"You've Never Had It So Good", "Tough on Crime and The Causes Of Crime", "Education, Education, Education", "Read My Lips, No More Taxes", can you remember any more great porkies? Well if you want a case study in spin, just check out the Official Site's take on our transfer "exploits". Bloody hell, we are surely stretching it a bit when Ilunga is referred to as a "new arrival" this summer. Wasn't he a West Ham player last September? I know we didn't own him then but if we apply that rule, why is the OS listing Jimenez as a "new arrival"? Come off it, you can't have it both ways!
Oh yes you can if you are Duxbury! Remember we weren't going to sell any of our first team players, only squad players? Well, except for Bellamy of course because he didn't want to stay but that money was going to be reinvested in the team: well £9m of the £14m anyway, except that wasn't £9m we spent on Savio apparently, more like £5m, so actually £9m sort of disappeared, just like the Ferdinand and McCartney money, which was another £14m for two first team players. And then there is Collins of course. Correct me if I am wrong but hasn't he been a first team player for the best part of a year now? Hasn't he played in all three Premier League games this season? But that money was needed for a striker so we had to sell him...except that striker wouldn't join us so that money has been used to...well let's not talk about that shall we?
But don't worry guys, we have da Costa, Spector and Kovac to cover for the centre back positions! We don't have cover for the right or left back positions of course but let's not talk about that either. We have Faubert as first choice right back, who we were desperately trying to offload a month ago!
And up front? Dixon is nearly ready for the reserves! And Ashton is still here only with an ankle injury. Oh and Zola has been tracking an out of contract striker for a month now! Well that's alright then isn't it? All we have to do is persuade the guy to join us, get him match fit and then hope he is better than the club who let him go thought he was! Great stuff, why were we ever worried? I mean look at how successful Tristan proved to be!
Want to read the bull in full, I carry it below. And if you are mug enough to swallow it, I have a second hand car I want to sell you!
"West Ham United can confirm the departure of James Collins has concluded the club's business during the transfer window. Attempts were made on Tuesday to finalise negotiations for another forward to complement the existing attack that already boasts England striker Carlton Cole and was boosted further by Alessandro Diamanti's arrival from AS Livorno Calcio on Friday. Terms were agreed with the selling club but the player was unwilling to join. Gianluca Nani and Gianfranco Zola are now discussing the possibility of an out of contract striker joining the club, who has been tracked in the past month. Further updates will be provided as and when available here on whufc.com.
With the team next in action at Wigan Athletic on Saturday week, Zola should have a near-full complement to choose from including the fit-again Valon Behrami. Only Luis Boa Morte (knee) and Ashton (ankle) are not in training with the first team while Terry Dixon, the other long-term absentee, is close to a reserves return after his long absence with knee problems.
Collins joined Aston Villa on a four-year contract for an undisclosed fee after passing a medical on Tuesday afternoon. The Wales defender leaves the Boleyn Ground after four years at the club, during which time the 26-year-old made 65 league and cup appearances, scoring twice. With Matthew Upson, James Tomkins, Danny Gabbidon, Jonathan Spector and Radoslav Kovac, a permanent signing from Spartak Moscow, already at the club, plus Manuel Da Costa arriving from ACF Fiorentina, the manager has good options at centre-back. The other new recruits this summer have been goalkeeper Peter Kurucz, left-backs Fabio Daprela and Herita Ilunga and the attacking midfielder Luis Jimenez."
listen mate your posts are just a waste of space and your opinion doesnt benefit anyone by continuously moaning.
every post i see on this blog puts a downer on things, i have a season ticket and i love west ham therefore i am sick and tired of this bloody website trying to find things to moan about.if you want to be a real SUPPORTER go to the games and support our team otherwise sut the fuck up unless you have something better and more positive to say.
this isnt a debate this a sarcastic rant which doesnt add up. So stop being such a pessimist and support the club you MUG.
So what do we all reckon Dux spent transfer deadline day doing
A) scurrying round looking to tie up deals with some of the best players in European football
B)sat by his heated indoor pool tapping that shit into his laptop
Answers on a postcard
Deane, there are so many West Ham mugs out there that I only need to sell one car to each of them to move every clunker in South East England.
I've filled in my postcard!
Rocket science? Looks more like "Sky rocket" engineering to me.
I wouldn't normally comment on these sort of things but I have to agree with anon, this site is so depressing.
How long have you supported West Ham for exactly? Surely you're used to it by now. If we were successful and professional it wouldn't be half as fun!
Is there anyway I can stop this site coming up on newsnow because I seem to fall for this non-news everytime!
Failing that, just cheer up please, ta.
"Deane, there are so many West Ham mugs out there that I only need to sell one car to each of them to move every clunker in South East England."
So when you have exhausted your latest topic you then turn on those people who support the club?
I'm sure the people with season tickets, who follow the club around the country week in, week out and have legitimate complaint about the club revenue disappearing thank you for channeling their disappointment from your Ivory Tower.
We are seriously fucked, owned by a bank who are determined to use the most viable of BG's assets to recoup as much money as possible.
No whether it is down to Duxbury, Benherdt, Zola, Curbs, whoever we have not had a massive firesale.
Sure we are steadily losing players - players we could do with keeping - but through our home grown players we are keeping are head above water and have bolstered our squad with Jimenez and Dimante in attack, Nouble who could make the grade, bought in some utility players for defensive cover.
Is it great? No, but considering our position it could be a whole lot worse.
I think the objection to this blog is summed up in the first reply. There are far more constructive ways of criticism, handled in a better way that actually might reach the club, yet alone Duxbury which would at least be registered as a serious concern.
For what it's worth - good luck selling the clunkers, for all your criticism of Duxbury you write like a second hand car salesman.
try and stop insulting West Ham fans, it does make your little internet name slightly ironic.
all this claptrap from the official site (pravda morelike)is no different to the rubbish spouted for the last 30 year's at least.most w ham fan's i know are an optimistic bunch,but we have alway's been let down,nothing ever change's.they feed us bullshit non stop,because they know we will still roll up come rain or shine.how long before zola&clark ride off into the sunset followed by ghosted articles in various paper's telling us that they found it impossible to work with player's that they did not want but were forced on to the club by that well known double act of messrs nani/duxbury.it will all end in tears(as usual)something west ham fan's know all about).
It's not that we're mugs - it's just the spin doesn't bother us as much as it does you. what would you prefer? We are about to sell Ferdinand and McCartney for a good sum and we're actually not going to buy any new players with it because we are FLAT BROKE for a number of reasons, the thieving Brown, the slimy Duxberry and the dodgy Icelandics...hope that's ok with all you West Ham Fans. How's that for you Hammersfan? Make you any happier? I doubt it. Yeah spin is bad but honesty is f'n overrated as the best policy, honesty sometimes incites great violence. You may call this spin but others may call it discretion or being plain sensible. I for one don't give an f about the spin involved here, in fact if it dampens the reality somewhat then so be it, like they say about heroes, don't give me the truth give me the myth. Saying that, you paint a much uglier picture than the real one. Diamanti a Serie B striker? No, he's now (or was albeit briefly) a Serie A striker, which apparently had a lot to do with the fiery player himself, it's more than I can say for Ashton who did f all to help Norwich break into the premiership, they never even came close, so why can't Diamanti be our new Ashton with stronger ankles? Have some faith, don't be completely bitter about your team, try to be at least a little bit positive sometimes, you are the ultimate doom and gloom merchant of West Ham fans, you just don't appear to be having any fun unless you're bringing the whole team down. My dad's very much like you, always focusing on the negative, for him the light at the end of the tunnel will always be an oncoming train.
The spin is all yours. The club has been honest from the outset.
Yesterday's statement, whilst the news may have been unpalatable to some, was merely to keep us (the fans) informed. Duxbury knew that we would be disappointed by the failure to land a much needed striker.
There was no gloss put on it, no spin, just a clear account of the events that unfurled.
We were desperate for a striker and had exhausted all other avenues, no loan deal could be done. It appears that only buying outright would suffice. Thus Collins was reluctantly sacrificed to give us the funds.
I'm guessing that the player was Chamakh and we may well have agreed terms with his club, but the player ultimately turned us down. I imagine that all at the club feel extremely aggrieved by this turn of events. We appear to have been led on by the player.
This was not a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the fans while selling off our players to raise money to placate Straumur's creditors. If that were the case we would have sold Upson, Green, Parker and/or Cole all who would have gone for more than the £5 million we received for Collins.
Very often the truth is not what we want to hear but it does not alter the fact that it is the truth.
Friends of Duxbury.
C'mon on people lighten up, whether the club lie or not, buy or sell or just decide hey sod it and close down we,ll never have a say so what's up with ranting on the net? It's more fun than having to watch a Big Sam team play every week
Get into the swing of things have some fun call McAvennie a ginger twat, if you like, you'll be wrong and I'd threaten to set Di Canio on you but it ain't going to happen, so smile and enjoy the passion of the greatest set of fans and the greatest football club (well that I've slated anyway)Now have fun, smile and have a cyber rant and if you don't play nice I'll get Duxberry to get Glen Roeder back
"so why can't Diamanti be our new Ashton with stronger ankles?"
that is the funniest thing i have ever read on this site!
great comment.
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