Is Fabio's position becoming untenable? After the World Cup cock up came the failure to attend the kids' tournament, where the future of England battled through to the semifinal. Then Scholes revealed that he would have come out of retirement had Fabio taken the trouble to make direct contact. Now he has selected Robinson and dropped Green, without first checking that Robbo wants to play for him!
Where does Fabio turn now? If it is to Green, should Rob swallow his pride and come crawling back into the squad, or should he tell Fabio where to stick it too? As patriotic as I am, I would never play for Fabio again if I was Green. Or announce that I would play for England on the same basis as Carragher - showing up for the Finals only with a guarantee that I would be picked!
Scott Carson anyone?
I hate capello for what he did to Green!
And I hope Green does as well. He does not deserve him.
Keep it up Rob, you were always the no 1!
The man is a legendary twat. What happened to picking on the basis of form? Keiran Gibbs has no game time to be given a form.
The FA should have got rid of Capello when they had the chance! The guy can't manage and he has absolutely no people skills whatsoever! His own ignorance and arrogance prevented him from changing formation and player rotation during the world cup and ultimately what turned our tournament into a farce that it was! Oh and the player were crap too!
Well done Paul for telling the arrogant twat where to go! I hope Green and James do the same!
It is incredible how this guy is still in charge of England after messing up so badly during and after the World Cup. Only in England can something like this happen! In any other country Capello would be just a bad distant memory by now.
Hahaha, dear me.
Typical English enmity. Even after the terrible showing at the world cup there has been no realisation, no accepting of home truths. I said after the world cup that Capello should go because there is no such short term fix for English football. He can try, but he will always be criticised because some people expect the world when they have no right to and are just never happy. The English job is a poisoned chalice.
If this was an English manager we would have all the 'You should always turn up to represent your country' and 'Who does Robinson think he is?', but because he's not, it's ok to take a pop at him.
Yes, the FA should have got rid of him and hired Terry Venables, Harry Redknapp and Alan Shearer!!! 'ave it!
You don't ask a player if he wants to play unless he has announced his retirement. Robinson hadn't retired, he was available. Robinson just doesn't want to be number three so he chose to retire and that's his right. Not everyone can play so he can be upset if he wants to be. Telling Fabio where to stick it? He is not the last keeper in the world, life goes on.
Green swallow his pride? He is a footballer, not Capello's wife who has walked out after catching him having an affair with Hart, Robinson and Foster. Football is Green's job, players get picked and dropped. If he should want to sulk, then later. You'd be the first to say Green has no argument for being dropped but because this is about Capello, you've decided to take a whole different angle. But I suppose you're getting the response you were looking for!
We should be happy and excited that the guy has shown some balls in dropping many of the previous players and is going to give a chance to the newer lot. This should be something to look forward to.
Are yo serious? You just said the guy can't manage and has no people skills. Have a look at what he has achieved in the game. And I don't think your view on player-power would do much good for the game.
Stani - YOU think its because he is not english.... and history proves you totally wrong.
Look at the way that all english England managers have been treated by the media and the FA.... appallingly.
I'm not saying that he should have been sacked as I hate England but he certainly hasn't done anything to back up his £6m salary
HF likes big fat hairy men that are naked. ha ha i win.
stani he may of dropped players but most of them werent he right ones to drop i can still see 8 of the players from the line up that got beat by germany so bad
and he dropped the players who didnt even get a chance in the world cup
the main one joe cole
How many players does Capello have to maintain contact with? Say 50? Emails, texts, odd phone call?
How about? "Hi Paul, Fabio here, how things? Just to let you know you're still in my thinking. I've gone with David, Rob and Joe for the World Cup, but at 30, you are very much in my thinking for the future. Have a great summer, I will be in contact in August. Any worries, questions, you have my number."
I reckon Paul Robisnson would still be on board then don't you? And to avoid any embarrassment, especially after Young had already "retired" after being selected, a call last week?
"Hi Paul, how was the summer? Better than mine I hope! So, how do you feel about pulling on the England gloves again? You don't fancy it? Why? But who says you're my number 3? Yes Joe is slightly ahead of you at the moment but it's nip and tuck. Don't throw away the chance of shoving criticism down the throat of your detractors, come back into the fold and prove them wrong."
THAT is man management and BASIC MANNERS!
Sorry, Capello has been made to llook a complete arse!
to be honest i think we should be talking about west ham now and not england. the season starts in 6 days so what would you consider a decent season for us. i think anywhere in the top 12 would be a decent season for us especially after last year. and a good cup run would be nice to. ps talking about england does get very boring to be honest. we had all that in the summer. lets talk about the new season for which im really looking forward to. UP THE HAMMERS!!!
1821, you lose. Still thinking about the Game every 30 minutes and still leaving the sort of insults that belong on a playground. How old are you?
1919, England is the topical issue at the moment.
I'm talking about some people's reaction in criticising the manager when a player doesn't want to represent his country. You are talking about general treatment of English England managers by the media in the past e.g McClaren and his umbrella. This is not the same thing.
He doesn't pay himself. It is the FA that choose to pay him that. Why should he get criticised for it? We would all accept it in his position, me and you included. But maybe the reason they are paying him so much speaks louder than everything else. Maybe it's because he has a near impossible task.
He cannot change the whole squad because it would be silly. He has to find the balance and the right mix. You cannot tell me that some of the changes he has made are not positive. I agree, there are players in that I myself would have dropped but let's see what Capello is going to do with the ones he has retained. Maybe the introduction of the newer ones with some of the old will make a better team. He certainly hasn't shown that he is stubborn or pig-headed which I think is good. Bent, Cole, Zamora, Wilshere, Young, Johnson, Cahill....these are all positive steps in my opinion. You should be excited and looking forward. I can't wait to see if he tries the new ones and how they'll do.
"How about? "Hi Paul, Fabio here, how things? Just to let you know you're still in my thinking. I've gone with David, Rob and Joe for the World Cup, but at 30, you are very much in my thinking for the future. Have a great summer, I will be in contact in August. Any worries, questions, you have my number."
And Robinson would have still retired because Hart and Foster are not only better than him, but younger. He retired because he looked at them two on the squad sheet and that is exactly what he thought.
Man management? It looks like child management to me. They are English footballers. If they think they are good enough, they should be ready for a call. Forget this hi bye nonsense because it is exactly what McClaren used to do. It's not needed.
12 is not a bad shout. I think we will be around that.
It clearly is needed. Everybody likes to feel valued by their manager Stani, you must recognise that. You would have much more credilibity in thse debates if you acknowledged that everybody makes mistakes, instead of trying to defend Zola / Capello on EVERY point. It was a mistake not to maintain contact with Robinson if he thought he might pick him. How long would a call take? How much time has he had to make that call? It was also a mistake not to turn up for the U20 tournament. How good would the kids have felt if Capello had shown up? I think the guy is lazy personally.
I don't think you should question my credibility HF. There is no need to say things like that. Everything I write on this blog is with honesty.
"Everybody likes to feel valued by their manager Stani, you must recognise that."
So when Zola makes his players feel valued, valued enough for them to run through brick walls and celebrate with him on the touchline (Parker), you criticise him?
There are so many issues that you decide to go for or against on, depending on simply proving your point, a point that may not always be right. For example, this issue with Capello, had it been a manager you liked, you would have criticised Robinson but since it's a manager you don't like, you criticise Capello. You completely ignore what is right or wrong merely for the purpose of doing what you like (in this case criticising Capello). Change Capello's name to Grant...sorry Avram, and your post would take the completely opposite view.
May be he thought he wouldn't pick Robinson? But, that's besides the point. You're criticising Capello for not doing something that most manager's probably don't do.
I have always talked of mistakes Zola and Capello have made but you seem to miss those. Even in my last post I said there are players still in the current squad I would have dropped and Capello hasn't. I should acknowledge everyone can make mistake? I was doing that all last season with our team and manager. You're the one that wasn't.
Lazy? I think he's one of the hardest working managers out there. But of course, neither of us know do we.
He's entitled to a private family life and every right to not turn up to the u20 tournament. Which England managers have in the past? And how many that didn't were criticised?
Far from it Stani, I was equally as critical of Zola for EXACTLY the same thing, HIS failure to maintain contact with Ashton and Neill. I couldn't understand why, in the age of mobiles, he was waiting for Neill to contact him and why he had only spoken to Ashton once, when he turned up at the training ground.
There is a huge diffeerence between defending your players come what may and staying in occasional contact with them. I suppose you think the Capello Index was a good idea too, and announcing that just before the World Cup? What an arrogant arse. How would you feel if your manager said he was going to rank you against your colleagues on a week by week basis and broadcast it on the internet? What a fool! And then he destroys the sense of team spirit by bringing in Carragher and King and saying he wants Scholes to come out of retirement, without even talking to the guy. Idiotic!
I will criticise Avram when criticism is due, trust me. I will also credit him when credit is due, as I did with Capello, Zola and Turds.
So, was it smart to pick Robinson, only for Robinson to say get stuffed? He had to contact 26 players and he has all their numbers. His failure to do so was either arrogant, stupid, lazy or all three!
HF, you've picked an emotive subject here mate ... and I for one am right behind you ... fabio is on 36m a year and his people shills stink ... he was spineless in dropping Greeno at the WC and by leaving him out now says it all ... players on current form ? mmmm when was the last time Wes Brown kicked a ball in anger ? theo Walcott got left behind for Lennon and SWP ... neither get selected but Theo does ... and the young Arsenal boy won't get a game this side of Christmas unless its in the League cup ... the FA made a massive mistake in keeping him but the problem is the RA are only interested in lining their own pockets and not how well we do ... I was chuffed we missed the last Euro's cos they lost a small fortune ... nothing adds up with the FA or Capeelo ...
I have no games planned yet but I am home for a while and catching up for a beer is game on
Good stuff. Let's try to aim for Bolton then. Drop me an email. By the way, I reckon you've started on that beer. 36m a year! Even the FA aint THAT stupid mate!
HF, I've just re read it and am awaiting a clip from headmaster ... he was always edumacating me on WHTID ... I think somewhere along the line I have missed something judging by some of the comments on here ... hey ho ... how about a blog tomorrow on where we all think we'll finish this season ... what our best formation is gonna be and who to play where ... I am not overly impressed so far, I think Cole has done ok but yesterday we were toothless ... is Remy or bellamy the answer ... and also is there to be any departures ? ...
this just in wes brown also pulls out of squad and retires from international football
Tom - inflation hasn't gone up that much while you've been away (Capello on £36m a year)
2132 he don't give a monkeys about you..... fact!
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