Well does it get worse than this? Ashton is apparently on his way, with some reports suggesting that his departure only now hinges on a medical at Stoke. That, of course, is a huge "only" in the case of Beano but how ironic would it be if he passed it? We want to sell him because we can't get him fit but if we do sell him, it is because he is fit! Explain that paradox somebody please! I'm still not convinced it will happen mind you. Luis was all set for Hull until salary terms were discussed. Can Stoke really afford £70k per week to match Ashton's superstar wages stupidly agreed by Duxbury? Indeed, is that why Duxbury was so complimentary about Ashton's ability, because he agreed the crazy salary when Primadeano still wasn't fit? The penny drops! Well actually the £70k a week drops!
If that wasn't bad news enough when we only have one out and out striker with Premiership experience on the books, we learn that Unreal City are indeed targetting Upson, just as we expected. Terry was always an unrealistic target and, as Capello knows, Upson is the next best option. £15m is good money for a guy who will soon tick past 30 and who, like Ashton, carries a long term, unresolved, injury. But do we really want to lose our newly appointed captain so soon to the start of the season? One thing is for sure, if Unreal City want him, Unreal City will get him. I just hope we land a forward plus £15m as a result of the negotiations. Bellyache anybody? I'm joking! I hope!
And just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, it seems we are going to act as a feeder club to BUPA yet again, with news emerging that Parker still hasn't recovered from his injury despite all the extra work over the summer. Hammer of the Year? I said at the time that a player who had completed less than 50% of the games over a season should not have been considered and all my reservations about Parker appear to be correct. The guy is a crock. Yes he covers it well WHEN he plays but I fear that, like Ashton and Bellyache, he will spend far too long in the treatment room to ever be a good investment. We should have sold to City when we had the chance in my opinion.
All this on top of the loss of Neill, the failure to find takers for Davenport, Faubert and Quashie and no good news on the signings front - except for Nouble who is not yet 18.
Still, let's not get down - we do have a lot of good kids!
wow, this is unlike you, focusing on West Hams down points.
I don't mind hearing how we could improve but stop with the onslaughts of negatives, it really is boring. Upson probably wont be sold as he was just made captain and Parker will probably only miss a game or two, you blow stuff out of proportion more then the news of the world.
I hope you are right, though I note that you appear to be accepting the sale of Ashton. I bet that was "rubbish" in your opinion 2 weeks ago? Do you really think we can hold off City if they want Upson? Remember, the club are one small step away from receivorship and City are using £50 notes instead of Andrex!
Its very rare i read anything spouted from the mouth of this guy, nothing but stupid rants 95 percent of the time.
This City fan says you can keep your mr Upson, Toure and Lescott are well ahead in the polls.
John Terry will speak on Tuesday on arrival back in the UK.
Just wondered what other hammers thought of a cheeky try to get Andriy Shevchenko from chelsea who would probably be available for next to nothing I know the wages issues but surely he wont be expecting 100k a week anymore i think he is an unbelievable finisher and would work well with cole up front
Mate we took "Belleyache of your hands you could does a favour in return and let us have the nice Mr Upson for £15m and your choice from the Hareem
After reading this post, I have been presented with a few options and I am now left with a difficult decision to make. Shall I stick my head in the oven? Shall I slit my wrists? Shall jump in front of an oncoming car, bus or lorry? Shall I jump under a tube or train? Or shall I just invite a mate round to assist me in a spot of hari kari? As that goerdie on BB would say........."Yeow decide".
You were so happy that Deano was leaving a few days ago and now you characterize it as bad news?
I have never been happy about the Beano situation. Do I want him to stay? Not if he isn't fit. Do I want him to go? Not if he is fit. Like I say in the article, if he passes a fitness test, it is a huge paradox. Perhaps the guy doesn't want to play for us. In which case, sod him!
Dean Ashton said...
Found this West Ham, blog through Newsnow. Have you ever considered, rumours aside of course (especially ill informed ones like this blog produces), that, maybe Dean Ashton is West Ham through and through, is struggling to get fit from a really serious career threatening ankle injury and is concentrating on doing just that? He could be so dedicated to getting fit for the start of the season that he has forfeited the chance to go to Austria and China (the latter a chance of a lifetime, the former a place where he has family living which he hasn't seen for a while) so that he can stay at home to continue his fitness regime which he is paying privately for? In addition he would dearly love the support of ALL dedicated West Ham supporters because he knows that with the support of the best most loyal fans in the world his recovery will be all the more speedier. He can't wait to get properly fit & he'd love to be banging them in again for the real claret & blue fans.
Good luck with the West Ham blog
Would be wonderful if that was the case! Has the real Dean Ashton ever considered that many West Ham fans pays a high percentage of their salaries to follow the club and resent players, no matter how good, negotiating fat contracts paying £70k a week without kicking a ball for the club for months on end. The real Dean Ashton could then try explaining why Zola seemed to think a return before the end of last season was possible but we are now beginning to believe that a return for the start of the coming season is unlikely. The trouble is, patience seems to be wearing thin, amongst the management and fans, with a player who we believed could become a true Claret and Blue great but who has had injuries of one form or another throughout his West Ham career.
Regarding a new Striker (& let's face it, we've gotten used to NOT having Deano), if we agree to let Upson go, it has to be to a team who has surplus (decent) strikers we could take in return. i.e. if City came in for Upson, we'd maybe ask for Bellamy...If Bellamy wasn't Bellamy ...if you follow me :-). That being the case, how about Bojinov or Benjani?
He's on 40k a week
Deans’ reply…
Injuries are an occupational hazard for footballers – if a steel worker was blinded by the splash-back of molten steel and therefore could no longer work would you criticize him for standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, yeah of course you would? It is wonderful that I am a dedicated member of the team because that is the truth of it unlike spiteful rumours the truth isn’t so fancy but that IS THE CASE. Some West Ham fans pay a percentage of their wages to follow West Ham because that is exactly what they love to do and are not resentful, they love to go to matches home and away whether I play or not. It seems there is one so called fan that is resentful, I wonder why? Does it not make perfect sense to negotiate the best deal you can at work for you and your family from an employer who is willing to pay you for your expertise? Now that I am injured whilst performing for club and country should I devalue myself? Remember fount of all knowledge that Zola (unlike your good self) gets it wrong sometimes and he is no medical man, however I do have a great relationship with him; don’t believe everything you read in the papers. Your patience is wearing thin I can’t help that, maybe you could look at yourself in that matter and see why you are so impatient, if you were able to resolve that one you might be able then to cut some slack to a ‘soldier’ who became injured whilst on duty through no fault of his own then treat him accordingly, and leave the spiteful rumours to someone else.
Good luck with the blog hammersfan
Funny that Dean Ashton should comment on your blog when he can't be bothered to comment on his own
If he stays and plays and scores "only one Dean Ashton" etc etc if he goes good riddance ManUre supporting mercenary fatty
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