And the news on the Kovac transfer front is that there is no news! His agent has come out and said that Radislav is going nowhere this summer. He is enjoying himself at the Boleyn, not surprisingly given he is earning more at Upton Park than he could expect to earn elsewhere.
It is beginning to look as if the players called a meeting at the end of last season and agreed, if Sullivan wants to sell us all, none of us will agree to go! Well, all except for Parker of course!
The best made plans of Porn Kings and men eh?
Could you tell me how much Kovac is on at West Ham please.
Yes. Too much.
Could you tell me what the point of this blog is please? All you seem to do is repeat news that you have picked up from elsewhere several hours/days earlier.
You clearly have no connection to the club, no connections within the club and no intersting opinions on the club.
Please stop, it's pointless.
I think it's a bit more than that HF :)
To be honest, I think we should keep him one more season. Our starting 11 is beginning to take shape so Grant needs to work on the bench/squad now so he can decide who to sell. Kojac would be a good option to have on the bench. I know that's not what he wants and it will probably see him move at the end of the season, but that's the best he should expect. He did ok last season in front of the back four, and lends experience and tactical awarness on the pitch to others.
lol harsh 10:19, very harsh.
As pointless as your oft repeated request? Get a life 1019!
.... and accurate!
Oft repeated? You are mistaken - first time I've been bothered to post a comment on here.
So it is not MY 'oft repeated request' for you to go away. It is obviously an oft repeated request by the many.
Oh - and if you read up on some basic psychology you might be disturbed by what you read about insecure people who feel the need to mock others sexuality (a lá your oft repeated jealous rants about Iain Dale). It says more about you than it does them.
As does the fact you now seem to be trying to emulate the one you pretend to despise by also writing a 'politics' blog (which incidentally appears to be another site where you feel the need to simply repeat news, late, that people have already read elsewhere).
Still, imitation is the highest form of flattery, as they say.
Please, spend today trying to come up with an original thought before you decide to share any of your other pointless ones with us.
PS. No, I have nothing to do with Iain Dale, have never met the man and am not a tory. Can't stand him in fact. But I do know he runs a much better site than yours, has access to the club, has better opinions and certainly attracts a lot more readers and posters than this poxy little place.
Do give it up now, you not only make an idiot of yourself but also of all of the actual fans of WHU.
Hmmm, if this is your first visit, how do you know about oft repeated references to Mr Dale's sexuality? There are none on this thread! Hole in your argument there perhaps? Good reference for Mr Dale given you don't like the guy by the way. There are concerns over at WHTID at the defection of the militant wing aren't there? Still, you guys could get up another peition to get this site closed down! Oh sorry, Matt isn't in the fold anymore is he? ; ]
Yes we know Iain has contacts in the club, that's why he never dares to criticise the club. West Ham United already have an Oficial Site, which kind of makes Mr Dale's posts redundant don't you think? Although, as Duxbury showed, it is always useful to give the impression that an "independent" site endorses your bullshit!
This site offers INDEPENDENT OPINIONS. In the Dale World, they wouldn't exist of course, so that's why this site exists - and why it continues to grow!
Read carefully. 'First time I've bothered to post a comment here'
So, no holes in any arguments, just you continuing to make a fool of yourself in public.
I have no knowledge of a 'militant wing' or of a Matt. To be honest, the way you speak about things I think you are actually a little insane. This is a website. Iain Dale's is a website. No more, no less. Wings, factions, people being in the fold? I think it's you that needs to get a life. It all sounds very childish to me and slightly surreal.
My guess is you are still at school. Either as a child or, more than likely, as a teacher?
It was always going to be interesting to see how other clubs would respond to Sullivan's proclamation that the whole squad, bar Parker, is up for sale.
At the time I felt that it would be unlikely that anyone would come in for the players most of us would be happy to see leave; Spector and Kovac being uppermost in my own thinking. More likely that bids may yet come in for Diamanti, Behrami, Upson - perhaps even Noble although it doesn't appear that the jungle drums are doing much vibrating on any of these fronts thus far.
LOL That's the point, it's just a blog so why are you getting so worked up about it? Why are you wasting so much of your precious life leaving comments on a site you say is pointless? And if it is pointless, why do you keep coming back? And why don't you have the guts to post under a name?
You see, as I keep saying, I get a kick out of getting under your skin. And you are so stupid that you keep showing me how bloody ripped apart you are by the growth of this site. Life's a bitch mate!
After last season, Headmaster, who would bid for them? Unless Sullivan is prepared to let them go on the cheap of course. And would you trade your employer for a lower salary package? I wouldn't!
Don't flatter yourself dear, I really am not 'ripped' by the 'growth' of this site. I left school long ago so such nonsense really means nothing to me.
By the way, an average of 14 replies from about 4 people to each of your posts really isn't much to write home about. Get a grip before you slip off the edge.
You must be because you are still here and still replying! It's eating you up isn't it?
Interesting little spat....but getting back to the original topic, I went to Roots Hall for the Southend friendly and Kovac was made captain. Whether he (and Diamante and possibly Da Costa and Gibbdon) were in the 'shop window' I don't know. However, Kovac played ok, was always available to receive the ball from the youngsters that made up the rest of the team. Okay, so his final ball frequently let him down, but I say keep him as a squad player.
Lord Canning? After Canning Town or after the ex President of the Board of Trade? He was PM as well wasn't he? I should know, I have a bloody history degree!
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