roman Pavlova in the box. That tackle had to be timed perfectly or it was a nailed on penalty, especially the way the Russian dives, and it was executed superbly.
At Villa we saw how poor we are defensively. Yes the whole team played badly but, just like Tottenham against the Tiny Tots of Bern, and England against Germany, we were cut to ribbons at the back. We shipped 66 goals last season and cannot afford to repeat that this year. Saturday was not the best of starts!
So why are we ignoring our defensive frailties. Yes we have signed Reid and Ben Haim but are either a proper solution to our crying need for a quality right back? Not in my book. Poor Reid suffered a baptism of fire but he was burnt badly and rival managers would have taken note. Teams have been targeting our right flank for three seasons now and still nothing has been done about it. Why?
So Caicedo fine, Santa Cruz great if we get him on loan, but the real priority is to sort out our defence. Faubert, Spector, Reid and Ben Haim are all options but I thought Avram was the manager, not Hobson!
I wonder what Avram is thinking regarding a long term right back.
Reid is a CB, as obviously are Tomkins and Gabbidon. AG even admitted that Reid was played out of position in that email thingy that I receive.
AG seems to want to play Faubert further up.
Then there is Dyer who played there in pre-season, but if AG has any wits about him at all, he'll know that the maximum he will get out of Dyer is about 60 minutes, on a very occasional basis!
That leaves our old buddy Spector.
Spector is the answer (slaps myself on the forehand).
Of course, why didn't I see it before.
Everyone else is rubbish there and Spector comes to our rescue and becomes a Boleyn legend!
That man AG, he's got something about him he has....
I love tescos
LOL How's things Apache mate?
HF you mention that Hobson's choice being Faubert, Ben Haim, Spector and Reid but you forfet that DaCosta will be back soon and Ilunga can be great if he can find his form again.
Also Reid needs time to settle in and Ben Haim will prove yo uwrong mate! If he can get his head down and do his job he will do it well.
I agree it's no good having strikers if we can defend. S&G can go and spend £60Million on Messi tomorrow and he might score 5 goals a game but if our defense lets in 5 goals a game it's a bit pointless!
Grant knows he ballsed up on Saturday and I honestly don't thnk he will play Tomkins again for a while! The guy is crap! He should be in a Championship/League 1 side along with Noble!
Anyhoo.......DaCosta, Reid, Matty and Ilunga could quite possibly do a good job!
You lost.
You turned on moderation after getting scared about your name coming out. You now censor posts while claiming to be an open alternative to those nasty brutes that gang up on you.
You lost.
2201 You are not making much sense but still. The moderator is on upon advice from Google. There is currently a problem with the spam filter and, without moderation, all sorts would be hitting through to the site. The problem is being worked on and as soon as the all clear is announced, the moderator will be removed. There, then you can play your silly games without delay.
I'm not sure what moderated comments you are talking about. Of course, if I was censoring, I would hardly allow through threats on my life would I?
Either way, I can't lose you idiotic fool. I could have censored out that taunt if losing was a possibility. I would still win because you would waste time writing your silly little comment and nobody would see it would they? Or I choose to "publish" it and you look stupid because you are suggesting I censor you, and yet everybody can clearly see that isn't the case. Heads I win, tail I win; heads you lose, tails you lose.
Do you get it yet?
Welcome back to the Game YET AGAIN. You lose again! Now, go away and weep in your bed saddo.
By the way, how is the wehatethehamesgonecrazy doing? Had many replies? Are you on News Now? Twat.
2201 You are not making much sense but still. The moderator is on upon advice from Google. There is currently a problem with the spam filter and, without moderation, all sorts would be hitting through to the site. The problem is being worked on and as soon as the all clear is announced, the moderator will be removed. There, then you can play your silly games without delay.
I'm not sure what moderated comments you are talking about. Of course, if I was censoring, I would hardly allow through threats on my life would I?
Either way, I can't lose you idiotic fool. I could have censored out that taunt if losing was a possibility. I would still win because you would waste time writing your silly little comment and nobody would see it would they? Or I choose to "publish" it and you look stupid because you are suggesting I censor you, and yet everybody can clearly see that isn't the case. Heads I win, tail I win; heads you lose, tails you lose.
Do you get it yet?
Welcome back to the Game YET AGAIN. You lose again! Now, go away and weep in your bed saddo.
By the way, how is the wehatethehamesgonecrazy doing? Had many replies? Are you on News Now? Twat.
But HF, I threaten to kill you on a daily basis! ;) lol
Soooooooo it seems Remy Loic is about to sign for Marseille and We have put the loan move for Caceido on hold due to the fact that the Premier League only allow 2 "on loan" players at any single club in any single season and Grant wants to "Keep his options open" as he is trying to find a new striker as well as a new right back.
So now what?
HF - you can nick my breaking story again if you like! ;) lol
Hammersfan, just like to point something out to you - every time you mention 'the game' you kind of lose as you sound very childish and even a little insane, if I may be so bold.
You really are the only one playing 'the game' and it's clearly a psychological self defence mechanism against the abuse you receive on here. Like a form of denial. The fact that you can only win the game that only you are playing by cheating (and that's going on your own comments from your own thread on here - what's the point, i believe it's titled) really does make you come across badly.
Give it up, for the sake of people who actually read your blog. And please take all of that in the way it was meant.
You'd do yourself a massive favour by not rising to every bit of abuse that comes your way. Keep it up.
"David", thank you for pointing that out to me. I'm not sure how I would have survived without that wonderful piece of psychoanalysis through the medium of an internet blog. You should set up in business mate. You could be an online medium too and contact the dead relatives of people on facebook!
Any chance you could reach my Nan? She had a pemium bond we can't find and there's a theory that it may have won.
I could be wrong here but I always thouht that when HF said "The Game" - He was actually referring to "The Game's Gone Crazy"???
But If you did indeed mean just "The Game" - Then yeah that's a bit lame mate :)
Maybe it could be "FACESPOOK"??? lol
Christ, only trying to help. I guess it's true what they say about you. I shan't return so don't bother trying another humorous response. Humour clearly isn't your thing.
So caicedo's not comming on loan cos were keeping our options open which makes you wonder about santa cruz ... we can't afford to buy anyone cos the ones we want to sell are priceless or apparently injured and Remy has gone to marseille .... not looking to bright is it ... can we not go back in for beckham ... ohhh I forgot he agents said they have never had any contact from West ham ... and in two years time we'll be at the Olympic stadium 8 quality lanes away from the pitch watching Fizzy pop stuff with kids on the park ... homeless and up to the hilt in debt that we'll never be able to pay off ... do you feel a protest comming on .... these sad twats aren't at the club cos there from the east End or cos they played for the club years ago .. they just wanna build there own retirement home at Upton Park and come out each day and say oi ... clear off you you young upstarts .. get off the grass ... its my ball and you ain't playing ... here Goldy your turn in goal ...
Blimey - that's a bit harsh HF. I think that David sounds like he's actually on your side and is a fan of your work but you hit him with a response like that.
Like the rest of us that enjoy your posts, he's just saying that we don't really care for your battles with 'the org' or playing 'the game' it all comes across as a bit odd. Why not just ignore the idiots? Rise above it. We don't all hate you, you don't need to attack everyone.
Still, your blog, your rules. Bugger, I'm probably in for the same treatment now...
Friend "David" was the anon who posted at 2201. It's a game aint it?
HF I'm on your side, I very much enjoy the blog, although I rarely comment and only through anon. But it doe's become a bit tedious reading about silly feuds were not interested in.
If u had ignored 22.01 then 'david' would never have turned up. Just a thought...
I could ignore it Jack. I could censor it. I try to allow freedom of speech. Freedom for you, the anons and for me. As I keep saying, ignore the bits you don't like is the answer.
Some like the serious articles, some like the tongue in cheek stuff, some like the banter. Go back a couple of articles and you find a guy saying how much he enjoyed the impotent anger of the anons and the way they are dealt with. You don't pays your money, you have your choice.
But thanks for your sensible contribution without presuming to be able to see into my head!
How do you know that David is 22.01? Is it guesswork or can you identify individual posters?
Ok maybe I'm seeing it clearer now... People only seem to comment on the things that annoy them whilst the people enjoying it sit quiet!
Keep it up HF
Err...this is 'David' and I certainly didn't post at 22:01. Your paranoia is really getting the better off you these days.
Errr David, you weren't going to return. Errrr 2201, you forgot that! It's not easy trying to be two/three/four people at the same time is it? And yes, I have introduced a new programme that identifies posters.
Jack, the silent majority speak volumes! 2500 hits a day, half a dozen moaners who post under Anon and made up names over and over and over again. It's the Game, it gets to them, drives them Crazy and they lose every time! ; }
Err...hammersfan, I'd check the configuration of your 'program' then buddy. You shouldn't judge people by your own standards.
Errr David, you are back again. For somebody who was out of here...
...it's the Game, it drives you Crazy!
Calm down pal, there's only one person that's gone crazy around here. I did talk to you a while ago on here, regarding setting up a proper forum/chat site, if you remember. I even went out of my way to research a few free and easy ways for you to do it. Not sure why I bothered now seeings as you're so rude. I'll frequent the other sites and blogs out there where the owners don't feel the need or desire to slag everything and everyone off.
Take care, consider yourself down to 2499 a day now.
You will be sadly missed David.
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