No surprise really given his softly softly interview with The Great Puppet Master, but that great self publicicist, Tory Boy and West Ham blogger Ian West Ham Til He Dies Dale is dribbling out the party line now, preparing the ground, it seems to me, for further departures in January. In order to emphasise his own importance and confirm the integrity of the Great Claret and Blue Machiavelli, Dale opens his article with the observation, "When I interviewed Scott Duxbury in June he warned that the club’s accounts, when filed, would not make happy reading. How right he was." Well as CEO, he should know Ian. The amazing thing is, that just three months earlier he claimed that the club were not in trouble financially.
From here, Dale goes on to justify the sale of Collins - "Perhaps this demonstrates just how vital that £5 million fee for James Collins really was" - before heading off criticism surrounding the possible sale of Upson with "although you’d have to say it would have been entirely understandable if they had sold Matthew Upson." So when Matty goes in January, we will all understand - even if it is to Tottenham!
In case anybody thinks that Scotty was in anyway responsible, friend Dale asserts, "I don’t think any of us can have imagined just how badly Eggert Magnusson’s spending spree had landed us in it." Well actually Ian, anybody with half a brain managed to put two and two together when Eggert was shown the door and we started selling off our first team and replacing them with loan players and "never never signings". The repeated failure to publish the accounts was also something of a giveaway - as this blog pointed out! Of course, Mr Duxbury was a member of the Board during Eggert's time, although apparently he didn't think it appropriate to ask how the signings and salaries were being funded! A minor oversight as I'm sure Ian will gladly confirm! And Mr Duxbury was just as much in the dark about the Third Party ownership of Tevez!
There is a danger that these accounts, "obtained by the Guardian" might paint so desperate a picture and so alarm the Three Monkeys Brigade that they might actually voice criticism, so Ian is quick to tell everybody, "I’m told that since these accounts were filed the financial situation has been stabilised. Well thank the Lord for that!" What a relief Ian, I was beginning to think the club was buggered!
Hmmm. I wonder who released the accounts to the Guardian and who told Dale that the financial situation has now been stabilised?
Is that a green eyed monster I see? I think it is.
Have Dale or Duxbury got green eyes? Dale certainly has very big eyes when he sees the pies!
Mr. Duxbury has apparently been looking in on Mrs. Dale's diary and is impressed by Tory boy's offer to lose two stone for charidy. He's decided to go one better and attempt to lose three first team players before next summer and is inviting donations. All funds received will be put towards the cost of renovating his eyebows and should be sent not to JustGiving but to JustTakingthePiss.
If your going to attack someone at least spell their name right mate.
As a west ham fan I feel ashamed that this blog is in anyway associated with my club, you constant self-righteous drivel verges on nauseous.
I can only imagine that this article is written out of pure jealousy of Iain's site, In the last 3 days Westhamtillidie has had well over 1500 comments, how many have you had you sad litte man?
Tories have always tried to claim to be part of the people whilst pandering to the money men and glossing over the truth and screwing "the people" why should Ian Dale or new labour be any different from all other Tories
jealous fool
OK so you have a problem with Iain Dale, that's fine but why have a dig at his weight as well???
You just make yourself look incredibly childish and completely undermine the already weak point that you're trying to make.
Duxbury, Dale, the org, Beano, Tootathem blah blah blah blah! Bore off for gods sake!
I don't like this Hammersfan chap but i must say i do agree with him about Scock Duxberry. How does he still have a job at west ham?! He has cost us millions.
Think you’ve done this one to death now. So many repeats you’re in danger of becoming The Dave of the blogging fraternity.
Ok, so Duxbury is the devil incarnate and by seeking to destroy a football club in East London is, in fact, furthering his aim of world domination, subduing the forces of good and punishing God for casting him out of heaven all those aeons ago. Eh? No, sorry it doesn’t make any sense to me either.
Come up with something new or we’ll all fall asleep or turn to another channel.
1341, why not? He made himself fat!
Why not? Because it demonstrates a complete lack of wit or intelligence. Because it's what children do, not grown men. I suppose you'll make a dig about him being gay next as well? Is that really how you've learnt how to judge people after 50+ years of life experience? By their weight or looks?
Surely you can dig a little deeper into your tiny mind to find something a bit more sophisticated than 'he's fat!'.
"Cut the insults guys, make your point and invite debate!"
The above is copied from 'your' blogging instructions on each page of this site.
Talk about hypocrisy, the majority of your articles and responses involve some form of insult to someone.
Hay Hammersfan, If you dont like or are just pathetically jealous Iain Dale simply dont go on his website.
Man, what a serious case of sour grapes!!!
1902, you are missing the point. Who is Mr Dale's "source"? The one who has now told him that we are close to landing Viduka (we will need a bloody big keep net!)as well. Would it be Duxbury perhaps? Do you know what the word "apologist" means? Well it seems to describe Iain Dale given his "on message" blog and cosy relationship with The Great Puppet Master.
1834, is he gay? Don't see how that is relevant. We don't choose our sexuality but we do choose how many pies we eat!
You don't get to choose your metabolic rate either.
Do you choose to be a complete t*at or is that simply what you are?
Oi! Marty, I certainly don't need renovating, awight?
I for one would like a reply to 19:00.
I guess you wouldn't make a good journalist, as you seem to be criticising Iain for his 'soft' questions. It wouldn't be considered an interesting or insightful interview if it was that soft, and you wouldn't get another interview again with your approach (which I doubt you would have the balls to take in front of the man).
"Is hammersfan overloading his boring blog?"
Metabollocks rate in the case of Mr Dale in my opinion. We can all suck up to the powers that be and take the King's shilling.
Back to that fanzine thing they all started out critical then towed the party line to get "special" privileges just like politicians too Stick to your principles and you're in the wasteland tow the line and your rise is meteoritic
Awkward questions need to be answered but for that you need awkward questions
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