This is not a partisan post, trying to score points against Arsenal and Chelsea because they are rival London clubs, but a genuine hope that, for the good of the game, the recently imposed sanctions stick. Both clubs obviously intend to appeal and my money would be on them winning, not because they are in the right, but because of their financial muscle. Platini and company are like the g20 leaders and the clubs are like the banks. We all know that the politicians will not have the balls to rein in the banks despite all the noises off - because without banks, the world economy blows its head gasket; similarly, without the Chelseas, Real Madrids, Man Utds etcetera, FIFA and UEFA don't have a sport to manage.
So, the tail will try to wag the dog and lawyers will set out to prove that this how it should be. But true football fans know that at present we have a cheats charter and that something needs to be done. I accept that to pick on Eduardo alone is stupid, but for change to happen, you have to have a starting point. The guy dived, anybody who tries to argue otherwise isn't worth listening to. You could see it on his face when he picked himself up and readied himself to take the penalty - he was actually embarrassed! Well cheats shouldn't prosper and examples have to be set. Let's see this used as a precedent to drive diving out of the game - anywhere on the pitch! Simulation is sickening. I remember a campaign to stop the feigning of injury but sadly that was short lived. Let's bring back yellow and red cards for players rolling around in agony when they have been barely touched and two game bans where TV evidence proves that there was no contact.
As for tapping up, after Chelsea, Real Madrid must be punished. How can they not be after publically tapping up Ronaldo for the best part of two years?
You know absolutely nothing of the underlying details involving the Chelsea situation, so your talk of anything being upheld "for the good of the game" is a nonsense.
Chelsea has not even been invited to present a defence yet!
"For the good of the game", perhaps you and supporters of ALL clubs should be demanding that the authorities allow accused parties to mount a defence before handing out punishments. Neither the Arsenal player nor the Chelsea club was permitted to speak before being tried and condemned! What sort of tripe is that?
Yet you, with your mealy-mouthed acceptance of undefended accusations clearly approve of lynch-mob justice.
People like yourself were also at Chelsea's throats over the Mikel affair. You should be reminded that Chelsea were cleared of wrongdoing in that case, after it was proven in court that the person who did the crooked deal with Man U had FORGED Mikel's signature and therefore did not have any right to sell him, and the villain then went to JAIL.
Then, like now, there were small-minded weasels, without the facts at their disposal, telling the world that Chelsea must be dealt with harshly, banned, burned at the stake etc etc etc.
Hmmm, mipopic point of view. These fines and penalties will only work if they become the rule, not UEFAs random policy- Platini and clowns have already publicly declared that UEFA will NOT seek to make 2 match bans a policy to stop diving?????????? So what is the Eduardo ban then? well, if it is the only ban and Messrs Ronaldo, Drogba et al get away with it then its at best unfair and at worse illegal.
As for the tapgate saga at Chelsea, I am yet to see anything that sets them apart as more guilty then Real Madrid or Barcelona for amazing tapping up via the press. Let alone Man City's Mark Hughes despicable attitude to the Joleon Lescott transfer from Everton-amazing that even when Moyes had told him No he still kept on publicly tapping him up with the classic 'I cant talk about Lescott but we would love him hereand the clubs should talk' What a travesty of the rules
Yeh it seems starange to me that Real Madrid have spent about 3 seasons (or more) worth of signings in one transfer window.. maybe they had a little heads up from Platini about the transfer ban.
Chelsea burned at the stake? Melted surely!
That was an excellent comeback "melted" I nearly burst a blood vessel I guffawed so loudly scared the shit out of the neighbours
12:09, I really understand your plight, because it was the same sort of shambolic and bias injustice that has forced us to pay Sheff Utd somewhere in the region of £25mil to. So if anybody thinks that justice had been done fairly and squarely there, think again! So Arsenal and Chelsea fans should now know and appreciate why West Ham feel so aggrieved over the FA verdict to award Sheff Utd the right to compensation and to make matters even worse, we still have to pay Sheff Utd compensation despite being cleared by the joint FA/PL investigatory panel for any further wrong doing in the Tevezgate affair, work that one out! When the authorities are out to get your club, then they will pull out all the stops to f**k your club up as much as possible as the powers that be are nothing more than a bunch of dirty politicians.
The trouble is D's E, a certain Scotty Duxbury agreed to settle out of court ahead of jusdgement. THEN the ruling came in that we hadn't done anything to merit further sanctions. I would chalk that down as an A1 cock up on Duxbury's part!
The trouble was fanno we were over a barrel on that one as we needed to release our accounts otherwise we would have faced further wrath from the FA and our auditors wouldn't release them until the Tevez thing with Sheff Utd was concluded and if we had of left it until the Monday when the hearing that was to be chaired by Lord Griffiths was due, he would have ordered us to pay the full £50 mil that Sheff Utd were after, of that I have no doubt or least that's how understood things. You can't really blame Duxbury for that one, blame that senile old tosser Lord Griffiths and his bias opinions.
DE, I don't think any of us know what would have happened but, had we had our day in court, we would have been able to contest any judgement. By agreeing out of court, we accepted being in the wrong and don't have a leg to stand on.
It all comes down to whether or not we had those cuddles with IKEA after the initial punishment. If we did, it was probably Duxbury who cuddled him and Duxbury who was behind putting him on the payroll to keep him quiet. Duxbury is the only bridge from the old regime to the Interregnum of Turds and Egg and through to now. His paws are all over the Tevez deal and our subsequent actions. £25m settlement? Worth it to The Grand Puppet Master if his mistakes remain masked perhaps.
Why has he still got a job? How much does he know and how much trouble would we be in if he was cut adrift? Blair was stuck with Brown for the same reason!
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