This looks like another clever piece of transfer business, a guy who cost Ajax over £10m just a year ago appears as if he is on his way to the Boleyn for a year's rehab. Pacey, with an eye for goal and a natural left foot, Sule could be just what Doctor Avram ordered. A real team is now beginning to take shape!
I said a week ago that I would be happy if the transfer window slammed shut at that point but, amazingly we have three more additions to the squad and still no exits. That wage bill is getting bigger and bigger and the Davids keep shelling out as if they have no tomorrow. Maybe they have decided they can't take their money with them after all!
I still think Parker will go, but even without him, we have a decent looking side taking shape! How about this side to kick off against Villa?
Reid, Da Costa, Upson, Ilunga
Noble, Der Hammer,
Barerra Sulejmani
Without sales the sub's bench would look tasty too featuring a choice from Dyer, Faubert, Boa, Tomkins, Piquionne, Kovac, Gabbidon, Daprela, Stanislas, McCarthy and Diamanti! And remember, we still have Ben Haim, Collison and Hines to return from injury! Have I forgotten anybody in my excitement?
This is getting exciting from where I am sitting!
nooooooooooo parker wont be sold and one minute u critisize behrami now ur talking him up like he better then parker my team would read
reid tomkins da costa ilunga
parker hitz noble
barrera sulejamani
Your team would ship goals. Love him or hhate him, we need Upson's experience. And we need somebody, Behrami or Kovac, to sit and protect the back four.
I agree with the line up hammersfan. If Behrami doesnt go then a holding mid is ideal for him. He cant cross and cant pass but runs around like a man on a mission so ideal to break up play. Then that sets us up for the pace we've bought to counter attack. Im actually quite excited after the last few seasons of... here we go again feeling ! Remy is apparantly looking at two clubs next week. Us and Tottscum.. lets wait and see, still not a dead deal just yet. I agree that Parker will go, just got that feeling. When Masch leaves Liverpool i think he'll be on the first flight into The John Lennon. This would set us up for a KBP purchase, i'm ok with that !
The words NEED and KOVAC should never be used in the same sentence
Ok HF, you REALLY need to shut up about Parker now! lol
For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents on Parker! And I know I'm in the minority here but hey ho!
Parker is a good player! yes GOOD! Not amazing, not world beating! He is good! And then again so is Steve Sidwell! parker was Hammer of the year and the stand out player for a very very poor West Ham, performance wise!
I seriously can't understand everyone's infatuation with the guy! If he played the way he did and he was playing for Chelsea or Manu etc... he wouldn't have been player of the year! Nowhere near it!
He is ok! I would like to keep him, but come on, the guy is 30 this year and a decent bid for him would be foolish to turn down!
As for Sulejmani, I like the guy! Again he is OK! He isn't setting the world on fire at Ajax though and to be honest, I'm not overly keen on loan deals! But I guess if he knocks in a few while he's here and helps us to a decent league spot then I'll welcome him with open arms. But IF he does that it is just going to piss me off when he sods off back to Holland as apparently there will be no opion to buy when the loan spell is up!
And HF, love him or hate him, we DON'T need Upson! yes he has 'experience' but he does NOTHING with that experience! It's ok having all the experience in the world but if you have no talent or heart to back it up then it means nothing mate!
Damo 01:28 - the words NEED and KOVAC should always be used in sentences!
Like.......KOVAC NEEDS to sod off t a different club! ;)
Go on argue that one! lol
It seems many of our fans are beginning to forget how poor Noble is. He seems to have gone up in people's estimation over the break without doing anything. I was about to ask how, but considering his performances last year, maybe doing nothing would actually be an improvement for him. I will be flabbergasted if he is anywhere near a regular this season.
the rise and fall of Noble coincides with the arrival of Parker My theory Parkers departure will see Noble's stock rise again
Matt, I'd rather have a loanee who does well for a year and leaves than find ourselves stuck with a crap player whose wages we have to fund for the next four years on top of a huge transfer fee. Dyer and Lunjgberg deals or a Sule one year loan?
Depending on who we sell I would go with
If Upson goes then Ben Haim will be brought in, and if Parker goes, then I would put Behrami back there with either Dyer or Diamanti behind cole.
Yeah that works too. I like the idea of Diamanti in there, but Avram hasn't been picking him. Dyer is also a tantalising possibility but will he last 90 minutes and three games in a row in the Prem?
You must know a lot about Sule Dutch, even down to what he eats! Fill us in eh?
The sad thing for me is if we have indeed taken Sulejmani on loan without an option to buy. It doesn't seem we are building a team for the future this way.
There's the little matter of the here and now to sort out first mate. Sule for a season or Stanislas parked on the left? Give me Sule!
Stanni, you've gone well overboard about Noble. He has been great for us in the past and is young enough to do a great job in the future. Everyone has seen his performance drop since the arrival of Parker. In the right formation they can play well together. We might have found that formation now. If Parker goes, we'll need him. Sell Behrami, lots of effort but no end product.
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