I must admit that I've only just noticed this myself but reading back the OS statement following the closing of the transfer window, it appears that somebody forgot Davenport was on our books. Explaining the sale of Collins, the statement listed Upson, Gabbidon, Tomkins, Da Costa, Kovac and even Spector as cover for the centre back positions but omitted to mention Calum. Then, when it came to players unavaible because of injury, the statement said: "Only Luis Boa Morte (knee) and Ashton (ankle) are not in training with the first team".
Poor Calum, as he was wheeled out of Intensive Care, he must have wondered if the club had dug a grave for him to be dumped into. I know the Three Monkeys brigade will trot out the excuses but this really was remarkably insensitive in the circumstances. I have had the sense that Nice Guy Zola has been talking through gritted teeth when asked about Davenport - we know that he was unhappy following the centre back's outburst - and this oversight simply confirms that Calum is personna non gratis as far as the management of the club are concerned.
Poor show in my opinion!
With the greatest respect, we all know he's never going to play for us again...why beat around the bush?
The club released a statement regarding him while sending sympathies. What more do you want?
With the greatest respect, I don't think we know that yet. Originally, we were told he would need a leg amputated but that was crap. The guy has not announced his retirement and the least we could do in the circumstances is list him as injured surely?
He's a little bit more than injured. I think if it said on the Wigan preview 'Ashton (Ankle) Boa Morte (knee) Davenport (Legs), are all sidelined' that is more insulting than nothing at all.
He wont play for us again. He has a season and a half left on his contract and it's going to take him at least two years to get fit.
Callum Davenport is recovering from major trauma - his chance of ever playing professional footabll agian are no better than 20-30% The chance of Premier standard football are zero.
Your blog is crass and insensitive in this matter - let's wish the guy the best for a full recovery and worry less about how the club are reporting it.
No, what is insensitive is your post.
Lets hope Davenport never sees it.
Out of interest, is there no level to which you wouldn't sink to fill this blog of yours?
It might have been more appropriate not to list the injuries in the circumstances.
They never mentioned Nigel Quashie either. Was that a callous omission too or are NEITHER player in the plans of the manager for the first team? That seems the more likely explanation to me
Fanno, check the official site...
Ashton, Quashie and yes even Callum are still regarded as first team members.
Interestingly, they don't have Savio, neither do they have his replacement!
Interesting Apache mate.
What a tenuous thing to have a go about.
A player who has undergone major trauma and is probably more concerned with being able to walk again, still being paid a (Magnusson) wage with a year and a half to go is probably distraught that he isn't on a website list...
We all know he had fallen from grace in the eyes of Zola, was on the verge of being sold.
Since then the club have made a statement, he is still on the profile list - despite the fact that this means he'll never play for us again!
Step away from the keyboard oh brave warrior and take a long look at your life.
If it is indeed so miserable that this is all you can fill your time with maybe some other offline hobby might be more rewarding.
Reading you posts I can only think you believe everything you hear, leg amputation, that was nothing but rumour originating in pubs as guess work after a few pints of beer, there was never any official source. Don’t believe the papers, they are just selling stories.
do you really think that was what he was thinking as he came out of intensive care? Do you not realise that it is you who are remarkably insensitive? The thought that a manager's concern over a seriously assaulted player with possibly life, let alone career threatening injuries, was insincere, or through gritted teeth, seems to show that you have little regard for anyone at West Ham United.
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