It hasn't been proposed yet, but I reckon a straight swap of Keane for Parker would suit both clubs. 'Arry's willingness to let his club captain go on loan to Celtic said everything about how desperate he is to be rid of the Irishman after that unauthorised jaunt to Dublin, and he wasn't exactly holding out olive branches after Robbie scored two goals today. Whilst we looked short on creativity and in need of a proven goalscorer in our friendly, Keane was proving that he still has what it takes to score at the top.
If I was Sullivan, I'd ring Levy and say, "You want Parker, give us Keane in exchange." I bet 'Arry would go for that! I certainly would!
you are silly.........
Please. School starts soon and you've spent all of the holidays sat at your pc making yourself look silly.
Take a day off, go outside, get some air and give us all a break.
I've been outside most of the day actually erecting a fence along the back border of my very large garden. Most productive.
I'm sensing insecurity issues from your last comment.
You should have been at the match today HF. You aint a real fan have you got a season ticket???
i love the hammers pub. and the denmark arms pub. and the barking dog pub. FROM WAYNE THE HAPPY HAMMER
Deep insecurity. That's why people erect fences!
West Ham only have 14,000 real fans apparently. And there was Sullivan thinking there was a million! Serious miscalculation!
So you didn't go to the game today and yet can comment on how we lacked anything up front, what do you base this info on? Couldn't be what you read on the internet, because you certainly didn't see the game.
Do you think we lacked anything up front for the other preseason games? You know, the ones that Cole scored a few in and the ones that we won and drew one.
I could go on but your posts make you look silly enough without me posting to tell you that.
I think this hypotheses deserves a rational response, HF. I have had a feeling that Keane would come to us ever since Redknapp needlessy took issue with the Dublin AWOL trip. Tottscum have an excess of strikers, we of midfielders...so you know it makes sense!!!!
I based it on match reports and us managing one shot on target in 90 minutes. Even the Official Site admitted "Deportivo will feel a bit aggrieved having created the better chances." Those silly boys over at KUMB reported, "Chances were at a premium throughout the game but the Spanish went closest to opening the scoring on the half-hour mark when Lassad was allowed to waltz through United's rearguard and pick his spot - a fierce effort that cannoned off the post. Avram Grant's side had to wait until the final minute of normal time before testing La Coruna 'keeper Manu who diverted a Mark Noble effort to safety. Despite the lack of threat in front of goal, positives will be taken from another clean sheet against European opposition plus the match-winning penalty save from Rob Green".
Our goal count hasn't been terribly high actually. One goal against Ipswich, 2 against the Greeks, 1 against Southend, 2 against Peterboro, 2 against the Germans. None today. Cole has done well but not many others scoring.
Spot on Dublin.
No no. Insecurity displayed by your need to announce you have a big garden and your constantly feeling the need to remind people you are not gay. That's not ramblings of a happy, secure individual. That's the ramblings of someone who needs to switch their PC off, get out into the real world and talk to real people. You know, face to face.
23:19 can I encourage you to post more - I think you're hitting the nail on the head - I like it.
But don't you understand, that's why I have a big garden, and why I need the fence, to keep the real people out. Real people scare me. Real people have eyes and mouths and ears and faces and have sex and use the toilet and walk and talk and pray and sing and...
I've just watched "There Will Be Blood". What a film! What were you doing? Reading this blog and accusing me of being sad. Look in that mirror!
Please dear, you give yourself and this blog too much credit. Seems I was on here getting more fans than you.
Thank you 23:51
0101 it's a pleasure sir!
HF, fair point fella ... I think there's life in the story yet ... we need a proven goal scorer and I think Gollivan are playing games with their load of bull outburst that they will never break a promise and sell Parker ... errr only to anounce he put in a transfer request ...
You also seem to have attracted an anonymous admirer ... I'd watch yourself there mate ... they might be a little gay and insecure and sounds very much like an old married woman ...
As for the lack of goals yesterday ... I am not convinced Cole will stay either ... I'd take Bellamy in an instant and add the french lad Remy ...
Finally before I pop off to stain the fence .. afternoon Matt and Mr Headmaster ... have I missed something whilst i've been away ..
Have you been on hols or on tour of duty Tom?
No way we should swap Parker for Keane. I don't see how you can even suggest such a thing! And by the way, we should not forget, there should be no business Tottenhams Spuds at all. We don't care how good an offer it may seem to some. Parker for Keane, you must be kidding! Redknapp can go fishing elsewhere.
sav if he was a real hammer - he'd know - but seeing as he isn't he doesn't
Anon 14:33 are you in love with HF, is he ignoring your advances ? .. shame on him ... but hey small man why don't you just add your name and let us know who you are ... or are you a Spuds fan ? ... cos since I've come home all I read is you whinging like an old woman ... people have left websites through muppets ... why waste you're time ... go and play on another site fella
HF, I wouldn't call it a holiday, although the tan looks impressive ...
LOL Good on you mate. Getting to Upton Park on this leave? Bolton game perhaps? If so, I'll buy you a pint before the game, and a coke for your son.
I have been a season ticket holder for 23 years now. Does that make me a real Hammer? I can see the logic in the deal and would be happy with it. Keane was worth 17 million not very long ago. Parker isnt worth that.
Keane is past it as proven at Liverpool and a trouble maker - just what we don't want. He also turned us down before signing for Leeds, then again before signing for Spurs. Let him rot.
Another thing... even though some may consider it as 'cutting our nose to spite our face'.... I don't want us to deal with Spurs or Redknapp over anyone. They're filth, lets stay away from them.
Exactly, totally agree Yogi Bear. I don't care if Spuds have Leo Messi to exchange for Parker. No deal!
And it's that attitude that results in islands being divided! For God sake, Tottenham are just another team. Why give them added status by perpetuating this crass rivalry. Leave Spurs and Arsenal to play these silly, "I hate you"..."Well I hate you more" games. Who gives a toss about Tottenham?
He changes all the posts - what little credibility he had left has finally gone Anonymous we won!!!!
Your reference to my island being divided was totally uncalled for HF. What do you think you know why Cyprus is divided? Why indeed you have attacked my argument with something you know or care very little about except perhaps that you know it may offend me. I think at the very least you owe me an apology for that. Although I will not expect one as you are not one who admits mistakes.
For the record, the reason my island is divided is because the British stood by and allowed Turkey to invade and keep our land causing at least 200,000 Greek Cypriots to become refugees in their own country.
If you want more statistics:
120.000 Turkish Cypriots or about 18% of the population in 1974, with a GDP of about 4,2%, (today there are only about 80.000, or 12% left as they have being replaced by Turkish illegal immigrants) enjoy for about 36 years now 40% of the most precious land which they have taken by force and which represented in 1974 about 78% of economic worth of the country in GDP. They continue to hold this land depriving the real owners of the the right to return and enjoy their properties.
So, you know nothing about why my island is divided and I do take personal offence for bringing this sensitive issue into the conversation. It is typical of your arrogance that annoys most people on this blog.
Turkish, Greek, Tottenham, West Ham, all people Sav, all people. There are very few dividing walls in the world now thankfully. The Berlin Wall came down, there is free movement across the whole of Europe, but in Israel and in Cyrpus there is still a need for fences and walls. It is sad and it is tribal and it is is based on centuries of hatred and bloodshed. It is the same attitude that provokes West Ham fans like yourself to say you would rather play with a weakened team than trade with Tottenham. Why? How stupidly tribal is that?
Had Makarios honoured agreements made when the independent Cyprus was formed, the Turkish invasion may never have taken place Sav. Just like the Zionists in Israel, however, Greek Cypriots allowed religious bigotry and racial prejudice to stand in the way of good governance. The opportunity was there to form a united, harmonious Cyprus but Makarios blew it. I'm not defending the Turkish invasion, but it was provoked by broken promises on the Greek side and continued calls for unification with Greece.
You may disagree with my point of view but please do not accuse me of ignorance. As with all things, if you step back a little, you see the broader picture. You are looking at things from the Greek Cypriot perspective only. Had Makarios worked with the Turkish Cypriots, like West Ham trading with Tottenham, then the island might not be divided today. But Makirios and Grivas were eventually so preoccupied with in fighting and personal power bases that they took their eye off the Turkish ball. How would you have felt if you were Turkish, watching those two argue about whether Cyrpus should remain independent under an exclusively Greek Cypriot government, or ruled by a Greek Junta? Alarmed, frightened, angry, disenfranchised?
By the way Sav, Britain has nothing to be proud of in relation to Cyprus.
I am not willing to have this discussion with you in public. I think it was a cheap shot at me (one below the belt as they say) which you took only because I told you that I was a Greek Cypriot.
This conversation has no place on a football blog site and you more than any one should know that. Unless of course, all that matters for you is to generate responses that you can use to clock ticks any which way you can.
For the record, I have not argued that the Greek Cypriot leaders were not at fault in 1974 and before. But your reference and I quote was "it's that attitude that results in islands being divided!". You are talking about what keeps the island divided now, not about what may have happenned 36 years ago to have the island divided.
For the last time, I will tell you what keeps the island divided. It's the Turkish army who are taking advantage of the unwillingness of the big powers (including USA and UK) to press them to leave the island. And the reason there is no solution in sight is not because the Greek Cypriots are not willing to accept a just solution but because the Turks are not willing to give anything back (which they now consider to be theirs by right!). I (and the I believe the majority of the Greek Cypriots) would be the first to recognise them as an independent state, if that's what they really want, if they were willing to withdraw to 18% of the land that was their proportion of the population in 1974. But what do you know, they want to keep 40% of the land and be equal partners in the remaining part of the island with us. We have given them European passports despite robbing us and enjoy all the social benefits from the Govt. of Cyprus despite never paying anything (in taxes, social insurance, etc.).
So, don't you tell me that my attitude is what keeps this island divided. What keeps this island divided is people with no principles. And it is these exact principles that I wanted to emphasize with my statement regarding doing deals with Spurs.
So, unless I hear something else from you, I wish you and your counter have a happy life together.
Sav, signing out.
Sav, it is not only YOUR attitude and the attitude of the Greeks, it is the attitude of the Turks too. Just as it is not only the attitude of the Israelis but the attitudes of the Palestinians too, and of both the Protestants and the Catholics in Ireland. It is harbouring hatred and resentment, as you are now proposing doing by walking away from discusssion, that perpetuates the situation. Nobody gains from that, just as nobody gains, back to the orignial point, from refusing to deal with a rival club. If the deal suits, you take it, whoever is offering it. You check it out carefully first if Redknapp and Levy are involved, but after inspecting the horse's mouth, tail, anus, legs, hind quarters etcetera, if the horse is good, you buy it.
Back to Cyprus, if you gamble on turning your 82% into 100% of the pot in poker and you lose, you can't throw your hands up in the air, wail and demand your full 82% back when another player reveals a stronger hand. The trouble is, a serious miscalculation was made by the leaders of the Greek community and the gamble went badly wrong. As your reply testifies, staying with the analogy, the Greek Cypriots expected to be able to call in the heavies to help them out, but Britain and the USA looked the other way. The attitude was, your argument all along was for independence and self determination. OK, you are independent, now self determine, don't expect the international community to sort it out for you.
When you exclude a people from the government of their own land, you ask for big trouble. The Protestants did it to the Catholics in Ireland (another island) and we ended up with the Irish mess and sectarianism. The white minority did it in South Africa and Rhodesia and look at what has happened subsequently. Do white farmers still have "their" land in Zimbabwe? How many white South Africans have fled South Africa, leaving land and wealth behind? Look at Israel and Gaza! Makarios should not have broken the constitutional promises.
(Continued below)
I have said I am not trying to defend the Turkish invasion but it was Makarios who threw the first stone and then Grivas who threatened to throw in a bloody great boulder. The Turks were provoked and they said, "Show me your cards" and claimed 40% of the pot having originally sat down at the table with only 18%. Makarios started the game and played his cards badly. He and Grivas were bidding up the stakes and, unknown to them, the Turks were sitting at the table with three aces in their hand! What do you think Makarios and Grivas would have done if the boot was on the other foot? Exactly the same as the Turks!
The Greeks and Turks have cut the baby in half unfortunately, rather than honour the original agreement achieved through discussion. Any further discussion has to start at where we are now, not where we were in 1973. Harsh but the only way of finding a resolution. How mad will it be if Turkey and Greece are in the EU but the island of Cyprus is still devided by a fence? Free movement across the borders of Europe, except in Cyprus! Crazy! The past is the past. The invasion was wrong but the only way of going forward now is to accept the de facto situation. The land lost in the 70s is now lost, any attempt to claim it back will result in further conflict. It must hurt, particularly if your family suffered, but that is the brutal truth. Now you may not want to hear that, you may choose not to return to this blog because ot it, but that is my opinion and I cannot apologise for having an opinion. I can apologise for saying that it is that sort of attitude that divides islands, because it was directed at you, but the way of disproving that point was surely to prove the opposite, not explode as you have done. If you do walk away from the debate, as you have threatened to do, you will rubber stamp my original point because that is exactly what happens in all these disputes.
So, I apologise for my original throw away line because it was not my intention to trigger upset, it was intended to highlight the foolishness of refusing to talk with and deal with Tottenham based on rivalry, hatred and history. Is that fair?
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