Grumpy and the Claret and Blue Klan will be turning headstands at the prospect of Franco joining West Ham. At last, another right wing fascist in the team, the heir apparent to the great Mussolini loving Paulo di Canio! Or did I misread that press release?
Paolo Di Canio A Fascist maybe but a charming man a fantastic footballer and a dedicated professional and one of my all time West Ham footballing heroes fortunately with no political influence
So as a footballer I admire him, as a man he was charming (admittedly we only spoke briefly a few times but you can only judge what you see)as a politician he probably would have been as dangerous as Nick Griffin but he's not he's a, sorry was, a great footballer that I feel honoured to have seen play for my team
A man should not be persecuted for his beliefs but only shown the way if he is wrong
You have really upset people now two sites gunning for u today. great fun.How will you handle it i wonder?
Which two sites?
Pointless and pathetic.
Same as usual.
Maybe we can all club together buy you a sense of humour that is actually amusing.
Who knows one day maybe you'll lighten up and say something approaching positive.
Well if we have signed General Franco, it might explain why we got him on a 'free'. He'd surely be out of contract by now having been dead for the past 34 years.
You and Franco may have more in common than you'd think. Both petty propagandists characterised by paranoic squabbling and incoherent rants.
1414, good point - but Ashton is still under contract!
Only in.org and kumb. I learned of your many persona's el martello saltbushbill lbm orange ect ect ps keep up the good work.
sorry mistake WHTID not KUMB
LOL WHTID? Don't they like me over there? I blame Duxbury!!!!!
If you believe the orgsters, you are one of my alter egos. Truth is, all the ones they claim are me aren't, but they keep chatting away to me on the org not realising it is me. It's no as if I haven't told them who I am, they just don't want to believe it!
Even funnier, the glove puppet Nev has deleted posts claiming the shadow of Fanno. Seems "Len" has been fingered this time, but Len aint Fanno. Mind you, Fanno didn't like him and is pleased he is gone! ; }
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