Hughes tells the world: "Everybody is aware about where we are in the Premier League" (never, really Sparky?) and then goes on to say...
"We've got a lot of quality in the club and, like I said, I have no doubt we can do it. We are confident and we need to get points on the board, but first and foremost you have to earn the right.
"It is OK saying that you've got enough quality, but you have to go out on the field and get points on the board. It is really difficult in the Premier League to get points."
Hang on Mark, hang on. So which is it? Have you got the quality to get the points on the board or not? You seem confused mate, seemingly contradicting yourself by first saying you have the quality and then saying how easy it is to say you have the quality, before adding how difficult it is to get points in the Premiership.
You would have thought that a team with "quality" would have "earned the right" to "points on the board" in games against Wolves, Blackburn and Fulham! Hughes now adds, "I feel we have enough in the building to do that" but it's no good having quality in the building because as Hughes himself admits, "you have to GO OUT ON THE FIELD and get points on the board"! Make up your mind Sparky! Is it quality in the building or quality on the pitch that counts? I mean Dyer is quality!
But Sparky isn't finished. He claims, "We've come through a period where we have probably disappointed ourselves in terms of points we have been able to accumulate given the opposition, but possibly the fact we are going up against more accomplished teams may help us in terms of focus" suggesting that the nature and quality of the opposition is crucial, but in the next gust of wind says, "We are at the point of the season where we have to get points on the board. We only have 12 games to go. Each and every one of them is going to be crucial to us so it is irrelevant really who we are up against." So hang on, I'm lost again. The opposition is important, and the tougher they are the more likely QPR are to win apparently - even though quality is so imperative if you are to get points on the board according to Sparky - but at the same time it is irrelevant who QPR are up against! Man Utd away or Wolves at home - same difference apparently!
Warnock was at the same event and must have been thinking, "Bloody hell and I thought I talked a load of old bollocks."
Apparently a sequel is already under production. The Five Year Plan sees QPR right back where they started.
utter horse. once again your comments are laughable and self opinionated rubbish. And you know what about opinions? they're like arseholes.. everybodys got one. you just happen to talk out of yours more than most :)
Your getting lazy, articles are getting worse and worse
god your one sad geezer.
Listen mate, giving it to Rangers right now is like kicking a man when he's down or poking a wounded animal. Yea were playing shit and yea it don't look great. We have enough concerns of our own to give two shits on what some little tosser such as yourself thinks.
what a sad plank you are , no wonder your mrs goes elswhere eh
I have seen more intelligent rubbish written on the bog walls of Broadmoor
God help this poor suffering fool,
who has this weird fixation with all things good & bad with QPR.FC,he actually forgets about his own team,the mighty?!!! WET HAM,sorry WEST HAM.
Footballs got a nasty habit of coming back to bite u in the ass,& i,
as all R's fans look forward to your your West Ham ass being bitten,when they are going another bad patch,
which they bloody well will,you West Ham cretin![all joking not!]
If your tongue was any further into your cheek you may hurt yourself. Honestly though Sparky is not alone when it comes to Football managers speaking guff. Bruce was one for it and so was the turnip.
perhaps a rain soaked football to the head once too often is to blame.....who knows.
Oh dear This shit seems to keep coming up on newsnow for some reason!? I know 10yr olds who comply better pieces
"The Five Year Plan sees QPR right back where they started." - That sums it all!
The four year plan is on this sunday night on bbc2.
Come on u R's
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