That's interesting. Perhaps Bates is looking to sell anything that moves ahead of his departure, selling the brand and pocketing the dosh from as many of the transferable assets as possible. That would explain why Clayton was sold for a knock down price and why Leeds couldn't match Cardiff's figure for Keogh.
The new owners should beware. Inspecting the books is all very well but they should check out the playing staff too. At this rate, Old Mother Hubbard would feel at home at Elland Road!
Amazing how the dole queue makes people bitter especially in London when u can't even afford to seethe mighty hammers lose at home....oh well back to writing pointless stories about a truly better club whilst pondering over how to move out the moms attic and supporting one self ay.....
You seriously are one sad and lonely old git aren't you?
As you said this is PURE RUMOUR - like practically everything else you have posted about Leeds United.
When are we going to see this 'fact' and 'intellect' that you seem to think you posess the ability to produce?
I can see why you get so many insults on here and so little constructive comment - there is nothing to actually comment on!
Well at least the caption picture has something going for it, even if the article hasn't you should be quite a home with a pair of tits like that!
There you go, the insults have started, that's what you wanted all along, wasn't it, you pathetic attention seeking half wit.
I was going to post a discursive reply to your post but....it is clear you have no insight and you've merely trawled the net for the "rumour".
And, I checked out your "previous" as a full time troll/windup. Real Hammers fans must be proud of you. We've had great exchanges of banter with Hammers fans on our message boards. Apart from the odd charlie (erm, that's you and your kith) there is mutual respect.
Good luck looking for full time real employment - and go easy on the internet porn.
I bet you never played either, it's not easy being an internet coward.
Mwah x
Hi Knob
Nice picture of the snake dancer. Is this in the board room of the Hammers.
Just a thought with the board all being sex pervs and the Allan Sugar Cock Sucker.
Oh and indebt of course unlike the Leeds you keep wanking over.
Happy hammering dildo boy!
More Articles about nothing Hammersfan, this time Snoddy's name gave you a chance to show a snake picture which looks like it's been stored in your underpants drawer for 20 years.... A bit like the Reg Varney pic from the previous article about nothing...You were more interesting last Month when you were defacating yourself while listening to old Bowie Albums...
I wonder why you never blog about West Sham rumours? Oh I know why. It's because nobody wants your players.
Do you seriously think that any prospective owner would not have to sanction the sale of any assets.
HF, surely its time to drop this obsession with Leeds. As a fellow Hammer i have been visiting your blog for several seasons now and enjoy most of what you write but this really is getting quite strange.
Last season you justified your QPR obsession by listing the links with WHU. There are almost no links at all between Leeds and WHU and none of your readers really want to hear about them.
I know you will argue that we don't have to read the Leeds threads but I think most are getting bored of sifting through articles to find WHU news and opinions.
Its your blog, you can write what you want, but surely you must care that you are losing all of your regular contributors just so you can get your kicks winding up Leeds fans.
You would do much better starting a second blog for the sole purpose of hosting your Leeds digs if you must continue this obsession of yours. I guarantee that if you did that from the start you would still have your better contributors. Mouse is gone, Stani and Sav post less and less and very few from the org still look in at all, let alone post anything.
usual cobblers
I'd be happy to give him a lift! Most overrated player in the Championship.
You must be pleased with Gutti and McCartney! haha
Give us a clue!! Wot planet us this lad on!! Are you a closet leeds fan???
paper talk yet again, some dickhead on the Times posts on twitter and suddenly its true. personally i don't care if snod goes, he's not as good as he thinks he is and will fit right in with Villa's pile of shite; there's not exactly been a queue of PL teams asking about him, which tells you all you need to know. As for Keogh, again nobody from LUFC stated any interest and why offer £750,000 for a player worth only one tenth that; didnt exactly set the champiuonship alive did he ? Shame the papers have got nothing better to do with their time; bit like you really commenting on things that you know nohing about.
Theres not many teams in our league that would be able to match cardiff city's big spending.. but cardiff have paid a big price for their money.. a whole rebranding of the club, i have friends in cardiff that aren't really sure about what they're going to chant this season.. BUT on the other hand.. YOUR IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE NOW YEAH? SO WHY NOT WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR OWN LEAGUE YOU BUBBLE BLOWING GIMP! OR MAYBE YOU WRITE ABOUT LEEDS AND THE CHAMPIONSHIP SO MUCH BECAUSE DEEP DOWN YOU KNOW THAT BY NEXT SEASON THATS WHERE YOU'LL BE, BACK WHERE YOUR HISTORY LACKING JOKE OF A TEAM AND SUPPORTERS BELONG.. MOT..
More wet spam drivel ......yawn .
I actually find myself agreening with this west Ham nob head for once. MOT
That's all it is, rumour, even he did want to go Warnock has already stated that he is staying at least until January. There is no solid evidence that we were in for keogh, although we probably were, captain Birdseye isn't going to spend anymore of his ill gotten gains on the improvement of our squad when it won't directly benefit him!! I as all Leeds fans just hope that this takeover happens sooner rather than later, unfortunately as far as master Bates is concerned its not guaranteed that there is a takeover at all, and this isn't just a big ruse to justify signing nobody for a fee and selling yet another good young player in Clayton!! I hope I'm wrong!! MOT
I see there are know comments feed back, you are really boring the pants off everybody.
some of your comments are true and some are dam right offensive to the Leeds fans.
Can you please concentrate on your own in debt club.
Looking at your situation the poorest club below the watford gap you could be eating your own words in 24 months
0954, sorting isn't that hard is it? If it says Leeds in the title and you are not interested in Leeds, don't read it! Bless me, that's like moaning in a restaurant that you can't see the point of all those meals on a menu when you only want one main course. You might not want to read the Leeds articles but others clearly do.
I will, at some point, explore setting up different pages - a main West Ham page and a page dedicated to other clubs but as Stani will confirm, I'm not a whizz at the technological aspects of blogging. Computers didn't exist when I was at school!
I still don't get all the angst. What we are dealing with is opinion. Why do people get so wound up and angry. Chill, it is only a blog!
"Computers didn't exist when I was at school!"
You must have gone to some poor school then, maybe they'd all been nicked then? Couldn't have been more than a few months ago, judging by the drivel you put on this site....
Fcuk off .
The computors were confiscated due to the material they were looking at. As a result he has to get his "friend" the headmaster to post his blogs and is still banned from going near schools and petting zoos.
Its like banging his mother father and sister this Leeds obsession. HE CANT GIVE IT UP!! Take the hint rubberface..
Here's a thought, Leeds fans; maybe HF is writing these posts because he just can't believe the impact they're having. I mean, who would have thought that any fans would be daft enough to follow the newsnow link and read the musings of another team's supporter, let alone comment on them?
It's the close season. We're all bored. I commend HF on his ability to reel you lot in. It's great stuff. Watch the hits counter - the dude has got tons of followers who love to read his stuff, even if they don't comment.
Cue 'Leeds Mick' and some thinly veiled homophobic slur - all good classy stuff and very in keeping with the general tone of the LUFC responses on this blog. X
Don't listen to 09:54, HF. If anything, you should INCREASE your Leeds coverage. Closest thing to real LUFC news there is. Marching on Together, eh?
No, headmaster, you need to face the fact that here we have a sad person who is so disappointed in his own club that he has to look elsewhere for attention - fact!
There are even West Ham people on here that dislike this person and cannot understand why he has to resort to goading other teams supporters onto this site.
I drink with three West Ham supporters in my local pub and they think this guy is a total twat to use a West Ham blog site to incite others!
You show me a single Leeds blog site with an article about West Ham on it?
Yes we love banter, it's healthy and fun, but this guy deliberately sets out to upset Leeds supporters (oh yes he does!) and then you think we are thick or illiterate or whatever when 'we' react?
I can assure you my 'educational credentials' are well in place, and have more than an 11+ to my credit as you may realise, but we seriously do not need or want this pillock trying to score cheap points here.
He has seriously bitten off more than he can ever hope to chew...
Yes I realise we are responding, but anyone reading these replies will soon see that actually you are the only person on here with a good word for him, and we aim to keep it that way.
This guy is an out and out idiot who cannot understand the word 'support'
Support is about getting behind your OWN team like we Leeds United supporters do, day in, day out, week in week out, year in year out, despite the crap, the backbiting the disappointments, the heartaches, the lies and the downright agony of supporting our team!
When this twat/cunt/arsehole can learn to actually support his own team above all else, and leave us and others in peace, we will all just walk away and leave him to play with himself.
Untill that happens, he will get all the abuse, insults, and the rest of it he deserves.
I seriously can't understand why any normal, sane, sensible person would want this sort of shit, but if that's what he want's, believe you me, he'll get it.
Basicly, you treat people like cunts, and we'll act like cunts.
You wan't sane, sensible 'banter' then don't act like the twat that you obviously are.
I can keep this up as long as you can, hopefully WetSpammer will realise that he isn't ever going to put Leeds down, full stop, we have more history than West Ham can ever hope for.....
The headmaster! Its all in the name.
I'm Curious as to the identity of the 'Headmaster'. I'm fairly new to Hammersfan's burbling so maybe I'm not privvy to something well established.... Please let me know..Is HM some sort of 'super user' who gets to critique Hammersfans dross from time to time? I put it to you that HF and HM are the same person ....or if not, maybe, as his name suggests, he provides oral relief for HF as he pours over his keyboard..
Mmmmm I wonder if headmaster and HF are really the same person....
Who's biting now mr Headmaster? At no point have i made homosexual slurs,thinly veiled or otherwise. Here's a point for you and your "friend"hf to consider. My theory for why so many Leeds Supporters are visiting your site is obvious,but as you seem hard of thinking i'll explain. Until this "takeover" is resolved either way, we're trawling every site on news now for the tiniest morsel of news. Unfortunately parasites abound and like an ice cream van at a motorway pile up there are those who like to cash in with their cheap digs and jibes no matter how untrue the story is. You and your friend have decided to target Leeds United and its supporters, so naturally you're getting it back with interest, as it gives us something to do while we wait for news of bates either staying,leaving or dying.
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