It didn't take many games did it? For all the stick I get from them for saying it how it is, before it happens, The Three Monkeys and Claret & Blue Klan are quick to squeal as soon as we crash to defeat!
A quick check on the org reveals Grumpy sticking the knife squarely between Zola's shoulder blades. Spitting out the pips from the wicked Queen's apple, he rants, "The team and tactics deployed yesterday by Zola were totally and abysmally wrong. Not for the first time, his naivety in tactics has cost us." I don't disagree Dave, I stated before kick off that Wigan were there for the taking and that Diamanti had to play from the start.
The Italian Jock Strap, meanwhile, is positively choking on his haggis. He rants, "Surely yesterday with the loss of 2 of our most attacking influences in Collison and Jiminez (3 if you want to throw in Dyer) then it was paramount to get some other 'forward thinking' link up player involved and surely Diamante was the option!! I know he might be "new" etc but he played and was full of confidence after Tue night!!" I concur, I concur!
That loveable North Bank yob also puts the boot in, leading the attack with his size nine Doc Martens, and yelling, without upper case letters, "to have parker, noble and kovac from the start was a terrible decision. where was any creativity going to come from from those three ? diamanti should have started - please no one give me any BS that diamanti needs time to settle. he could have started and come off in the second half. kovac is shite - fact. for a big guy, kovac does sweet fa."
Three Monkeys in unison and singing from the same hymn sheet as this blog? O my bruvs, whatever next? Perhaps my droogs over on West Ham Til I Die might see the light. Mark Ryan might start a petition for this blog to be adopted as the official voice of the disgruntled fans!
Who knows, one day the penny might drop that Zola has been handicapped by the failure to sign Diamanti and Franco earlier. Oh, and of course, we were beaten because Gabbidon was "done" whilst playing out of position at left back. And who has been on the line on numerous occasions to save us when Green has been beaten? Would that be Ginge Collins by any chance?
And who do we have to thank for all that? Super Scotty by any chance? Heaven forbid!
kevin in manchester writes...
do you know there is a thin but important line between scepticism and cyicism.The former is to be recommended at all times the latter avoided..I fear your cynicism is eating you alive . We are the most mid table of mid table teams ..we will lose a dozen or so games and we will probably win a dozen.. we don't have the money to buy our way out of that so it makes sense to try and conjure something from our youth to abet the experience we have at the top of the squad .. who knows how it will go but it hardly the crime of the century if it goes tits up.. that 's the fate of the botton 14 or so of clubs in the prem league.. it's not Duxbury you shuold be ranting against, it is the premier league; its culture and set up. I enjoy reading your webiste.. it is different .. but please lay off others that don't agree with you.. they haven't mugged your Mum, they just have a different point of view
Who'd have thought it, you and Dismal Dave in bed together?
Life as a West Ham fan has just taken a turn for the worse.
Kevin, a good reply. However, I am imbued with the realism you are promoting. On the other hand, I know that you have to speculate to accumulate and that there is always a right time to buy. Opportunity knocked this summer because Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool and Villa were all weakened over the summer - and Everton have now lost Kryten. Unreal City and Tottenham have strengthened and may well secure a top 4 spot. We could be competing too with a greater sense of ambition and adventure. If we are going to play like we did at Blackburn and Wigan, we might as well have Turds back!
As for me chipping at the Three Monkeys and the C&B Klan, tis nothing to what I get in return I can assure you! You should see the comments that do not make it through moderation!
I agree. Wigan was there for the taking but we were too shy (or too afraid) to go for it. Also, Zola and Clarke should realise that Gabbidon (and Spector) can't defend or pass the ball. Gabbidon can't keep his cool, falls over a lot and does not keep his position (he did the same thing with Wales a few days before and I was hoping that that would have been enough of a warning for Zola, but no). And you are right JC was not there to cover for him. Zola would have been much better off giving the new guys a go. Now we look at the next two games with Liverpool and Man City and I don't see us getting any points unless Zola is willing to change a few things. And let's face it, Carlton Cole is no goal scorer. He may a have a role to play but he can't be expected to score. He hasn't got the killer instinct in him and he will never have. Diamanti (just like Defoe) seems to be looking to get a goal all the time, before the ball even gets to him (or tragically for us passed to him by his England partner when he memontarily forgot who he was playing for).
Oops Isaac has had enough. If you read this mate, I agree. Understand what I meant by the Klan now? How boring is the "debate" now? Real shame - and I genuinely mean that.
Should you look in Dave, I know you have a thick skin! Good to see your comments on the roberto thread. Spot on! And I can confirm that Fanno has not been stirring the pot. No idea who Archie or Orange are but I do agree with a lot of what they say! Interesting that Flappers used the word "mordant" to describe the org. Where did that come from? ; }
Hammersfan methinks you have a touch of 'Org' envy.
what is all this org and monkeys bullshit - i wanted to read about football and west ham
I deleted the long rant so here are the bullet points
Great blog: good points, humourous
spoilt by: obsession with scoring points over other sites
advice: rise above it
I've never even read any criticism of you other than on here so you are more than likely over estimating their importance anyway
Keep up the good work we've been supporting West Ham long enough to know that all you ever get is promise,dissapointment and deceit so remember the wolf should not worry about the sheep!
"It took a couple of hundred million years to develop a thinking ape and you want a smart one in a lousy few hundred thousand?"
* Spider Robinson, God is an Iron and Other Stories, (2002)
your not a west ham fan. go away
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